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Everything posted by ignace

  1. the padding is there however HTML does not show padding in order to display it either wrap it in pre or code tags or assign an id or class to the element and via CSS add the line: white-space: pre;
  2. SELECT * FROM links WHERE link = $link It would help if you could provide some more information like db structure and some code you already wrote.
  3. $row_list['id'] == '$select' should be $row_list['id'] == $select For the query part: SELECT * FROM map WHERE university = $_POST['select']
  4. If you want 'no refresh' (altough it is also possible using a refresh) you'll need Ajax (JavaScript) and a script that will upload the image and return the full url to the stored image. Afterwards (after submitting the form definitly) you'll use the full url and store it along with the required attributes into the database.
  5. Firefox (Mozilla) is a good option Opera is also a good option but I generally stick to Firefox because of add-ons already available (like FireBug).
  6. SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt FROM booking WHERE request_date='$request_date' AND e_time > '$s_time' AND s_time < '$e_time' GROUP BY Cnt
  7. if (empty($row_MusicBody['Scene Description']) ^ $row_MusicBody[Author'] === $_SESSION['MM_Username'])
  8. if (!empty($_POST['comment']) && preg_match('/[0-9a-z@,_.!:\'\s]+/im', $_POST['comment'])) {
  9. ignace

    php question

    There are many packages out there some are: - xampp - wamp
  10. try: echo "Sending $i<br \>"; socket_write($socket, $i, 4); echo "Submitted $i; Receiving response..."; $input = socket_read($socket, 16); echo "Response: $input<br \>";
  11. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,266646.msg1257545.html#msg1257545
  12. UPDATE jos_vm_product p,zdata_w_data wd SET p.product_sku = wd.PartNumber WHERE p.product_sku = SUBSTRING(wd.PartNumber,3)
  13. Make sure you have form method="post" then use this code: if (!empty($_POST)) { $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $tel = $_POST['tel']; $question = $_POST['question']; $phpversion = phpversion(); if (mail( "Marnav14@earthlink.net", 'Contact Us Form', "Name: $name\r\n email: $email\r\n Tel: $tel\r\n question: $question", "From: $name <$email>\r\nReply-To: $name <$email>\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/$phpversion")) { echo 'e-mail send'; //header( "Location: http://www.myninelives.com/thank.html" ); } else { echo 'e-mail was not send'; } } Now if you send the mail it will say e-mail send or e-mail was not send. In the latter mail() doesn't work properly and their is something wrong with your PHP SMTP settings.
  14. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,265154.0.html
  15. $output = array(); exec('cd /path/to/perl/parser; perl perlfile.pl', $output); print_r($output);
  16. $defaultValues['$func'] should be: $defaultValues[$func]
  17. $password = 'somepassword'; $salt = md5(time());//32 characters long $hash = md5($salt . $password) . $salt;//64 characters long Salt: 58a9eeb60f1f6500a93a1bf494dec24c Hash: 58a9eeb60f1f6500a93a1bf494dec24c58a9eeb60f1f6500a93a1bf494dec24c
  18. Download the PHP source code from http://us2.php.net/downloads.php Learn how to hack the PHP core http://us2.php.net/manual/en/internals2.php and write your own echo (language construct)
  19. $length = 180;//characters long $excerpt = $string; if ($length + 10 < strlen($string)) { $pos = strpos($string, ' ', $length); $excerpt = substr($string, 0, $pos >= $length ? $pos : $length); }
  20. f is an alias for ibf_forums thus f.* is the same as ibf_forums.* and thus it selects all columns of that table.
  21. Oh so you always write: $query = mysql_query('..') or die(); Oh yeah sure that is helpfull. While having this in your signature: Read: http://www.phpfreaks.com/blog/or-die-must-die
  22. Euhm.. Multiple files are accessed as: $_FILES['userfile']['name'][0]
  23. That actually doesn't matter but given you are retrieving the data from MySQL you might aswell do the conversion in your query so that you can start working with it in PHP
  24. that doesn't work either. It just inserts 0 when it should be 1. EDIT: IF I ECHO OUT THE $AUTHORID IT GIVES A RESOURCE ID. Then you are not using my code.
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