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Everything posted by Chrisj

  1. I'm using the PHPmotion script, with a use-a-credit to view-a-video mod. When the user logs out, the viewed video should not be available again to view, until he logs back in and chooses it chooses it, via a credit, but it is still available when he logs back in. Any ideas on what file may be responsible for what I guess you could call 'clearing the session'? Any guidance will move me towards a remedy, thanks
  2. I'm looking for help with the some log-out issues with the PHPmotion script
  3. I'm using the PHPmotion script. I've changed the URL in SiteAdmin from http://www.url.com to simply www.url.com, so that it will work with an SSL. And then proceeded to change the base url code, in the main page, by simply changing [var.base.url]/themes/main.css to ../themes/main.css etc. so that the site appears the same. Simple path changes like that. The file that I'm stumped with is the inner_member_profile.htm which is for the My Account part of the script. In this user account, thumbnail images of the users' uploaded videos appear there in their Profile. Below the row of thumbnails are page number links 1 2 3 4 Next >> Before the change, I could page to the next page of thumbnails, but not after the change. So, now when I right click any of the (page) numbers I see this: javascript:void(0) I'm sure it's not a big code issue, but I'm not as familiar with html, or php, as you may be. The code that I can see that presents these numbers there is: <!-- Media Pagination start --> <div class="MP_pagination"> <!--[onload_802;block=div;when [var.load_media]=1;comm]--> <ul> <li><font color="#000000">[var.show_pages_vids;htmlconv=no]</font></li> </ul> </div> <!-- Media Pagination end --> Any ideas? Any help will be appreciated.
  4. Thanks, but with all due respect, I could research this on line via google, but I am hoping to get some specific code help here, on this forum, regarding changing the color of the placeholder text only for this specific line code. Thanks again for any specific help.
  5. Thanks for that reply and link. Much appreciated. Can you please tell me how I can change the font color of the text that replaces: "default value" ? Thanks again
  6. Thank you for your reply. Well, I'm looking for another solution then, if the placeholder doesn't work on all browsers. Any additional help will be appreciated.
  7. Thanks for your reply, however I tried this and it didn't affect the Form at all: <input type="text" name="keyword" id="sbi1" size="20" placeholder="Enter keywords" value="" onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value='';"> Any additional help will be appreciated
  8. I have this Form code that works successfully to Search a web site (below). How can I add text in the field/box that will disappear when the field/box is selected to add search keywords to? Also, how can I widen the field/box? Any help/examples/suggestions will be appreciated. <form method="get" action="search.php"> <div id="siteSearch"> Enter Search Words <img src="themes/default/images/arrow-red.png"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="videos"/> <input type="text" name="keyword" id="sbi1" value="" onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value='';"> <input type="image" align="middle" src="images/search.png" name="sa" value="Search" id="mySearch"/><br/> </div> </form> Thanks
  9. I'm trying to change the phpmotion script so that upon logging in, a user goes directly to the upload page. I've accomplished that, but after browse > select > upload there nothing happens. I suspect that the previous page (that I've skipped over) needs to be completed first, it's the video_upload_form.htm. Is there a way I can mod the form so it's always completed? Or so it's not required? Here's what appears on the upload page (the form part of the upload page video_upload.htm), which may help you help me: <!-- Start Upload Form --> <form name="form_upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="[var.path_to_upload_script]" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"> <noscript><input type="hidden" name="no_script" value="1" /></noscript> <input type="hidden" name="title" value="[var.title]" /> <input type="hidden" name="description" value="[var.description]" /> <input type="hidden" name="tags" value="[var.tags]" /> <input type="hidden" name="location_recorded" value="[var.location_recorded]" /> <input type="hidden" name="allow_comments" value="[var.allow_comments]" /> <input type="hidden" name="allow_embedding" value="[var.allow_embedding]" /> <input type="hidden" name="public_private" value="[var.public_private]" /> <input type="hidden" name="channel" value="[var.channel]" /> <input type="hidden" name="channel_name" value="[var.channel_name]" /> <input type="hidden" name="sub_cat" value="[var.sub_cat]" /> <input type="hidden" name="form_submitted" value="yes" /> <div id="upload_slots"><span class="font5_16"><b><br/><font size="3" color="#800000" face="Arial">[var.lang_please_upload] </b></font></span><br/><br/><input type="file" name="upfile_0" size="72" value="" /></div> <noscript><br/><input type="reset" name="no_script_reset" value="Reset" /> <input type="submit" name="no_script_submit" value="Upload" /></noscript> </form> <!-- End Upload Form --> I'd be glad to provide the upload_video_form.htm code also. Any help/suggestion-to-try will be appreciated
  10. Thanks for all the help. Please tell me how to " call the exit function after calling a location header() function! "
