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Everything posted by trq

  1. I'm not sure I would consider Ruby more difficult than Python. Then again though, once you know one language, others are easier to pickup. PHP is however the easiest of the three. Hence, so many newbs are building sites without really knowing anything about what they are actually doing.
  2. Well, that's not exactly something we can help with.
  3. You simply need three database columns. name, colour and sequence. With that in mind, are you still stuck?
  4. If you declare $DatabaseInteracter as protected within your BaseObject it will be available within all child classes.
  5. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=362098.0
  6. No it's not a good idea to pass a controller to a Model. Generally you call Models from the controller. I don't see your issue.
  7. Still, it produces a response. Have you heard of firebug? Use it.
  8. This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=362043.0
  9. This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=362096.0
  10. What does mysql_error() produce?
  11. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=362089.0
  12. That is likely how they do it. Just with a little mod_rewrite in the mix.
  13. upload_url: "upload-file.php?album_id=<?php echo $album_id; ?>",
  14. You might need to supply the full path to mysqldump. eg; /usr/local/bin/mysqldump nameofdb | gzip > nameofdb.bkp.sql.gz You will likely also need to pass it a user and password.
  15. Is there a particular reason you need php to do this? It can be done simply enough from the command line. mysqldump nameofdb | gzip > nameofdb.bkp.sql.gz If you need it to be done via php you can use exec to execute this same command.
  16. Not Ajax specifically, but it's better done client side with JavaScript.
  17. Of course it's possible, have you tried it? <?php $image = "image_name.jpg"; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image);
  18. trq

    PHP Mailer

    I assume you have an email server installed and configured?
  19. I wouldn't say easy no, but doable given the time.
  20. Python is an awesome language. If you have the time to invest, Django is meant to be a great framework as well. Ruby (and Rails) are also really popular at the moment and there is a massive community behind it. Have you looked at node.js ? It's a bit different but getting more and more popular. Not exactly something I would build an entire site with though. You might also take a look at some of the client side frameworks. While jQuery is still really popular there are better (IMO) frameworks around. Backbone.js being one I would like to spend more time with.
  21. This topic has been moved to Linux. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/index.php?topic=361990.0
  22. trq

    Cron won't run.

    Does this script have <?php ?> tags? Your also not telling cron to use php to execute the script. This: /home/myname/cronjobs/runthis.php Needs to be something like: /path/to/php /home/myname/cronjobs/runthis.php
  23. Yes it can be done with Wordpress. It's just php. Each of the sites you mentioned have documentation on the subject, have you read them?
  24. Use an alias. eg; SELECT tbl1.col AS foo, tbl2.col AS bar
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