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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. Why am I not surprised you have had 3 jobs in 3 years, I'm amased they all put up with you for a year...


    actualy i have worked on and completed over 30, 2000 user mega corperation CMS's and 2 ERP's for ISP's for WIFI VOIP and IPTV managment, i have managed, supported developed and designed


    but i am a child yet,


    when i become an ENGINEER then i will talk to you like a big man's when i have a wife, a house and kids


    but right yet i am a lone ryder


    i have 1 or 2 years left before my parents arange my marriage and force me to purchase a house



  2. Just introduce yourself salathe and ignore all that crap. I would have hoped a mod will at least move all that irrelevant prattle to a seperate thread, but doesn't look very likely.


    why is it irrelivent?  i like your pratriotism but you dont get very far by just suckling u gota do some work too


    (some people ...... i dont know...)

  3. thanks for such a quick response, it doesn't seem to work at the moment, im using A drag and drop API from walterzorn.com could this be causing the problem also would this method be able to determine a change in direction of scale while the loop is still active?


    thanks for the help so far



    width[] = RD.getWidth();                                                ///// you need to check how to

    height[] = RD.getHeight();                                              ///// push elements into an array in javascript i think this is correct




    if(RD.width > width[arraysize(width)]) has increased up width

    else if (RD.width < width[arraysize(width)]) has decreased  height


    if(RD.height > height[arraysize(height)]) has increased  height

    else if(RD.height < height[arraysize(height)]) has decreased height





  4. RD.resizeTo((rb.x-rt.x)+RD.defw,(rb.x-rt.x)+RD.defw)

    width[] = RD.getWidth();

    height[] = RD.getHeight();




    if(RD.width > width[arraysize(width)]) has moved up width


    if(RD.height> height[arraysize(height)]) has moved up height



    you will need to check the function on php.net to see arraysize maybe it has different name

  5. i took this from the zend framework site it rewrites everything to go to your index page, goes in htaccess in your root


    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
    RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

  6. As a forward thinking people tell me what is a better concept, pooling for knowledge or trying to rember it all, rember the meta knowledge and then reproduce it by pooling many minds together on the net, that would make a good robot lol.


    To the ones with irritated bowels , try some excersise and classical music.



    We all work in the same feild, i have alot of respect for my elders, so dont get the wrong idea, im 24


    If everything was standardised and enforced by force, then it would be a dim world.

  7. im not talking out of a uni book, i do these things now, i started learning PHP when i joine dthis forum. Now in 3 years iv worked for 3 companies with different environments and setups standards etc.


    I dont remeber all constructs, but I KNOW WHATS POSSIBLE and what may be possible, so if i need help i have no problem asking.


    ("The words that come from your mouth did not come from within yourself but are a picture in your mind taken by somone else, your verses run around in my head", Aziz Mian, Pakistan, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKQ--7giN9Y )


    ("There is wisdom built into both beuty and love, what can i do i whant both at the same time, when my god breaks i pray, when the knowledge breaks what can i do", Aziz Mian, Pakistan, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKQ--7giN9Y )

  8. u should try girls


    YOU should try proper capitalization, punctuation, and oh yeah.. English. You know what, forget about that. Just don't post anything any more and we'll call it even. I think everyone knows all they need they need to about you by now (I doubt anyone really needed all 30 posts for it though).


    i don't mind criticism


    People say that, but they don't really mean it. However, if you are absolutely serious this I will happily oblige. But be warned: there's about a 80% chance you will be pissed off. I really don't care much if you are, just don't say I didn't warn you. Possibly you're already pissed off, in which case you might want to pass.


    no go ahead it would be great to know

  9. no no no, the framework is a base for you to create modules onto and when you leave or hand over teh aplication to others they can continue the module development.


    when it comes to the big boys no screws are left loose, a framework like the zend mvc is the pinnacle of php



    do you ever stop to read what you post, or do you just sorta "go for it?"


    tell me what your quarrel is ?


    I think he is referring to the unintelligibility of many of your posts.


    go on then break it down and tell me where im wrong ? i don't mind criticism

  10. no no no, the framework is a base for you to create modules onto and when you leave or hand over teh aplication to others they can continue the module development.


    when it comes to the big boys no screws are left loose, a framework like the zend mvc is the pinnacle of php



    do you ever stop to read what you post, or do you just sorta "go for it?"


    tell me what your quarrel is ?

