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I am using osclass Osclass v8.0.2 free classified. I am trying to implement load more i.e infinite scroll facility on homepage page. When user scrolls, listings should be loaded automatically to give users pleasant and engaging experiences. Below is my code: Got from plugin. That I want to directly insert in osclass script. For the learning purpose. I am trying it on my localhost. Please help to achieve this, any help is highly appreciated. Thanks. <?php $content_block = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('#main')); $listings_parent_block = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('#listing-card-list')); $pagination_block = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('.paginate')); $pagination_next = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('a.searchPaginationNext')); $loaded_listings_count = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('loaded_listings_count')); $report_errors = htmlspecialchars_decode(inf_param('report_errors')); ?> <style> <?php echo $pagination_block; ?> {display:none!important;} .inf-loader {display:none;width:100%;padding:25px 5px;margin:20px 0;background:#eee;border-radius:6px;color:#777;font-size:16px;text-align:center;line-height:20px;} .inf-loader > div {display:inline-block;width:auto;position:relative;padding-left:44px;} .inf-loader img {position:absolute;display:inline-block;top:-6px;left:0;width:32px;height:32px;max-height:32px;max-width:32px;} .inf-loader span {display:inline-block;font-weight:bold;line-height:20px;font-size:14px;} <?php echo $content_block; ?>.loading .inf-loader {display:inline-block;} </style> <script async type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var currentPag = 1; var isLoading = false; var pagUrl = ''; var newUrl = ''; var oldUrl = ''; // ADD LOADING BLOCK ABOVE PAGINATION var loadingBlock = '<div class="inf-loader"><div><img src="<?php echo osc_base_url(); ?>oc-content/plugins/infinite/img/loader.gif"/><span><?php echo osc_esc_js(__('Loading items...', 'infinite')); ?></span></div></div>'; $(window).scroll(function(e) { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); var threshold = $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').position().top + $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').innerHeight() - 100; var position = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).innerHeight(); if($('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').length) { pagUrl = $('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').attr('href'); } else { pagUrl = ''; } //console.log(oldUrl + '--->' + pagUrl ); // loading block add above pagination now if(!$('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').find('.inf-loader').length) { $(loadingBlock).insertBefore($('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>')); } if(!$('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').length) { infCheckBlocks(); } else if(position > threshold && isLoading == false && pagUrl != oldUrl && pagUrl != '' && pagUrl != '#') { isLoading = true; $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').addClass('loading'); $.ajax({ url: pagUrl, type: "GET", success: function(response){ var length = response.length; var data = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $listings_parent_block ; ?>').html(); var pagBlock = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>'); var currItemCount = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').text(); oldUrl = pagUrl; $('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>').html(pagBlock); $('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').append(data); if($('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').length) { $('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').text(currItemCount); } // lazy load if exists if(typeof $.fn.Lazy !== 'undefined') { $('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').find('img.lazy').Lazy({ appendScroll: window, scrollDirection: 'both', effect: 'fadeIn', effectTime: 300, afterLoad: function(element) { setTimeout(function() { element.css('transition', '0.2s'); }, 300); } }); } isLoading = false; currentPag = currentPag + 1; $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').removeClass('loading'); }, error: function(response){ hasPag = false; $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').removeClass('loading'); response = response.responseText; console.log(response); console.log(data); } }); } }); }); function infCheckBlocks() { <?php if($report_errors == 1) { ?> console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(__('Infinite scroll failed to load next items, check message bellow!', 'infinite')); ?>'); if(!$('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').length) { console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(sprintf(__('Content block does not exists, make sure selector is correct. Current selector: %s', 'infinite'), $content_block)); ?