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Everything posted by prohor

  1. I am trying to display a dropdown list based on JSON response object, How I can set it for the following code? in html <select class="form-control" name="productCategories[]" id="productCategories<?php echo $x; ?>" onchange="getProductData(<?php echo $x; ?>)" > </select> in javascript $.ajax({ url: 'php_action/fetchDropdownProductData.php', type: 'post', data: {brandId : brandId}, dataType: 'json', success:function(response) { var html = '<option value="">Select Sub Category</option>'; html += response; $("#productCategories"+row).html(html); } // /success });
  2. Thank you. As you can see in the talbe "cust_id = 126" has paid 101,5000,1000 are the sell payment but the "inctype_id = 11" is the only due payment out of inc_due = "500" + "500" =1000 -> so there should be due_left = 1000-100=900 . This is what I want to calculate and display for each cust_id, if any cust_id does not have dues, it should display due_left = 0
  3. I am trying to implement this for two days now but stuck with logics ! Please help. What I can get the due left of every person easily for the following table [image attached] - table link: https://ibb.co/xC53Cf4 where 1.inc_due is the column to get total due for specific person like cust_id 2. inctype_id =11 is the type of dues paid for specific person (cust_id) 3. echo only due left by cust_id or person id
  4. I have become able to display due data in due column but the same value is showing for each customer - what is the wrong I am doing? Here is the code, please somebody help! while ($row_custact = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_custact)){ $currentuser = $row_custact['cust_id']; $sql_inccur ="SELECT i.inc_date, t.inctype_type, i.inc_amount, i.inc_text, c.cust_no, c.cust_name, i.inc_receipt From customer AS c LEFT JOIN incomes AS i ON c.cust_id = i.cust_id LEFT JOIN inctype AS t ON i.inctype_id = t.inctype_id WHERE c.cust_id = '$currentuser' ORDER BY inc_date DESC"; $query_inccur = mysqli_query($db_link, $sql_inccur); checkSQL($db_link, $query_inccur); while ($row_inccur = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_inccur)){ $inc_amount = $row_inccur['inc_amount']; $inc_text = $row_inccur['inc_text']; //Iterate over income types and add matching incomes to $total $total_row = $total_row + $row_inccur['inc_amount']; $total_paid = $total_paid + $total_row; // part for total due finding.. and "inc_text" is due column $total_row_due = $total_row_due + $row_inccur['inc_text']; $total_due = $total_due + $total_row_due; // this part gathers only total due paied for an account if($row_inccur['inctype_type']=='Duepay') { $total_duepay = $total_duepay + $row_inccur['inc_amount']; } $remaining_due = $total_row_due - $total_duepay; //echo $remaining_due; } //echo $currentuser; echo '<tr> <td> <a href="customer.php?cust='.$row_custact['cust_id'].'">'.$row_custact['cust_no'].'</a> </td> <td>'.$row_custact['cust_name'].'</td> <td>'.$row_custact['custsex_name'].'</td> <td> '.$remaining_due. ' // showing due left, here is the problem </td> <td>'.$row_custact['cust_address'].'</td> <td>'.$row_custact['cust_phone'].'</td> <td>'.date("d.m.Y",$row_custact['cust_since']).'</td> </tr>'; }
  5. Thank you @MPM sir, Yes. The image is saved in E drive of my local storage under windows 10 Operating system. and it is well bellow in size of allowed file size. It is only 20KB. How I can set Mysql to upload from local file storage When My server is running under C drive of the same operating system? I also do not know how to find the default folder / directory to keep file and upload. Thank you again sir.
  6. Thank you sir, @Barand, it is a file less than 20KB when Maximum is 1MB set. And what is or how I can find the local directory for WAMP server based Mysql server? " If the secure_file_priv system variable is set to a nonempty directory name, the file to be loaded must be located in that directory. " The image is saved in E drive of my local storage under windows 10 Operating system. Thank you once again sir for spending your valuable time to help me.
  7. Hello sir, I am trying to inset a small image img.png (57.7KB) into mysql database. Table structure is id(int) and image(blob). I directly inserting image can cause problems but I need this for test purpose. I can insert the image using localhost/phpmyadmin but when I try command-line using the following command: insert into image(id,image) values (2,load_file('f:\img.png')); or insert into image(id,image) values (2,load_file('f:\\img.png')); error occurs :- ERROR 1048 (23000): Column ‘image’ cannot be null I am using windws 10 os and WampServer 3.1.7 64 bit. (mysql 5.7.24) Please help.
  8. I want to change text fields background color only for placeholder text. What will change from "green" to "white" when any text is inserted. I want to keep it different when mouse over it. I wrote a code but text field's background color get's back to geen again after cursor taking away after text insertion. I have a input box in html form <input type="text" id="Editbox4" style="position:absolute;left:50px;top:458px;width:328px;height:30px;line-height:26px;z-index:4;" name="phone" value="" placeholder="Enter Phone Number" > and for css properties: #Editbox4 { background-color: green; color : yellow; } #Editbox4:focus { background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; } #Editbox4:hover{ background-color: white; } #Editbox4:hover::-webkit-input-placeholder{color:yello;} What is wrong, how to fix? Please help.
  9. @ Jacques1 << thank you very much. it solved my problem! <meta charset="utf-8"> was there but your "mysqli::set_charset()" link solved my problem. I added my code and looks like bellow <?php $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "sumonn"); // this lines solved my problme, changing latin1 to utf8 after connction (start) if (!mysqli_set_charset($connect, "utf8")) { printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", mysqli_error($connect)); exit(); } else { printf("Current character set: %s\n", mysqli_character_set_name($connect)); } // this was the last line of my changed code $sql=("SELECT * FROM `notice` ORDER BY id DESC limit 1" ); $result_set=mysqli_query($connect,$sql); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result_set)) { echo $row['notice']; } if (!mysqli_set_charset($connect, "utf8")) { printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", mysqli_error($connect)); exit(); } else { printf("Current character set: %s\n", mysqli_character_set_name($connect)); } ?> Hope it will help others like mine.
  10. I want to retrieve unicode based (Bengali language) data from mysql (wamp server 3 is running). I have inserted data using PhpMyAdmin and can read the font. but when I tried to read using php in html it just shows '?????' ! I know it is creating problem with unicode data. any solution?? how I can handle in PHP when I can read data from PhpMyAdmin ? my code is: for lastest row only PHP Code: <?php $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "sumonn"); $sql=("SELECT * FROM `notice` ORDER BY id DESC limit 1" ); $result_set=mysqli_query($connect,$sql); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result_set)) { echo $row['notice']; } ?> Please help!
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