  11. I'd like to change this code so that upon logging-in the user is redirected to upload.php. Can you help as to where in this code to make that change, please? <?php error_reporting (E_ALL); include_once ('classes/config.php'); include_once ('classes/sessions.php'); if ( $enable_forum == 1 ) header("Location: " . $smf_bridge_register); $referer = $_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER]; if ( !ereg ($base_url, $referer) ) $referer = $base_url; $type = mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['type'] ); if ( $_POST['submitted'] != 'yes' ) { $show_signup = 0; $show_login = 1; if ( !isset($form_submitted) || ($form_submitted == '') ) { if ( defined('SMF_INSTALLED') ) $show_login = 2; $template = "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm"; $inner_template1 = "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_signup_form.htm"; $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong; $TBS->NoErr = true; $TBS->LoadTemplate("$template"); $TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT; $TBS->Show(); @mysql_close(); die(); } } if ( $_POST['submitted'] == 'yes' && !isset($_POST['user_name_login']) || ($_POST['user_name_login'] == '') || !isset($_POST['password_login']) || ($_POST['password_login'] == '')) { //display form with error message $error_message = $config['incorrect_logins']; $message_type = $lang_error; $blk_notification = 1; $show_signup = 0; $show_login = 1; $template = "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm"; $inner_template1 = "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_signup_form.htm"; $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong; $TBS->NoErr = true; $TBS->LoadTemplate("$template"); $TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT; $TBS->Show(); @mysql_close(); die(); } // GET LOGIN INFORMATION AND CHECK AGAINST DATABASE $user_name_login = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user_name_login']); $password_login = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password_login']); $password_login = md5($password_login); $remember_me = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['remember_me']); $cookie_time = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['cookie_time']); $referer_url = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['referer_url']); $config_redirect = 'yes'; if ($cookie_time == '-1' ) $cookie_time = 43200; // case insensitive login and registration $user_name_login = strtolower($user_name_login); $sql = "SELECT user_name, password FROM member_profile WHERE user_name = '$user_name_login' AND password = '$password_login'"; $query = @mysql_query($sql); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($query); $result_display_username = $result['user_name']; $result_username = strtolower($result['user_name']); if ( $result_username == $user_name_login ) { //success login - checkinng if user has confirmed email $sql = "SELECT user_name, user_id, password, passwordSalt, account_status FROM member_profile WHERE user_name = '$user_name_login' AND password = '$password_login'"; $query = @mysql_query($sql); $outcome = @mysql_fetch_array($query); $result = $outcome['account_status']; if ( $result == 'new' ) { //email not confirmed $notification_type = $config['notification_error']; $message = $config['email_not_confirmed']; $blk_notification = 1; $template = "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm"; $inner_template1 = "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_notification.htm"; $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong; $TBS->NoErr = true; $TBS->LoadTemplate("$template"); $TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT; $TBS->Show(); @mysql_close(); die(); } elseif( $result == 'suspended' ) { //account suspended $notification_type = $config['notification_error']; $error_message = $config['account_suspended']; $blk_notification = 1; $template = "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm"; $inner_template1 = "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_notification.htm"; $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong; $TBS->NoErr = true; $TBS->LoadTemplate("$template"); $TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT; $TBS->Show(); @mysql_close(); die(); } elseif( $result == 'active' ) { @session_start(); @session_register('user_id'); @session_register('user_name'); @session_register('user_group'); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $outcome['user_id']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $result_display_username; $_SESSION['user_group'] = $outcome['user_group']; $password = $outcome['password']; $passwordSalt = $outcome['passwordSalt']; $loggedin = 1; // remember me if ( $remember_me == 'remember_me' ) { $how_long = (60 * $cookie_time); $cookie_pass = sha1( sha1($password) . sha1($passwordSalt) ); setcookie('user', $result_display_username, time()+$how_long); setcookie('pass', $cookie_pass, time()+$how_long); } header("Location: index.php"); /* if ( $referer_url == '' ) $referer_url = "index.php"; if ($config_redirect == 'yes') { header("Location: $referer_url"); //redirect to last page } else { header("Location: " . "index.php"); //redirect to Myaccount page } */ } } else { //display form with error message $error_message = $config['incorrect_logins']; $message_type = $lang_error; $blk_notification = 1; $show_login = 1; $template = "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm"; $inner_template1 = "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_signup_form.htm"; $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong; $TBS->NoErr = true; $TBS->LoadTemplate("$template"); $TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT; $TBS->Show(); @mysql_close(); die(); } ?> Thanks
  12. Is there any way to block a web visitor from seeing the code of my php web site, when they right-click > View Source? Or at least blocking them from copying the code that they see when they right-click > View Source?
