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Everything posted by ignace

  1. Yes.. I can see how that's really important. Where are these stored? And can PHP access this directory? Or is the server running PHP connected to a network where the server that contains the e-mails is connected to?
  2. You would set: session_set_cookie_params(.., '/', 'www.mydomain.com', ..); In the PHP files under www.mydomain.com, and: session_set_cookie_params(.., '/', 'newapplication.mydomain.com', ..); in the PHP files under newapplication.mydomain.com. This line has to come before you call session_start()
  3. I think the OP wants to actually output php code. Could well be wrong though... Following his logic it made me believe otherwise. I find it weird why he does not just do twit_connect(); as he clearly wants to show the twitter connect login.
  4. Your gonna need to give some more information otherwise it's just: CTRL + A, CTRL + C, CTRL + V, Windows key + R > notepad
  5. header obviously doesn't work because it sends response headers not request headers you need cURL in order to do that.
  6. I find it hard to believe that #3 save's more memory then #2. Anyhow maybe Flyweight will do it for you?
  7. User-Agent: HackAliveCrawler htpp://mysite.com/hackalivecrawler
  8. http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/HTRQ_Headers.html#user-agent It's part of the request headers.
  9. The User-Agent directive. Upon crawling you check if a robots.txt file exists and adhere to it. You crawl the pages (or pages within directories) which are not blacklisted in the robots.txt file and search for a ROBOTS meta tag. If the robots meta-tag contains you act accordingly.
  10. if ( mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['team_name']) ) { This won't protect you from anything. if ( $_POST['team_name'] = mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['team_name']) ) { This will, however does not make any sense because as long team_name contains some text this will always return true. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $_SESSION['indexsearch_result'] = $row; } This will overwrite indexsearch_result on each loop. Looking at the rest of your code I assume this should have been: $_SESSION['indexsearch_result'] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  11. exec ("c:/xampp/php/php {$path} > /dev/null &"); LOL. Windows != Linux. http://www.somacon.com/p395.php
  12. No, a FK does not need the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute. And why do you use BIGINT?? Did you create the PK first before creating the FK?
  13. To be more precise as the index 'name' has not yet been defined (form has not yet been submitted) this returns NULL converted to a string equals ''
  14. The thing is that in order to create a good filter you'll have to think ahead of possible creative words like: $hit -- hit is not a bad word, shit however is. s.h.i.t. -- the same applies So the filter has to be smart enough to block bad words in any form. Personally I would consider an approach like: 1. convert known symbols for their letter-counterparts ($ -> s) 2. replace rare symbols in a word with ? and perform regex to find any matches with bad words (f*ck -> f?ck -> found:fuck) 3. remove any symbols that have a rare usage in phrases and search for matches ...
  15. Last I heard was they are not gonna go through with IPv6, so maybe they'll give a.b.c.d/e another shot?
  16. Yes, but then like the OP already mentioned what if 31 represents 31? followed by 0 and 2 $alpha_string = $letters[31].$letters[0].$letters[2];
  17. If someone is able to re-produce the cookie, they can perform an identity theft.
  18. What is it that you want to do? What is this for?
  19. SELECT team_supported, COUNT(team_supported) AS team_supported_count
  20. You should add exit(0); after a header() if it's to re-locate the user.
  21. IP's like in my country change daily, so that would mean I wouldn't even have to bother participating in your game. As I would always start from 0
  22. Why not pass: uasort($demoarray['males']);?
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