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I have a query I'm using in my CodeIgniter model to fetch the count of listings of products between particular days. What this query is doing is it's taking status_from from logs where the date is during and after the selected date range and taking added_date from listings where the date falls before the from date range picked by the user and calculates it. Once it has retrieved those records, it checks the table for what variable that status holds and does a sum(case when else 0) to get the total count. function get_report(){ $sql = with Y as ( with recursive D (n, day) as ( select 1 as n, '2021-09-25' my_date union select n+1, day + interval 1 day from D where day + interval 1 day < '2021-10-15' ) select * from D ), X as ( select Y.day, l.*, (select status_from from logs where logs.refno = l.refno and logs.logtime >= Y.day order by logs.logtime limit 1) logstat from listings l, Y where l.added_date <= Y.day ), Z as ( select X.day, ifnull(X.logstat,X.status) stat_day, count(*) cnt from X group by X.day, stat_day ) select Z.day, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'D' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Draft, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'A' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Action, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'Y' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Publish, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'S' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Sold, sum(case when Z.stat_day = 'L' then Z.cnt else 0 end ) Let from Z group by Z.day order by Z.day; $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query; } Dbfiddle: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_8.0&fiddle=6789f0517b194b09d235860dc794ea14 Now here as you can see I'm processing my calculations in the sql statement itself, but I want to do these calculations in my php side, basically iterating everytime it encounters Z.stat_day = 'D' then adding 1 to Draft column and same for the other statuses. Current View Class: <?php foreach($data_total as $row ){ $draft = $row->draft ? $row->draft : 0; $publish = $row->publish ? $row->publish : 0; $action = $row->action ? $row->action : 0; $sold = $row->sold ? $row->sold : 0; $let = $row->let ? $row->let : 0; ?> <tr> <td><?= $row->day?></td> <td><?= $draft ?></td> <td><?= $publish ?></td> <td><?= $action ?></td> <td><?= $sold ?></td> <td><?= $let ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> Basically I want to refractor my PHP code to do the same thing the Mysql statement is doing, but keeping the query simple and all processing in the PHP side for performance reasons.
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Returning data count from a particular day after comparing 2 tables
JJM50 replied to JJM50's topic in MySQL Help
Okay so yes I am trying to get the status on a particular date. Now the reason it won't be the most recent status_to is that For every new entry made in my listings table, that doesn't show up in my logs table. All initial entries are not brought up in the logs table, only once the status for that listing is changed by someone, the entry for that listing is brought up in the logs table. Also let me make the example a bit easier by refering to the dbfiddle I've given: -
Here is the dbfiddle for better understanding, refer this when reading question: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_8.0&fiddle=0919cacb5d117450168cdc917433a45e I have 2 tables called listings and logs table. The listings table holds a products reference number and it's current status. So suppose if it's status was Publish currently and it's sold later, the status updates to Sold. Here the refno. in this table is unique since the status can change for 1 product. Now I have another table called Logs table, this table records all the status changes that have happened for a particular product(referenced by refno) in a particular timeframe. The initial entry in the listings table is not recorded here, but once it's status is changed, that entry is shown here. Suppose I have the following Listings table('D' => 'Draft', 'A' => 'Action', 'Y' => 'Publish', 'S' => 'Sold', 'N' => 'Let'): INSERT INTO listings VALUES (3, 'Y','2021-05-02','2021-10-02','LP01'), (4, 'A','2021-05-01','2021-05-01','LP02'), (5, 'S','2020-10-01','2020-10-01','LP03'), (6, 'N','2021-05-01','2021-10-06','LP06'), (10, 'D','2021-10-06','2021-10-06','LP05'), (11, 'D','2021-01-01','2021-01-01','LP04'); Here as of now the total count under every status would give: |status_1|c| |:---:|:--:| |Publish|1| |Action|1| |Sold|1| |Left|1| |Draft|2| But if I wanted only the count for entries made in 2020-10-01 it'll show 0 under all statuses except sold, where it'll show 1. Now in this timeframe between 2020-10-01 and today, there have been values entered in listings table as shown above and also for some, the statuses have changed. Status table: INSERT INTO logs VALUES (1, 'Let','Action','2021-06-01','LP01'), (2, 'Action','Draft','2021-10-01','LP01'), (3, 'Draft','Publish','2021-10-02','LP01'), (4, 'Action','Let','2021-10-06','LP06'); What is being shown right now in my listings table is the values after the status change has been made. So now to get the total count on a particular day, I'm having my statement reference the dates from the logs table and respectively subtract the status_to, and add the status_from. Query for this is in the dbfiddle provided above. Here I made it to return data that happened on or before 2021-10-01 and it does not give the right output. Another problem with this query is I cannot return the data for the entries that had initially taken place. For example like I mentioned above the value for the data on 2020-10-01 should show 1 under sold, while 0 under everything else(desired output), but it does not do this since there are no logs made in logs table for when a new entry in initially added. So basically what I want here is to get the initial entries as well with the same entry. If you want an easier explanation for what I'm trying to achieve, please refer to this:
