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Posts posted by gw1500se

  1. First of all you have way too many unnecessary <?PHP and ?>. You have retrieved your data from the database but never use that result anywhere. All you need to do is create a string formatted with the data so it says what you want and put it in the body. Am I missing something?

    P.S. Don't use '*' in your select query. Specify only those columns you will actually use.

  2. That is a different question from what you originally asked about downloading a file. Whether or not your microcontroller is hacakble is independent of downloading an update. Assuming, of course, that you can trust the download site. Whether or not is can be hacked depends on how well you secure the microcontroller in general. Since you mentioned Python, is it running Raspbian?

  3. You need to post your code here not make people go to a 3rd part web site. Also if you suspect the problem is in Javascript then post in the Javascript forum. When you do post use the code icon (<>) in the top menu for your code and select the appropriate code type.

  4. 39 minutes ago, gw1500se said:
    $tele=get_the_author_meta('telefoon', $curauthID);
    if (empty($tele)){
    echo "<p $attrib><strong>telefoon:</strong>$tele</p>";


    Sorry. Corrected code.

  5. First please use the code icon (<>) at the top of the menu for your code and specify PHP.

    $tele=get_the_author_meta('telefoon', $curauthID);
    if (empty($tele)){
    echo "<p $attrib><strong>telefoon:</strong>$tele</p>";


  6. First, please use the code icon (<>) in the menu and specify PHP for your code. You don't say what error your are getting but that syntax is probably wrong. You don't show how $class is defined but as a guess given almost no information from you I'd say you want this:

    <?php echo ($class->variacion); ?>


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