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Everything posted by sasa

  1. is your form tag look like <form .. action="?id=$id&submit='OK'"
  2. can yuo post structure of table 'southport_categories'
  3. try[code]<?php $test='Bla, bla'; echo "1st call testtwo:\n"; testtwo(); echo "\n-------------\n2nd call testtwo:\n"; test(); testtwo(); function test(){ global $test; $test = "Hello this test is working!"; } function testtwo(){ global $test; echo"$test"; } ?>[/code]
  4. what you wont? 1st page cat1 -com1 -com2 cat2 -com1 next page cat2 -com2 cat3 -com1 -com2 or 1st page cat1 -com1 cat2 -com1 cat3 com1 next page cat1 -com2 cat2 -com2 cat3 -com2
  5. array_slice retur array try to print_r($storenbr); you must use[code] echo "store #: ".$storenbr[0]; [/code]
  6. try[code] <?php $navigation_menu['top']['Home']['url'] = "index"; foreach ($navigation_menu['top'] as $name => $link) echo "<a href=\"?page={$link[url]}\">{$name}</a>"; $Page=$_GET['page']; if (file_exists("include/$Page.php")) include "include/$Page.php"; ?> [/code]
  7. lock table insert some data mysql_inser_id unlock table update data
  8. $lenght_of_key = 8; $key='EUM'; for ($i=0; $i<$lenght_of_key; $i++) $key .=rand(1,9); echo $key;
  9. 1st [code] $therows[]=array( "<center>$dwntime_type</center>", "<center>$dwntime_date</center>", "<center>$dwntime_times</center>", "<center>$dwntime_hrs</center>", "<center>$dwntime_ata</center>", "<center>$dwntime_reason</center>", "<center>$dwntime_solution</center>", "<center>$dwntime_log</center>", "<center>$dwntime_log_by</center>"); [/code] 2nd [code] $x=''; foreach ($therows as $therow){ $x .= "<p>".implode('<br />',$therow)."</p>"; $y .= $excel->writeLine($therows)"; // i don't know what object do } echo $x; [/code]
  10. [code]WHERE type = 'type1' OR type = 'type2' OR type = 'type3' etc.[/code] or [code]WHERE type IN ('type1','type2','type3','type4')[/code]
  11. "UPDATE `WOR` SET `Invoice`=(SELECT IF(`Invoice`='Yes','No',Yes')) where work_order_num='$ordernum'"
  12. try to make new database.php let be database1.php [code] <?php $conn=mysql_connect('host','user','password'); // change 'host' to your host name etc. mysql_select_db('database_name',$conn); ?> [/code] include database1.php not old database.php use original, 1st code you made
  13. change $conn to $database in register.php or add $conn = new MySQLD near the start of register.php or change last line in database.php to $conn = new MySQLD
  14. try [code]$total_amount = "SELECT SUM(amount) FROM sales WHERE paid = 'n' GROUP BY aff";[/code]
  15. try[code] $this->wordart['angle'] = 5; rand(-$this->wordart['angle'], $this->wordart['angle']); [/code]
  16. the code is ok you have Warning not error posible: wordart['angle'] is NULL or 0
  17. change line[code]if (  mysql_num_rows($result) < 0  ){ [/code]to[code]if (  mysql_num_rows($result) > 0  ){ [/code]
  18. try[code]$list .= "<option value=\"$parentId\"> $name"; [/code][code]$list .= "<option value=\"$key\"> $name"; [/code]
  19. try change line [code]if ($parentId = 0) {[/code]to[code]if ($parentId == 0) {[/code]
  20. creat table 'levels' in DB with columns: skil, level and exp to get level use [code] SELECT level FROM levels WHERE skil=$user_skil AND exp <= $user_exp ORDER BY level DESC LIMIT 1 [/code]
  21. OK function must return more then one array cose use static variable $c $a is array from whot i look for path and $b is part of path thet is find (start of path) if $a has no elements the path is finished and i add $b in array $c else i add next element to $b and do this again sorry for bad english
  22. tr[code]<?php $a=array( 1 => array   (       2 => array         (             3 => array(                 "3A" => array(                   "3B" => array(                       "X" => array()                   ),                   "3C" => array(                       "X" => array()                   )                 )             ),             4 => array(                 5 => array(                   "X" => array()                 ),                 "5A" => array(                   6 => array(                       "X" => array()                   )                 )             )         ),   ) ); function path($a,$b=array()){ static $c; if (count($a)==0) $c[]= $b; foreach ($a as $key => $value){ $b1=$b; $b1[]=$key; path($value,$b1); } return $c; } echo "<pre>"; print_r (path($a)); echo "</pre>"; ?>[/code]
  23. change [code]include ("http://www.evermoreforums.com/wes/contact2.php"); [/code] to[code]include ("contact2.php"); [/code]
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