How are you not able to get the data, it is all literally right there in the fiddle I have given. Also I don't understand how you came to the conclusion that I am unwilling to help you right now, when I'm trying to get what you want from me. Phrasing things like `That dbfidlle link is as much use as a chocolate teapot` doesn't really help me out as to what is wrong with what I have given to you already
Sorry I dont understand what you want. This is the data that is there in my database. If you want my query then I have done $this->db->last_query and got the following query: SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'D' THEN 1 END) AS draft, S UM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'N' THEN 1 END) AS unpublish, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'Y' THEN 1 END) AS publish, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'U' THEN 1 END) AS action, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'L' THEN 1 END) AS unlisted, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'S' THEN 1 END) AS sold, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'T' THEN 1 END) AS let, COALESCE(c.display_name, 'Unassigned'), SUM(t.status = 'D') +SUM(t.status = 'N') + SUM(t.status = 'Y') + SUM(t.status = 'U') + SUM(t.status = 'L' ) + SUM(t.status = 'S' )+ SUM(t.status = 'T' ) AS total, `t`.`agent_id`, `c`.`display_name` FROM `crm_listings` `t` JOIN `crm_clients_users` `c` ON `t`.`agent_id` = `c`.`id` WHERE `archive` = "N" GROUP BY COALESCE(c.display_name, "Unassigned") which gave the following output as shown in my picture above
So I have provided a dbfiddle with the data inside, and the dbfiddle provides me the right output that I want, but for some reason I cant get the statement correct in my model.
Currently I have 2 tables, the first table shows a count of statuses, refno. and agent_id(person in charge of the refno.) and the second table has an id and agent_name. So to refer a particular agent next to the refno. in table 1, you can reference it via the id of the agent table. Dbfiddle: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_8.0&fiddle=d0e8222a1e49774bcfbcfa30cec75732 Now I have found out that some of my listings have the agent_id as 0 and null, which doesn't have a reference in my agents table. So here I'm using COALESCE to add an extra row called Unassigned and inserting all variables with agent_id 0 or null inside this column. I've tried this same in my codeigniter model: function get_totalagentstatus(){ $this->db->select("SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'D' THEN 1 END) AS draft, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'N' THEN 1 END) AS unpublish, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'Y' THEN 1 END) AS publish, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'U' THEN 1 END) AS action, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'L' THEN 1 END) AS unlisted, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'S' THEN 1 END) AS sold, SUM(CASE WHEN t.status = 'T' THEN 1 END) AS let, COALESCE(c.display_name,'Unassigned'), SUM(t.status = 'D') +SUM(t.status = 'N') + SUM(t.status = 'Y') + SUM(t.status = 'U') + SUM(t.status = 'L' ) + SUM(t.status = 'S' )+ SUM(t.status = 'T' ) AS total, t.agent_id, c.display_name"); $this->db->from('crm_listings t'); $this->db->join('crm_clients_users c','t.agent_id = c.id'); $this->db->where('archive="N"'); $this->db->group_by('COALESCE(c.display_name,"Unassigned")'); $results = $this->db->get(); return $results; } Controller Class: $content['total_agent_status'] = $this->leads_model->get_totalagentstatus()->result(); View Class: <?php foreach($total_agent_status as $row ){ $draft = $row->draft ? $row->draft : 0; $unpublish = $row->unpublish ? $row->unpublish : 0; $publish = $row->publish ? $row->publish : 0; $action = $row->action ? $row->action : 0; $unlisted = $row->unlisted ? $row->unlisted : 0; $sold = $row->sold ? $row->sold : 0; $let = $row->let ? $row->let : 0; $total = $row->total ? $row->total : 0; ?> <tr> <td><?= $row->display_name ?></td> <td><?= $draft ?></td> <td><?= $unpublish ?></td> <td><?= $publish ?></td> <td><?= $action ?></td> <td><?= $unlisted ?></td> <td><?= $sold ?></td> <td><?= $let ?></td> <td><?= $total ?></td> </tr> Now this returns everything except the Unassigned row which I want. I've also input this in my phpmyadmin to see the result and it does not return it there either, instead it shows the output with these headers and Unassigned is not there in any of the entries here:
Thanks! Simple and really easy to understand
