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Everything posted by .josh

  1. that's because your path/to/image is probably wack. offhand I see in $imgdr you have it listed as a subfolder of the current working directory (no ../) but in the path/to/image in your image tag, you build it it again instead of using your $imgdr, and it has that "../" at the beginning, which makes it look for the directory above the current working directory. I would suggest changing your img src to src="'$imgdr.$img.'" edit: oops, forgot the concat dot src="'.$imgdr.$img.'"
  2. I think that stuff between the td tags can be cleaned up but I don't know your dir struct so I left it alone... $imgdir = 'uploads/'.$nick.'/'; // the directory, where images are stored $allowed_types = array('png','jpg','jpeg','gif'); // list of filetypes I want to show $a_img = glob($imgdr."*.{".implode(',',$allowed_types)."}",GLOB_BRACE); sort($a_img); echo "<table><tr>"; foreach ($a_img as $img) { if ($colCount % 4 == 0) echo "</tr><tr>"; $colCount++; echo ' <td><a href="../index.php?slika='.$img.'"><img src="../uploads/'.$nick.'/'.$img.'" width="100" height="75" border="0" onclick="changeImg(velika, "'.$kojaslika.'.jpg")" /></a></td>'; } echo "</tr></table>";
  3. You should be validating form info before putting it in the db in the first place, so putting in something if nothing exists shouldn't be a problem.. nonetheless, the default field value in your db as Handy mentioned would be better.
  4. submit the form via curl. Use a cron job to run it every 24 hours.
  5. hmmm...does your code actually have several cards within a single set of brackets, or does each card wrapped around with its own set of brackets? IOW do you really have it like this: [6h 9h 9c] [Kd][Kg] or are all of the cards in the string really like this? [6h] [9h] [9c] [Kd][Kg]
  6. or "gspot" if you want to use technical terms.
  7. 99% of the time the reason is for tracking purposes (like google analytics, yahoo web analytics, omniture sitecatalyst, coremetrics, etc...)
  8. I never tried that one.. I have the first BGDA on PS2, and man did it ever rock! Yeah dude BGDA2 is all the coolness of BGDA and then some. I like hack n' slash games like that. Actually I just found out they did release it on gamecube, which can be played on wii! Think I'm gonna order that now
  9. I wish Balders Gate Dark Alliance 2 was made on PC or wii
  10. if (($a -> ip != $ip) && ($a -> time > ($time - $days_in_seconds)) && ($a -> time < $b)) {//FIX THIS LINE!
  11. hmm redarrow I don't think you quite understand what the OP is trying to do. Think maybe you should go back and reread
  12. Only works if fopen_wrappers is enabled though.
  13. come on guys, he's lonely and trying to reach out. Don't make him hang himself!
  14. .josh


    If you have the font on your server, you can use it to write text to an image with the GD library, yes. By the time it gets to the user, it's an image, not text. IMO the best thing you can do if you wish to use the font on your site, is to offer a link to the user to download and install the font. In your css, offer multiple font choices so the browser can fall back to alternatives if the user doesn't have it installed, of course.
  15. Man to be honest, I have yet to really figure out what genre really does it for me. Seems like these days video games take so much work and effort and time to master..hell, even the controls, let alone "moves", let alone "beating the game," just doesn't appeal to me all that much anymore. Seems to me the more "realistic" and complicated games get, the definition of "game" itself is changing from (In my mind, anyways) something easy and fun to do, to...shit I don't know, training or work. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing...maybe 10 or 20 years from now, companies training people by having them master custom made video games will be commonplace. Lot of companies and institutions have already been doing it for quite some time, like flight simulators, etc... But I guess that might just be me, or at least, a sign of me getting old, lol. My age bracket has been replaced with a new generation's age bracket, and I'm forever stuck in the past now, sort of thing Next thing I know I'll be bitching about how stupid kids are these days...wait, I already do that... fuck, I am getting old
  16. I bought a ps3 last year but my kids broke it. Right now I have a wii. It's not as great as I thought it would be, so I rarely play it. When I do, it's usually one of the virtual console classics, like Super Mario 3 or Metal Slugs 2.
  17. okay but nobody is going sift through all that code for you. You know what the problem is. You should be able to at least locate where in the script the problem starts. Like...where the footer script is, up until right here in the code, it outputs just fine, etc... yes, it could take you a while to sort that out; it's tedious, but not incredibly difficult. echo "test"; further and further down the script, inside functions, etc.. until you see it disappear, sort of thing. Turn error reporting on. Note and post errors given, etc.. good chance you'll probably figure the problem out on your own by doing these things.
  18. alternatively, try using createElement and appendChild
  19. in javascript, or knowing on the server that it happened? Either way.. if instead of directly calling the alert, you call a function instead, and in the function you set some value to true (as opposed to false), and 'THEN trigger the alert, you can easily verify within javascript that it happened. If you're looking for the server to know...you cannot absolutely verify this. . you can create a function that sends info to some script via ajax that it happened, and then calls the alert, instead of directly calling the alert. You can then after X amount of time has past, assume that it didn't happen, but that's not 100% guaranteed.
  20. Make each popup message an element in an array. Then call the same functions, only add arguments to pass. