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Everything posted by .josh

  1. .josh


    yeah...see how far that outlook gets you when (if) you start working in the real world.
  2. for a more accruate translation you would need to add the i modifier.
  3. .josh


    I agree. That statement is garbage.
  4. when browsers first started doing the whole tab thing, it took me a while to get into it. I continued to open a new window for a while. I can't really remember why I had misgivings about it, really... there's really no downside to tabs vs. multiple browser instances open, but on the other hand, having multiple browser instances open takes up more memory, and more taskbar real-estate. Eventually I gave it a serious try and it took some getting used to, but it grew on me, and now I'll never go back if I can help it.
  5. no worries. man..just that, in the business world, there's already more than enough non-tech people who assume a tech person can do everything under the sun, that everything is the same thing, etc...so there will be plenty of times where you don't really have a choice, so don't add fuel to the fire man, lol.
  6. can you give an example of the content you're matching?
  7. you would replace $string with whatever variable has your id.
  8. so the ereg version works and you didn't do anything to it to change it except add the delimiters for preg_match?
  9. $string = preg_replace('~[a-z]~i','',$string);
  10. assuming your pattern was matching what it was supposed to in the first place, that's right. Though it would help if you told us the context of what it's supposed to be matching ($s_browser)
  11. well as far as the security...looks like you need to "nukeNum" $uid
  12. liam, I don't think you get it. You take on a job w/out even knowing where to begin. That spells disaster. The prudent thing to do would be to turn the job down. Instead, you are being greedy and saying yes you can, when you can't. This not only reflects on you, but on web developers in general. And then you turn around and get all pissy when people point that out. What you are doing is not professional, and an ass thing to do, so don't expect to gain any respect or be helped by other people. But kicking and screaming and crying foul when people don't tell you what you wanna hear just makes you look like an even bigger unprofessional ass. If you don't like it, go find some other place. Internets is that way ------------------------------->
  13. ...or when telling the boss "no" on something that is technically possible but extremely difficult/complex to do
  14. well maybe if you were to post how you tried to use it, errors given, etc.. IOW something more than "it doesn't work", we might be able to actually help you.
  15. except you have arguments backwards in strstr
  16. I'm kinda surprised the preg_match wasn't faster, since str_word_count has to evaluate the whole string. I wonder if $string = explode(' ',$string); array_shift($string) $string = implode(' ',$string); might be faster than str_word_count
  17. argh that's like the 3rd post recently where i forgot delims
  18. $string = preg_replace('^[^\s]*\s','',$string);
  19. chmod
  20. fwrite or file_put_contents
  21. sarchasm ftw.
  22. There is no built-in way to prepend something to a file. You have to open your file, read the contents into a variable or array, concat your new stuff to the front of the var/array,and then write the whole thing back to the file. That's not really all that convenient if your file is large. If your file is large I suggest you look into using a database instead. edit: I suppose if it's a large file and a db isn't an option, you can write your new info to a temp file and then read your existing file 1 line at a time, appending the info to the temp file 1 line at a time, and then rename your temp file to the existing file.
  23. constant pita maybe...
  24. seems like something that should be on by default.
  25. also water/electricity used to wash clothes. Or alternatively spend lots of $$ at some laundromat (which I assure you will probably actually cost you more in the end...). And that breakdown of water consumption can be multiplied by # of people in house... yeah...2k gallons of water go by pretty quick. No offense Pug but it don't sound to me like you have much experience having to write the checks, lol... and gas, yep, there's another cost for a lot of people. Lot of places use gas AND electricity. I pay for both :/ oh and let's not forget if you are unfortunate enough to live in an area that charge you property/asset taxes. Like here where I live, I get to pay luxury taxes on my shit. Yeah that monopoly card is indeed based off real life
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