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Everything posted by .josh

  1. i'm sorry, but if you really wrote the script in the OP then you should know the answer to that...
  2. foreach ($file as $f) { $f = explode(',',$f); echo $f[0]; }
  3. what do you mean by "shows the current URL" ? do you mean that it is echoing out the url on the screen, or showing a blank page? In what context are you trying to use imagejpeg? Are you outputting something before it?
  4. why not use a web analytics tool instead? Google Analytics, Yahoo Web Analytics, Omniture Site Catalyst, etc...
  5. use glob to retrieve pics. shuffle to randomize. echo to display them. Or you could like, google for it... there are literally a million "random image" scripts/tutorials out there.
  6. what I want to know is what was wrong with your previous thread...and account name, that you went and made a whole new thread...and account...asking the same thing?
  7. There are literally a million image resize tutorials/scripts out there. Do you seriously think you're the first person to ever ask about resizing images? We aren't here to sift through your code, write your code for you, or re-invent the wheel. Google for image resize scripts/tutorials. Pick any one of the millions out there. If you have a specific problem, feel free to post it here.
  8. is that "U" really surrounded by parenthesis? is "Random Text" really surrounded by parenthesis?
  9. $this->somethinghere is a shorthand method for calling a property or method within a class. $this means "this class". Example: class blah { var $x; function foobar() { // you are telling php to assign 123 to $x in this class, which is blah. $this->x = 123; } }
  10. how is $var being assigned in the first place? My guess is that you end up with a large number that ends up getting stored as 6.0221415e23 or something. This is considered numeric, but will fail your preg_match.
  11. dude look at the screenshot I uploaded. I'm pretty sure that's what he's talking about. [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. why would you do something like that? Just wrap the whole thing in 1 php tag and make it 10x more readable.
  13. is_numeric returns true or false, so you end up passing true or false to luhn_check instead of the actual value. You need to do something more like this: if (is_numeric($cc) && luhn_check($cc)) Although...depending on what this luhn_check() function of yours does, it may not even be necessary... what does it do? Is it checking it to be a certain format already?
  14. ...and trying to promote package upgrades to VMs
  15. with javascript you can use onblur to trigger a function that will grab the field value the user just removed focus from. how you would track those values depends on what you have setup. you can use ajax to send the info to the server and store in a db. If you have a 3rd party tracking tool installed like yahoo web analytics or site catalyst or something you can put it into one of their vars and send it to the reporting tool.
  16. while ($row = mysql_fetch...) { $info[] = $row; } // do what you want with $info
  17. no idea what that means.
  18. yes because it's just unthinkable that a coding board would have some kind of code tags. Or mention them in the ToS you signed by joining. Or mentioned in the Rules stickied everywhere.
  19. well you could always explore other alternatives. Removing the .com, changing the . to "dot" something.com to something or something dot com
  20. stealing other people's content makes pandas sad. anyways, I suggest you look into DOM
  21. actually my bad, I don't think htmlentities() covers dots. Try using . instead of the dot.
  22. you can try using htmlentities on the string but dunno whether that will work for emails or not.
  23. he's talking about the url that appears at the bottom left of the browser when you hover over the link. That's got nothin' to do with mod rewrite.
  24. first off this isn't a php question 2nd, how is that any more secure? 3rd, usually servers are setup to automatically look for index.html or index.php or index.whatever so when you do http://www.somesite.com/ in your href="..." it should automatically look for it.
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