  13. I'm looking for a fairly simple upload script for a web page to upload video files, just one at a time, to a private folder, so that I could download them later, with maybe a progress bar. A free one would be prefered. Thanks
  14. This code; gb_page_center creates a pop-up to show another page, as hsow in the attched image. As you can see by the horizontal scrolling blue bar (at the bottom of the pop-up (greybox)), and the vertical scrolling blue bar (on the right side of the pop-up box), the video player can be centered by using those scroll bars manually. However, I'd like just the video player to be in the center of the pop-up box, without the blue scroll bars being there at all, when the box pops-up. Presently the line of code is: <a href="videos/[blk1.vid_id;block=div]/" rel="gb_page_center[470,370]" style="float:right"><br /> How can I put the player in the box, and without the scroll bars? Any suggestions/help/remedy will be appreciated.
  15. This Form works on another page on the site. But I'd like a log-in form also on the home page. A. I'd like to add this as the submit button: 1.src="images/login.png" B. And I'd like to remove the options. (But when I remove the "select area" the form won't work). Can you help me modify this working form with my above A. & B. requests? ]<form action="login.php" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="middletext"> <p> <style type="text/css"> .form_label { font-size: 100%; color: #000000; } #user_name_login { width: 70px; } #password_login { width: 40px; } </style> <label for="user_name_login" class="form_label"> Username </label> <input type="text" name="user_name_login" id="user_name_login" size="10" /> 1<label for="password_login" class="form_label"> Password </label> <input type="password" name="password_login" size="10" /> <select name="cookie_time" class="login-field"> <option value="1440">[var.lang_1_day]</option> <option value="10080">[var.lang_1_week]</option> <option value="43200">[var.lang_1_month]</option> <option value="-1" selected="selected">[var.lang_forever]</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="[var.lang_login_now]" class="button-form" /> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="remember_me" value="remember_me" /> <input type="hidden" name="referer_url" value="[var.referer]"> </p> </form>
  16. Thanks for your reply. However, I don't know what you mean by: "CSS. Whatever you have applying to regular and submit images probably isn't applying to the button>img. [edit] Maybe your CSS is removing borders on a>imgs only?
  17. Psycho's reply code didn't show a border, it showed the correct image, but when selected, it doesn't take me to href='page.php?page=9', it takes me to the location of another button in a line of code above it.
  18. Thanks for the replys. The Button worked, except the image has a black rectangle line border around it. How do I get rid of that?
  19. How do I add an image to this button? <input type="button" name="search" value="Search Again" onclick="window.location.href='page.php?page=9';" style="margin:7px 0" style="padding:1px 2px 1px 2px">
  20. I'm using a php script. I received help modding version 1 of the script, which added this single line to the session file: $member_credits = get_member_credits($user_id); As seen here in this version 1 sessions file: <?php validate_user($_COOKIE['user']); // set user vars for passing around each php page $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $user_name = $_SESSION['user_name']; $user_group = $_SESSION['user_group']; //get some basic user things like email for logged in members if ( $user_id != '' ) { $loggedin = 1; $login_out = $config['logout_text']; $login_out_link = 'logout.php'; $register_menu = $config['fav_menu']; $register_menu_link = 'myfavorites.php'; require_once('functions.inc.php'); $member_credits = get_member_credits($user_id); //email inbox $sql = "SELECT indexer FROM messages WHERE to_id = '$user_id' AND email_read = 'no'"; $number_of_emails = @mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($sql)); $show_email_count = 1; if ( $number_of_emails == '' ) $number_of_emails = 0; //Friend Invites $sql = "SELECT * FROM friends WHERE friends_id = '$user_id' AND invitation_status ='pending'"; $number_of_invites = @mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($sql)); $show_invites_count = 1; //show My favs link $show_my_favs = 1; //show My account link $show_my_account = 1; //do not show signup link $show_register = ''; } else { $show_register = 1; } ?