  11. Hi, I'm Jester. I'm a member of the Cloud 9 Crew Urban Terror clan, and a PHP developer in the Cloud 9 Code Crew.


    I've been doing PHP for about three or four months now. Still learning, and enjoying every bit of it.


    I've got a couple of major Urban Terror-related projects I've worked on so far (that I unfortunately can't disclose).


    I'm 19. I live in Georgia, USA. I'm Atheist, and I pretty much eat, sleep, and breathe computers. I'm working on my second year toward an Associate's in Computer Information Systems and one in Networking. I'll be going for my Comptia certifications soon. Currently I work in a small local computer shop doing OS reinstalls and building refurb boxes.


    Any questions, feel free to ask.


    u should try girls

  12. so you think ur bad with ur javascript hahahaha

    what u mean?


    as in you are very proud of the javascript you have done but i think you should use a framewok, if your gona be having buttons that change content in the current document you need more interactive responses from the interface, and maybe they will have popups that will hot it properly

  13. So basically how do I relate multiple children tables of a specific parent table to another new parent table.




    so if your creating new records starting from now on,


    when an order comes in just relate it to the parent table as normal and create a new relation between the other parent, you can disregard all the old system data.




    you can do a query to build new relations for each of teh chiclderen of the parent to a new parent


    then you can vew teh old system data on your new system


    you may need new xref tables for many to manys or add new feild to teh other parent


    you can fill it in using sql or let it get filled with teh new system in place





    OH and


    SELECT * FROM repairItems where stockNum = '5011';


    will return all history for that stock no.


    SO now you have the stock no items but you say multiple items have the same stock no,



    so where is your unique identifier for the stock item ????????????????????????








    use the name feild for user of app to identofy the item and then select it in the interface and re manipulate it, basicaly in the system


    you bring up your customer and then you can see all the repairs he has and then you can just search teh repairs for name or look down the list and user can take best guess at wich one it is.

  14. libraries need to be built in so you can carry your application and create other applications with it, the version of your base application will increase,


    but i see what your sayign about teh zend its hard to have others work, but rember its all others work, libraries dont realy slow teh machine the more teh merrier

  15. Just found this bit. It pays to look :)


    My name is Martin and I'm an addict. I'm 30 and live/work in West Yorkshire.


    I have only recently signed up but have visited this site/forum many times looking for info whilst going through the learning process :)


    I have about 5 years(ish) experience with php. Took an interest after spending many years building servers to run it so thought I may as well see what all the fuss is about. Don't really consider myself an expert but I know enough to get by and enjoy learning new things. I mainly joined to try help others as I find you can learn an awful lot trying to help others solve their issues and also to bounce ideas off other people who know what they are doing. I could babble on all day about random rubbish but I'll leave it there!


    well done martin , i can tell you all the fuss is about zend_framework and high tech javascript frameworks like extjs but you can build your own php oop mvc and js framework from jquery

    looked at the zend framework among many others and decided against them. I use a basic framework I wrote myself as I don't see the point on having a vast library full of classes I'm never going to use. Plus I know it inside out so its much easier for me to maintain. I'm not saying its better because I betting it really isn't. But it suits my needs and works as I intended it to so I suppose thats sufficent. :) I've never really been a fan of javascript but I do see the advantages of AJAX so its on my list of things to improve my knowledge of. I have to say though, I like some of the best practices zend use so I have adopted them in my own work.


    no no no, the framework is a base for you to create modules onto and when you leave or hand over teh aplication to others they can continue the module development.


    when it comes to the big boys no screws are left loose, a framework like the zend mvc is the pinnacle of php


    it takes time and practice, start from basic applications , some people are slower at learning than others, it takes me about 1 or 2 days  to learn anyones technology.


    there is a differentce between a good developer and a solid SOLID engineer they need to work together and learn from each other then when they are equal they can work together but you need to pick STANDARDS


    your software should incorperate software principals that are established


    system setup

    development environment

    development GUI's


    modular framework setup

    library setup


    coding and file structure and modification standards setup

    versioning and backup


    clustering and mirroring


    quality assurance


    testing (now this is the tricky part as in how much are you willing to do)

    hook based environemntal tests

    and full black and white tests


    testing should be built in to a real big boy aplication none of those kiddy scripts

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