>'); } if(!$('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').length) { console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(sprintf(__('Listing parent block does not exists, make sure selector is correct. Current selector: %s', 'infinite'), $content_block)); ?>'); } if(!$('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>').length) { console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(sprintf(__('Pagination block does not exists, maybe there are no other pages. Make sure selector is correct. Current selector: %s', 'infinite'), $pagination_block)); ?>'); } if(!$('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').length) { console.log('<?php echo osc_esc_js(sprintf(__('Pagination next button does not exists, maybe there are no other pages. Make sure selector is correct. Current selector: %s', 'infinite'), $pagination_next)); ?>'); } <?php } ?> } </script>
Hi everyone, My name is dev. I am editing a php srcipt where in I have created an input field for unique url to submit in database. My validation is working but if the url is incorrect still entry is getting created in database without url. I don't want to create the entry in the data base if the url is not correct. Could you please have look and suggest what's wrong with the code... <?php // create & execute SQL for custom field // inputs: // $dir_id = dir_id // $item_id = item_id // $item_class = item_class (regular, sponsored, premium) // returns true if CF updated/saved function do_custom_sql($dir_id, $item_id, $item_class, $old_id) { global $db_prefix, $tmp_spec, $lang, $config, $dir_info; $output = $err = array(); $ffolder = './../public/listing'; $ifolder = './../public/listing'; $tfolder = './../public/listing_thumb'; $output = array(); if ($old_id) { $old_val = sql_qquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."listing_cf_value WHERE item_id='$old_id' LIMIT 1"); } sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."listing_cf_value SET item_id='$item_id'"); foreach ($dir_info[$dir_id]['cf_define'] as $row) { $key = 'cf_'.$row['idx']; if (empty($old_val[$key])) { $old = false; } else { $old = $old_val[$key]; } $val = post_param($key); switch ($row['cf_type']) { case 'varchar': case 'rating': case 'gmap': case 'textarea': case 'country': case 'url': if (preg_match("/(https?:\/\/)?t\.me\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,200})*/", $val, $matches)) { } elseif (preg_match("/(https?:\/\/)?(chat\.)?whatsapp\.com\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,200})*/", $val, $matches)) { } else { $val = false; } break; case 'tel': break; case 'date': $val = date_param('date_'.$key, 'post'); break; case 'time': $val = time_param('time_'.$key, 'post'); break; case 'video': // unfortunately, we can not store 'cleaned' youtube/vimeo URL, as cleaned URL will be marked as invalid by the following checker if (preg_match("/(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(player\.)?vimeo\.com\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,11})[?]?.*/", $val, $matches)) { $video = true; } elseif (preg_match('~^(?:https?://)?(?:www[.])?(?:youtube[.]com/watch[?]v=|youtu[.]be/)([^&]{11})~x', $val, $matches)) { $video = true; } else { $video = false; } if (!$video) { $val = ''; } break; case 'img': if (!empty($_FILES[$key]['name']) && (!$config['demo_mode'])) { // upload image_optimizer($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], "$ifolder/".$_FILES[$key]['name'], $config['optimizer']); if (!empty($config['watermark_file'])) { image_watermark("$ifolder/".$_FILES[$key]['name'], './../public/image/'.$config['watermark_file']); } // create thumb image_optimizer($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], "$tfolder/".$_FILES[$key]['name'], $config['thumb_quality'], 'thumb'); unlink($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']); $val = $_FILES[$key]['name']; } else { $val = $old; } // if no file uploaded, populate current $val with $old value. Otherwise, empty $val will be deleted! break; case 'file': if (!empty($_FILES[$key]['name']) && (!$config['demo_mode'])) { $s = upload_file($key, "$ffolder/".$_FILES[$key]['name'], true); if ($s['success']) { $val = $s[0]['filename']; } else { $val = $old; } } else { $val = $old; } break; case 'select': if ($val) { $selected = verify_selected($val, $row['cf_option']); if (!$selected) { $val = false; } else { $val = $selected; } } break; case 'multi': $val = checkbox_param($key, 'post', true); if ($val) { $selected = verify_selected($val, $row['cf_option']); $val = "\r\n".implode("\r\n", $selected)."\r\n"; } break; case 'div': $val = 'foo'; break; default: die("Unknown custom field type: $row[cf_type]"); break; } if ($row['avail_to_'.$item_class]) { // add/edit cf val if (!empty($val)) { $output[] = "$key='$val'"; } else { // remove cf val $output[] = "$key=''"; if ($row['is_required']) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['add_error'], "<ul><li>$row[cf_title] must be filled!