> Version 2, which I've upgraded to, has a new session file. Can you please tell me where the appropriate place to add this line: $member_credits = get_member_credits($user_id); intto this new version 2 session file, please? ?php validate_user($_COOKIE['user']); // set user vars for passing around each php page $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $user_name = $_SESSION['user_name']; $user_group = $_SESSION['user_group']; $sql = "SELECT user_id, user_name, account_status FROM member_profile WHERE user_id = '$user_id'"; $query = @mysql_query($sql); $outcome = @mysql_fetch_array($query); $result = $outcome['account_status']; $result_user = $outcome['user_name']; if ($result_user == '') { $user_id = ''; $user_name = ''; $_SESSION['user_id'] = NULL; $_SESSION['user_name'] = NULL; $_SESSION['user_group'] = NULL; $_SESSION['admin_logged'] = NULL; @session_start(); @session_destroy(); foreach ( $_COOKIE as $key => $value ) { $logout = ''; setcookie($key, $logout); } foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) { $_SESSION[$key] = NULL; unset($_SESSION[$key]); } } if ( $result == 'suspended' ) { $user_id = ''; $user_name = ''; $_SESSION['user_id'] = NULL; $_SESSION['user_name'] = NULL; $_SESSION['user_group'] = NULL; $_SESSION['admin_logged'] = NULL; @session_start(); @session_destroy(); foreach ( $_COOKIE as $key => $value ) { $logout = ''; setcookie($key, $logout); } foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) { $_SESSION[$key] = NULL; unset($_SESSION[$key]); } //account suspended $notification_type = $config['notification_error']; $error_message = $config['account_suspended']; $blk_notification = 1; $template = "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm"; $inner_template1 = "themes/$user_theme/templates/inner_notification.htm"; $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong; $TBS->NoErr = true; $TBS->LoadTemplate("$template"); $TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT; $TBS->Show(); @mysql_close(); die(); } //get some basic user things like email for logged in members if ( $user_id != '' ) { if ( defined('SMF_INSTALLED') ) { $loggedin = 1; $login_out = $config['logout_text']; $login_out_link = 'logout.php'; $register_menu = $config['fav_menu']; } else { $loggedin = 1; $login_out = $config['logout_text']; $login_out_link = 'logout.php'; $register_menu = $config['fav_menu']; } //email inbox $sql = "SELECT indexer FROM messages WHERE to_id = '$user_id' AND email_read = 'no'"; $number_of_emails = @mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($sql)); $show_email_count = 1; //Friend Invites $sql = "SELECT * FROM friends WHERE friends_id = '$user_id' AND invitation_status ='pending'"; $number_of_invites = @mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($sql)); $show_invites_count = 1; //show My favs link $show_my_favs = 1; //show My account link $show_my_account = 1; //do not show signup link $show_register = ''; } else { $show_register = 1; } ?> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  21. I'm looking for a little js guidance with this: http://www.videojs.com/docs/setup/ This code I'm currently using plays the video.js player in IOS, IE10 & Chrome, but not IE8 and FF <script _V_.options.flash.swf = "http://theurl.com/video-js/video.js.swf" </script> <script videojs.options.flash.swf = "http://theurl.com/video-js/video.js.swf" </script> <video id="_1200k.mp4" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="none" width="640" height="264" poster="[var.base_url]/[var.thumb_file]" data-setup='{"example_option":true}'> <source src="http://theurl.com/uploads/Yr7fGNOH0ell3Ml_1200k.mp4" type='video/mp4' /> </video> I'd like help getting it to work in IE8 and FF. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  22. I see no changes in the error_log file, nothing from today
  23. I replaced a working file, with the same file from another working web site, but the new file generates a HTTP 500 internal server error page. The only difference in the new page are these lines: /////////////////////////////////////////////////// $_SESSION['searched'] = $_GET['keyword']; $prch = $_GET['p']; if ($user_id == "") { $new_temp = "themes/$user_theme/search_results1.htm"; }elseif ($prch == "1") { $new_temp = "themes/$user_theme/search_results2.htm"; }else{ $new_temp = "themes/$user_theme/search_results.htm"; } I'm hoping to learn the reason why these lines might be creating this error. Thanks
  24. I'm creating a mobile version of a web site that's using the phpMotion script. In the desktop version when Registration link is selected it executes the code in join.php and displays inner_signup_form.htm, where visitors register. What's the easiest solution when visitors visit the web site, via a mobile device? I'm creating a mobile version of the website in a subdomain. I'm using GitHub code to redirect mobile users to the subdomain (Mobile Detect PHP). Can you suggest some code that I can add to join.php (not in the subdomain) that will say: If Mobile Then Go To The Mobile Page Version of inner_signup_form.htm?
  25. Has anyone tried PhpMobilizer? To show my website on my iPhone, I downloaded the PhpMobilzer program and followed the instructions: "Create a subdomain called 'm' for your website. Upload the files in the m folder to the m subdomain. If you would like to automaticaly redirect users to the mobile site if they are accessing it with their phone, add the following to a main include file or your index.php file on your main site. require_once('/home/path/to/subdomain/m/mobilize.php'); " And now my site appears less jumbled than before. So, it is definitely readable on a mobile device now. However, there is alot not there, like quite a few background colors, containers and images. Can you tell me if there is a way to add some modifications, like adding back in some images, and tweaking a few things that have wrapped? (I can't find any forum for support of the PhpMobilizer). Thanks.
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