Currently I'm using CodeIgniter and Mysql to fetch my data. Here I'm using the following model to get a count of each status from my database: function get_total(){ $this->db->select("SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Draft' THEN 1 END) AS draft, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Unpublish' THEN 1 END) AS unpublish, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Publish' THEN 1 END) AS publish, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Action' THEN 1 END) AS action, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Unlisted' THEN 1 END) AS unlisted, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Sold' THEN 1 END) AS sold, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Let' THEN 1 END) AS let"); $this->db->from('crm_logs'); $results = $this->db->get(); return $results; } Then to get this model I've used the following controller class: public function totallistings($slug='') { $fdate = $this->input->post("fdate"); $tdate = $this->input->post("tdate"); if ($fdate) { $content['fdate'] = $fdate; } else { $content['fdate'] = ''; } if ($tdate) { $content['tdate'] = $tdate; } else { $content['tdate'] = ''; } $content['data_total'] = $this->leads_model->get_total()->result(); $main['content']=$this->load->view('crm/reports/totallistings',$content,true); $this->load->view('crm/main',$main); } And this is my View class: <?php if(isset($data_sum) && count($data_sum) > 0) { foreach($data_sum as $row ){ $draft = $row->draft ? $row->draft : 0; $unpublish = $row->unpublish ? $row->unpublish : 0; $publish = $row->publish ? $row->publish : 0; $action = $row->action ? $row->action : 0; $unlisted = $row->unlisted ? $row->unlisted : 0; $sold = $row->sold ? $row->sold : 0; $let = $row->let ? $row->let : 0; ?> <tr> <td><?= $draft ?></td> <td><?= $unpublish ?></td> <td><?= $publish ?></td> <td><?= $action ?></td> <td><?= $unlisted ?></td> <td><?= $sold ?></td> <td><?= $let ?></td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <?php } ?> I now found out that there are more status words other than draft, publish, etc in my database. So I wanted a way to make this `<th>` and `<td>` dynamic but still having the same functionality it is currently having.
Showing all data initially before a filter in CodeIgniter
JJM50 replied to JJM50's topic in MySQL Help
Okay so I tried this and it's not the solution, but I've found out that I've to update my else statement with an additional model. So what I've done now is added an extra model removing the where statement: function get_listingstatus_total(){ $this->db->select("SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'Active' THEN 1 END) AS active"); $this->db->from('logs'); $results = $this->db->get(); return $results; } and added it in my controller class: $content['data_total'] = $this->leads_model->get_listingstatus_total()->result(); And put the following in my view class: <?php if(isset($data_sum) && count($data_sum) > 0) { foreach($data_sum as $row ){ $active = $row->active ? $row->active : 0; ?> <tr> <td><?= $active ?></td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <?php foreach($data_total as $row ){ $active = $row->active ? $row->active : 0; ?> <tr> <td><?= $active ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> But unfortunately it still returns 0, but I'm sure this is the solution I've to use. When I put the $data_total instead of $data_sum in if statement it gives correct output, but like this it gives wrong -
Showing all data initially before a filter in CodeIgniter
JJM50 replied to JJM50's topic in MySQL Help
So if I want fdate to get my day 0 and tdate to get todays date, how can I edit it to show those variables? -
I have a table in PHP that displays the status count report in a particular date range. I have created the code so that it fetches the 2 inputs and displays my output according to those 2 values. So initially the value it shows is 0 before the date filter, but I want it so that the initial value that it shows is the total count from day 0 till today. Currently this is my model class: function get_listingstatus($fdate,$tdate){ $this->db->select("SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'Active' THEN 1 END) AS active"); $this->db->from('logs'); $this->db->where('cast(logtime as date) BETWEEN "' . $fdate . '" AND "' . $tdate . '"'); $results = $this->db->get(); return $results; } Controller Class: public function totallistings($slug='') { $fdate = $this->input->post("fdate"); $content['tdate'] = $tdate = $this->input->post("tdate"); if(isset($fdate)){ $content['fdate'] =$fdate; }else{ $content['fdate'] = ''; } if(isset($tdate)){ $content['tdate'] =$tdate; }else{ $content['tdate'] =''; } $content['data_sum'] = $this->leads_model->get_listingstatus($fdate,$tdate)->result(); $main['content']=$this->load->view('crm/reports/totallistings',$content,true); $this->load->view('crm/main',$main); } And my View class is like so: <?php if(isset($data_sum) && count($data_sum) > 0) { foreach($data_sum as $row ){ $active = $row->active ? $row->active : 0; ?> <tr> <td><?= $active ?></td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td>No Data Found</td> </tr> <?php } ?> Here my initial value is 0 and when I make the search filter it returns the output within a date range, But I want to change this initial value to have the full count shown.