</li></ul>")); } } } } $sql = implode(', ', $output); if ($sql) { sql_query("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."listing_cf_value SET $sql WHERE item_id='$item_id' LIMIT 1"); } return true; } require './user_init.php'; require './admin_func.php'; if (!$isLogin && !$config['ke']['guess_allow_submission']) { msg_die($lang['msg']['not_member']); } if ($isLogin) { AXSRF_check(); } $visual = post_param('visual'); $item_id = post_param('item_id'); $dir_id = post_param('dir_id'); $owner_email = post_param('owner_email'); $item_title = post_param('item_title'); $item_url = post_param('item_url'); $item_url_mask = post_param('item_url_mask'); $item_summary = post_param('item_summary'); $item_details = post_param('item_details'); $item_backlink_url = post_param('item_backlink_url'); // error checks $is_error = false; $err_msg = $optional_fields = ''; save_form('listing'); // - visual confirmation if (empty($visual) || qhash(strtolower($visual)) != qvc_value()) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['add_error'], $lang['l_captcha_error'])); } // - dir exists? if (empty($dir_id)) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['add_error'], 'FATAL ERROR! Dir_id not defined!')); } if (!array_key_exists($dir_id, $dir_info['structure'])) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['add_error'], 'FATAL ERROR! Dir_id not defined!')); } // - dir rules get_dir_info($dir_id); $dir_inf = $dir_info[$dir_id]['dir_inf']; $dir_name = $dir_inf['dir_title']; // - validate entries if (empty($item_title) || empty($item_details)) { $err_msg .= '<li>'.$lang['l_title_details_err'].'</li>'; } if ($dir_inf['dir_url'] && empty($item_url)) { $err_msg .= '<li>'.$lang['l_url_err'].'</li>'; } if ($dir_inf['dir_backlink'] && empty($item_backlink_url)) { $err_msg .= '<li>'.$lang['l_backlink_err'].'</li>'; } if ($dir_inf['dir_summary'] && empty($item_summary)) { $err_msg .= '<li>'.$lang['l_summary_err'].'</li>'; } if (!empty($err_msg)) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['add_error'], '<ul>'.$err_msg.'</ul>')); } // def $folder = $config['abs_path'].'/public/listing'; $tolder = $config['abs_path'].'/public/listing_thumb'; // mode if (!$item_id) { $mode = 'new'; } else { $mode = 'edit'; } // dir info $dir_inf = sql_qquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."listing_dir WHERE idx='$dir_id' LIMIT 1"); if (!$dir_inf) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['echo'], 'Invalid Directory ID!')); } // cats $sql_cat_arr = $cat_id_arr = array(); $sql_cat_str = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= $dir_inf['dir_multi_cat']; $i++) { $cat_id_arr[$i] = post_param('category_'.$i); } $cat_id_arr = cat_id_unique($cat_id_arr); foreach ($cat_id_arr as $k => $v) { $sql_cat_arr[$k] = "category_$k='".$v."'"; } $sql_cat_str = implode(', ', $sql_cat_arr); // owner id if (!$isLogin) { $owner_id = ''; } else { $owner_email = $current_user_info['user_email']; $owner_id = $current_user_id; } // item status $item_status = 'T'; if (!$isLogin && !$config['ke']['guess_confirm_submission']) { $item_status = 'E'; } if ($isLogin && !$config['ke']['member_confirm_submission']) { $item_status = 'E'; } // create sql $sql = "dir_id = '$dir_id', owner_id = '$owner_id', owner_email = '$owner_email', $sql_cat_str, item_url='$item_url', item_url_mask='$item_url_mask', item_title = '$item_title', item_summary = '$item_summary', item_details = '$item_details', item_status = '$item_status', item_backlink_url = '$item_backlink_url'"; // execute sql if ($mode == 'new') { // email (for guest) if (!$isLogin && !validate_email_address($owner_email)) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['add_error'], $lang['l_url_err'])); } // url exists? if ($dir_inf['dir_url']) { $foo = sql_qquery("SELECT idx FROM ".$db_prefix."listing WHERE item_url='$item_url' LIMIT 1"); if ($foo) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['add_error'], $lang['l_url_err'])); } } $item_date = convert_date('now', 'sql'); $sql .= ", item_date='$item_date', item_valid_date='$item_date'"; $edit_passwd = random_str(16, false, 2); $edit_passwd_hash = qhash($edit_passwd); $sql .= ", owner_passwd='$edit_passwd_hash'"; sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."listing SET $sql"); $item_id = mysqli_insert_id($dbh); $item_class = 'R'; $old_id = false; // permalink $item_permalink = generate_permalink($item_title, 'detail.php', $item_id, '', '', true, true); sql_query("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."listing SET item_permalink='$item_permalink' WHERE idx='$item_id' LIMIT 1"); } else { // url exists? if ($dir_inf['dir_url']) { $foo = sql_qquery("SELECT idx FROM ".