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Everything posted by .josh

  1. It's called Quality Assurance. Duh.
  2. Yeah, but most of those are me telling people to rtfm. that's still better than spamming your way to the top....like me... <.<
  3. // assumed american area code + number ... if (strlen(preg_replace('~[^0-9]~','',$_POST['phone2'])) != 10) { // number not valid }
  4. .josh

    Regex This!!

    "It's not working because there is more to it than that." seriously?
  5. i like how no matter how fast I click that number increases by more than what I make in a year. My "share" of the debt my ass.
  6. Pug all I'm saying is there is a wide range of costs associated in living. Not everybody can fit into that breadbox. Not everybody can live in the same place or have those things available. Prime climate to cut down on utilities? LoL. That == tourist location == even more expensive. And it's not fair to compare america with 3rd world countries, because their cost of living is a lot less. And if you think that you can just willy nilly stick your family up in a tent and eat beans all day long, apparently you've never heard of social services. Yes, you don't *need* a lot of things to 'survive' but when you live in an area that expects a certain standard, you don't really have a whole lot of choice but to go with the flow. Funny how it's always the people who are sitting cozy who decide what's best for people, based on *need*.
  7. real men shoot real guns, not pretend guns in some game.
  8. btw pug I love how your tax rate is based off of having dependents instead of single claiming 0... I'm m4 and get more than 15% taken out for taxes lol.
  9. backticks are only used around column and table names, and even then they are not necessary unless you have a column or table name that is a reserved word (and that's only for mysql, and you shouldn't be naming your column/table names reserved words anyways, bad practice). IOW in practice you should never have to use backticks. Though some editors like to sneak them in, change quotes to backticks and stuff.
  10. use single quotes instead of backticks.
  11. str_replace needs to have the \n wrapped in double quotes not single. Alternatively, you can use trim
  12. Dude seriously, stop pulling numbers out your ass. $600 for an apartment? Maybe an efficiency in a really bad side of town in some areas of the country. $150 for food. Yeah, you can swing that, eating beans and rice, ramen, etc.. $50 for water and electricity? ROFLMAO. Dude where do you live I'm totally moving there. My electricity and water runs a minimum of $300 a month, and that's during the 'off' seasons, when they aren't jacking up the prices extra high because it's summer and people are using more air conditioning, or winter and people are using more heater. My bill has been as high as $700. Sure, turning on the a/c isn't necessary, but you just try going through the winter without the heat. Esp when you live in an area where it get below 0 and stay that way for weeks on end. $15 for bike insurance? Yes, because everybody drives motorcycles and gets the same rate as you. You may be able to live w/out a car, depending on where you live, but you'll probably just make up for it in other transportation costs, like bus, taxi, train, whatever. But you probably will have to have a car of some kind, and insurance is higher. Oh and you're numbers are also assuming you are living by yourself. What about if you have a family? Efficiency won't cut it. Motorcycle won't cut it. Bills go up, esp food. I spend $150 a week on food and trust me, it ain't no steak and potatoes. Utilities go up. Dude you obviously don't know what you're talking about. Living sheltered or else you're too young, haven't been out there yet. p.s.- the min. wage only recently went up to $7.25. It was at $5.15 and only got bumped up recently.
  13. uh, no they can't. Maybe if you apply for all kinds of govt. assistance or have like 100 roommates. I've spent most my life in that bracket, I know. There's a reason why govt. turns around and gives out handouts. Because min. wage is not enough. And no I'm not talkin' about not getting to dine out and shit. I'm talking about eating beans and rice, ramen shit 24/7.
  14. Americans don't care if you are not an American (or 'native' american). We're actually pretty big on equality, regardless of race, religion, nationality, blahblah. I suspect mostly because we are sue-happy, but whatever. 2 biggest caveats are: 1) "Less than perfect" communication skills. Strong communication skills are always a necessity, no matter what profession you are in, but it becomes even more essential when you are doing "distance" jobs. Body language is a significant part of communication. With that out of the picture, it becomes a lot more important to be able to convey meaning solely through words (and understand, as well). If people have a hard time understanding you and visa versa, then yes, you are going to have a hard time getting work or working efficiently. 2) Working for a fraction of the price as everybody else. We don't hate you because you're <insert some nationality here>, we hate you because you're undercutting us! If you are living in America you will quickly realize that you will not be able to live off that extremely low rate. It simply costs a lot more to live here. Working for like $2.15/hr won't cut it. Hell, even working for the U.S. federal minimum wage won't cut it around here. But it's nothing personal. We don't think foreigners are *evil* for doing that. But that don't make it any better on our end. On that note, you will actually find it harder (relatively speaking) to get this kind of work in America, because you are in America. You will have to become more of a salesman to sell yourself, instead of relying on being able to charge less. You will have to focus on building a reputation, word-of-mouth, etc.. In other words, you will have to excel at that first point: communication.
  15. well it looks like you're putting all of the html into a single variable anyways, so instead of using that fopen and fread in a loop, just use file_get_contents
  16. did you actually read your error? It tells you what the problem is. fopen expects 2 parameters and you are only giving it one. Pretty self-explanatory. The other 2 errors are being caused because of fopen failing.
  17. Okay so I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you wanting to know how your script would save the info and then use it to connect to the db later? You would have your install script generate a config script/file with the info in it, saved to wherever (outside of the public dir). Then your script would have the config file included when it needs it.
  18. last time I checked, wordpress does not set db info in the install. You have to set that up yourself and provide wordpress with the info...
  19. <?php There you go. That's where you start.
  20. haha yeah...I worked in a produce warehouse for a while. I've seen some pretty spectacular shit happen before, forklifts dropping shit from top shelves, pallet trucks rammed into each other (lots of ice and water on floors of produce warehouse). Whole racks toppling over. All kinds of crazy cool shit. Seen lots of people get hurt (myself included...) but no deaths.
  21. I had a ps3. It broke. I waffled about whether to get a 360 or ps3 and ultimately I decided on ps3 because they have a tendency to pump out more rpgs, and also the whole blue-ray thing seemed kinda cool at the time. I then got a wii. I was very disappointed. I mean, there are some games on it that are okay. But..meh. Although I admit I am excited about the new mario game coming out in a couple weeks.
  22. They delimit. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/delimiter
  23. ah sorry, forgot to put the delimiters in. if (!preg_match('~^[a-zA-Z_-]+$~',$_POST['fname'])) {
  24. a character class only matches against 1 character, and you have start of string and end of string anchors wrapped around it, so it will fail if you have more than 1 character entered. You need to add a quantifier to it. Also, eregi is deprecated, use preg_match instead. if (!preg_match('^[a-zA-Z_-]+$',$_POST['fname'])) { the + is the quantifier. It means 1 or more of what's inside that character class. If you want it to be a specific amount, like only 5-10 characters, do this instead: if (!preg_match('^[a-zA-Z_-]{5,10}$',$_POST['fname'])) {
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