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Everything posted by Yranac

  1. Hi everyone. i am trying to calculate inbreeding in a canary pedigree page http://www.pedigricced.com i tried with the code from this old post: https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/292600-calculating-inbreeding-on-a-10-generation-pedigree/ but i am not really sure it is working properly, Could i get some help? some recent version? i post my code, i only changed the fill of the array, i fill it with $badape2 = $pajaro->arraycompleto($con); all the rest is same code... <?php function coeficiente_consanguinidad($dogid, $padre = 0, $madre = 0){ include_once('class/conexion.php'); include_once('class/pajaro.php'); $con = new conexion(); $con->conectar(); $con->selecciona_db(); $pajaro = new pajaro(); $badape2 = $pajaro->arraycompleto($con); if($padre != 0 && $madre != 0){ $badape2[$dogid] = array($padre, $madre, "pajaro virtual"); } //print_r($badape2); // // ARRAY OF DOGS // id => [sire, dam, name] // /*$badape2 = array ( 5722 => array ( 0 => 2292, 1 => 3266, 2 => 'Nimh\'s Delorean', ), 2292 => array ( 0 => 2743, 1 => 2289, 2 => 'Dog B', ), 2743 => array ( 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 'Dog C', ), 2289 => array ( 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 'Dog E', ), 3266 => array ( 0 => 2743, 1 => 3263, 2 => 'Dog F', ), 3263 => array ( 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 'Dog H', ) );*/ //var_dump($badape2); // // CALCULATE INBREEDING COEFFICIENTS // //echo "<pre>\n"; return COI($dogid, $badape2); //echo "</pre>\n"; } // // FUNCTIONS // function getAncestors($id, &$badape2, &$ancests, $path) { if ($id==0) return; $ancests[$id][] = $path; if (isset($badape2[$id]) ) { getAncestors($badape2[$id][0], $badape2, $ancests, $path.$badape2[$id][0].','); getAncestors($badape2[$id][1], $badape2, $ancests, $path.$badape2[$id][1].','); } } function COI($id, &$badape2) { if ($id==0) return 0; $sires = $dams = array(); getAncestors($badape2[$id][0], $badape2, $sires, ''); getAncestors($badape2[$id][1], $badape2, $dams, ''); $result=0; foreach ($sires as $did=>$dists) { if (isset($dams[$did])) { $distd = $dams[$did]; foreach ($dists as $paths) { foreach ($distd as $pathd) { $ds = count(explode(',', $paths)); $dd = count(explode(',', $pathd)); if ($paths==$pathd && $ds>2) continue; $sumd = $ds + $dd-1; $intermed = pow(0.5, $sumd) * (1 + COI($did, $badape2)); $result += $intermed; //printf("| %5s | %8.4f | %12s | %12s |\n", $badape2[$did][2], $intermed, $paths, $pathd); } } } } return $result; } function generaciones_equivalentes($codpajaro, $nivel){ $retorno = 0; $divisor = $nivel * 2; //cada vez que llamamos a la funciĆ³n el "peso" del pajaro es menor en el numero de generaciones equivalentes include_once('class/conexion.php'); include_once('class/pajaro.php'); $con = new conexion(); $con->conectar(); $con->selecciona_db(); $pajaro = new pajaro(); $pajaro->porcodigo($con, $codpajaro); if($pajaro->idpadre != 0){ $retorno = $retorno + (1 / $divisor) + generaciones_equivalentes($pajaro->idpadre, $divisor); } if($pajaro->idmadre != 0){ $retorno = $retorno + (1 / $divisor) + generaciones_equivalentes($pajaro->idmadre, $divisor); } return $retorno; } ?> thanks for help
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