$db_prefix."listing WHERE item_url='$item_url' AND (idx != '$item_id' AND original_idx != '$item_id') LIMIT 1"); if ($foo) { msg_die(sprintf($lang['msg']['add_error'], $lang['l_url_err'])); } } // get old vals // $old_id = original item (could be master); $item_id = current item (could be a copy) $old = verify_owner($item_id, '*'); $item_class = $old['item_class']; // by default old_id = item_id $old_id = $item_id; // -- when the user edit a [not yet approved] change request, remove the request, as we will copy from master item (original_idx) if ($old['original_idx']) { remove_item($item_id, false, true, true, false); $old_id = $old['original_idx']; } // -- when the user have already submit another change request, but edit the master, remove that request $prev = sql_qquery("SELECT idx FROM ".$db_prefix."listing WHERE original_idx='$item_id' LIMIT 1"); if ($prev) { remove_item($prev['idx'], false, true, true, false); } // copy old vals to tmp item, and new changes are written to tmp. this way, we can both old (original) & new (temp) items. so if admin doesn't approve the changes, we don't lose anything. $tmp_item_id = sql_copy_row($db_prefix.'listing', 'idx', $old_id); // update sql_query("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."listing SET $sql WHERE idx = '$tmp_item_id' LIMIT 1"); sql_query("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."listing SET item_status='E', original_idx='$old_id' WHERE idx = '$tmp_item_id' LIMIT 1"); // replace item_id with new item_id $item_id = $tmp_item_id; $old_fn = $old_id.'_1.jpg'; $new_fn = $item_id.'_1.jpg'; // copy logo if (file_exists($folder.'/'.$old_fn)) { copy($folder.'/'.$old_fn, $folder.'/'.$new_fn); copy($tolder.'/'.$old_fn, $tolder.'/'.$new_fn); copy($tolder.'/small_'.$old_fn, $tolder.'/small_'.$new_fn); } } // upload images // -- default image if (!empty($_FILES['logo']['name'])) { // create image $image_id = $item_id.'_1'; $target = "$folder/$image_id.jpg"; // optimize image if ($config['optimizer'] || $dir_inf['dir_logo_size']) { $img = getimagesize($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name']); image_optimizer($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'], $target, $config['optimizer'], $dir_inf['dir_logo_size']); if (!empty($config['watermark_file'])) { image_watermark($target, './../public/image/'.$config['watermark_file']); } if (!file_exists($target)) { admin_die($lang['msg']['can_not_upload']); } @chmod($target, 0644); } else { if (!$config['demo_mode']) { if (!@upload_file('logo', $target)) { admin_die($lang['msg']['can_not_upload']); } if (!empty($config['watermark_file'])) { image_watermark($target, './../public/image/'.$config['watermark_file']); } @chmod($target, 0644); } } @unlink("$tolder/$image_id.jpg"); @unlink("$tolder/small_$fn.jpg"); make_thumb($image_id, 'detail'); make_thumb($image_id, 'small'); } // custom fields do_custom_sql($dir_id, $item_id, $item_class, $old_id); // create smart search cache create_search_cache($item_id); // compare rows if ($old_id) { $foo = sql_query("SELECT *, t1.idx AS item_id FROM ".$db_prefix."listing AS t1 LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."listing_cf_value AS t2 ON (t1.idx=t2.item_id) WHERE t1.idx='$old_id' LIMIT 1"); $c1 = sql_fetch_assoc($foo); $foo = sql_query("SELECT *, t1.idx AS item_id FROM ".$db_prefix."listing AS t1 LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."listing_cf_value AS t2 ON (t1.idx=t2.item_id) WHERE t1.idx='$item_id' LIMIT 1"); $c2 = sql_fetch_assoc($foo); foreach (array('idx', 'item_id', 'original_idx', 'item_status') as $v) { unset($c1[$v], $c2[$v]); } // - if both rows are the same -> no actual change! don't send notification, but first check the logo if ($c1 == $c2) { // -- is the logo changed? $ologo = file_exists($folder.'/'.$old_id.'_1.jpg'); $nlogo = file_exists($folder.'/'.$item_id.'_1.jpg'); if ($ologo && $nlogo) { if (filesize($folder.'/'.$old_id.'_1.jpg') == filesize($folder.'/'.$item_id.'_1.jpg')) { remove_item($item_id, false, true, true, false); msg_die($lang['msg']['no_change']); } } // -- or both don't have logo. elseif (!$ologo && !$nlogo) { remove_item($item_id, false, true, true, false); msg_die($lang['msg']['no_change']); } } } // send email reset_form(); ip_config_update('edit_passwd', 0); if ($mode == 'new') { if ($item_status == 'E') { create_notification('', 'New Submission: '.$item_title, $config['site_url'].'/'.$config['admin_folder'].'/listing.php?cmd=edit&item_id='.$item_id, true); kemana_email($owner_email, $item_id, 'inform_e', true, array('owner_passwd' => $owner_passwd)); msg_die($lang['msg']['add_thanks'], $config['site_url']); } else { kemana_email($owner_email, $item_id, 'confirm_t', true, array('owner_passwd' => $edit_passwd)); msg_die($lang['msg']['add_temp'], $config['site_url']); } } else { create_notification('', 'Change Request: '.$item_title, $config['site_url'].'/'.$config['admin_folder'].'/listing.php?cmd=edit&item_id='.$item_id, true); kemana_email($owner_email, $item_id, 'update_e'); msg_die($lang['msg']['update_ok'], $config['site_url']); }