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Everything posted by .josh

  1. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=22533 haha you know, there have actually been several posts I've made that I've gotten the "your message exceeds the character limit" message or however it says it. And it wasn't because of random stuff c/p'd into it...
  2. change the setting on your wheel to scroll more at a time? Or better yet, whenever you see a tldr post, put the poster on ignore.
  3. You can put an image in your email and the image src will point to a php (or other server-side language). You will send out the emails with a unique id generated for each email, to be put as a param in the image src url. For example, email 1 gets: <img src='yoursite.com/tracker.php?id=1' width='1' height='1' /> email 2 gets: <img src='yoursite.com/tracker.php?id=2' width='1' height='1' /> etc... dunno what system you are using to send out these emails, but a lot of mass mailer/mailing list programs have the ability to auto-generate a number like that. Or you could write up your own basic emailing script and inject it yourself. Or hack an existing one, whatever. When the user opens the email, the image request will be made to your tracker.php script. Your tracker.php script will grab the id, and record the viewing in a database or flatfile. It can be as simple as a single column of ids, as they come in. That way you will have a list of all ids of emails viewed, and can compare that to your overall list. The tracker.php will then, as a response to the email image request, output a raw image. Just a simple 1x1 transparent pixel. Or, if you are already going to have another image in your email somewhere, you can have it output that, instead. You will have to accept a margin of error, because while most email providers do allow images, a lot of them ask the user if they want to view them, or the user can flag in their settings to never view images. Can't get around that. A lot of people put a "click here if you have difficulty viewing" link in there, to try and get the user to click on that link and go to a live webpage version of your email. Passing the unique id in the link and tracking it there.
  4. if all you care about is that first set of digits you don't even need the rest of the expression.
  5. really? you're advocating censorship? really? your efforts to mute me are in vain.
  6. you cannot put most of the commercial tracking codes into your header, because most of them boil down to outputting an image tag with data appended to the src url. You cannot have image tags in the head tag.
  7. awestats on the server is "more accurate" because it will count it from a higher "a request was made to this page" level, so even if your page fails to load fully, or if there are other errors causing it to load fully, etc.. it will still count as a page view. If the commercial tools (I assume you are talking about google analytics, yahoo web analytics, omniture sitecatalyst, webtrends, etc...) are reporting significantly less page views, then more than likely you a) didn't install the tracking tool correctly b) some other script(s) on the page(s) might have an error which causes the tracking tool to fail to load. edit: or c) maybe you are looking at the wrong report(s). Example. page view is not the same as visit. Apparently a lot of people get those two confused.
  8. you cannot execute php inside javascript like that. php is a server-side language, parsed on the server. javascript is a client-side language, parsed client-side. One is just plain text to the other, and visa versa. In order to get javascript to execute php, you have to use ajax, which is a javascript method of sending a request to the server and receiving a response. There are tons of ajax tutorials out there to get you started.
  9. Does a can of spraypaint+billboard == hacking a sign?
  10. believe me if I could tell the clients no I won't cater to IE6 I would. But it's not my call to make
  11. the current status is people begrudgingly cater to IE6 most of the time. They do not cater to anything below.
  12. .josh


    And the free pr0n.
  13. .josh


    dude i'm talking about the people who call you up trying to sell you stuff.
  14. .josh


    telemarketers don't count.
  15. .josh

    Google Wave

    woot, I just got an account! ....and yeah..it's kind of disappointing right now. Like showing up to a party and nobody's there...
  16. knock knock
  17. well, this is in the misc. forum, lol. Home of irrelevant prattle.
  18. this is stupid.
  19. What if turning the lights on was enforced?
  20. Your name has a 9 on the end of it. I don't know which thought is scarier, the possibility that there are 8 more nadeems running around out there, or that you're version 9... haha BURN! j/k
  21. .josh

    Short Tags

    well if his script is physically running (popping out a custom error message is still running), then the file has got to be in the right place, wherever it is.
  22. I wouldn't call using all the CPU time on a shared server a minor offense. It has a detrimental effect on all the other sites on that server. right. But being a shared server, the hosting company probably already covers their ass in the ToS about one account affecting other accounts. 2nd, a "first offense" over some random script that happens to be extra memory hungry...just kinda depends.. some script kiddie trying to launch a DoS attack? Sure, kick'em to the curb. But for instance, if I write some random script, forgot to do something like increment a variable and cause an infinite loop that gobbles up memory...i'd be pretty pissed off if my host suspended my account because of that. Esp if it was the first time they contacted me. I would expect some kind of warning. I guess "mass mailing" might be one of those higher ranking no-no scripts though...
  23. Windows as I've said many times to people, is made to be idiot-proof. Maby it would better to make our programs less idiot proof, then we wouldn't have so many idiots on the internet. Sure. Blame people being idiots on Windows. Like most other products/companies out there, research is done and product/service is based off what the average person can do/will do/needs/wants. IOW people aren't stupid because of Windows, Windows is stupid because of people.
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