Currently I'm using CodeIgniter MVC framework and Mysql to retrieve a count of data within a particular timeframe. My table data looks like this: Where there are different agents who are changing statuses in a particular timeframe. So what I want is to layout all the agents in the table and display what status change they had made in a particular timeframe. To do this I used the following model to get all the agents in the DB: function get_agent(){ $this->db->distinct(); $this->db->select("agent_id"); $this->db->from('crm_logs'); return $this->db->get(); } And this model to get a count of the status changes: function get_agentstatus($fdate,$tdate,$agent_id){ $this->db->select("SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Draft' THEN 1 END) AS draft, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Unpublish' THEN 1 END) AS unpublish, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Publish' THEN 1 END) AS publish, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Action' THEN 1 END) AS action, $this->db->from('crm_logs'); $this->db->where('cast(logtime as date) BETWEEN "' . $fdate . '" AND "' . $tdate . '" AND agent_id="'.$agent_id.'"'); $results = $this->db->get(); return $results; } In my controller class I have used the following code to get the models: public function agentlistings($slug='') { $fdate = $this->input->post("fdate"); $content['tdate'] = $tdate = $this->input->post("tdate"); if(isset($fdate)){ $content['fdate'] =$fdate; }else{ $content['fdate'] = ''; } if(isset($tdate)){ $content['tdate'] =$tdate; }else{ $content['tdate'] =''; } $content['agent'] = $this->leads_model->get_agent()->result_array(); $content['agent_status'] = $this->leads_model->get_agentstatus($fdate,$tdate,$content['agent'])->result_array(); $main['content']=$this->load->view('crm/reports/agentlistings',$content,true); $this->load->view('crm/main',$main); } And the following in my View class: <table id="statustbl" class="table-fill"> <thead> <tr style="height:<?php echo $height; ?>;"> <th>Agent</th> <th>Draft</th> <th>Unpublish</th> <th>Publish</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="table-hover"> <?php foreach ($agent as $row) { echo '<tr><td>' .$row['agent_id']. '</td></tr>';//column names } ?> </tbody> </table> With this code I'm able to fill up all my distinct agents into the agents column, But I do not know how to show the agent_status with thier respective agent_id. I have tried SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Draft' THEN 1 END) AS draft, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Unpublish' THEN 1 END) AS unpublish, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Publish' THEN 1 END) AS publish, SUM(CASE WHEN status_to = 'Action' THEN 1 END) AS action, agent_id FROM 'crm_logs' WHERE cast(logtime as date) BETWEEN "2021-09-25" AND "2021-10-01" GROUP BY agent_id to get the data in the same query, but this did not return the correct output.
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Currently I have a database with the following parameters and entry: https://www.sqlservercentral.com/wp-content/uploads/hm_bbpui/3938402/wimjr5jobcrtsgm158e69cru722hkx4o.png Now I want to fill the column status_from in this particular entry with the id 1 with a substring of the action column. Which is basically I want to fill my status_from column with a word that comes after from and before to of the action column. To achieve this I've tried using the following statement: INSERT INTO crm_logs2(status_from) SELECT status_from WHERE id='1' VALUES (substring_index(substring_index(action, 'from', -1),'to', 1)) But doing this gave me the following error: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'VALUES (substring_index(substring_index(action, 'from', -1), ...' at line 1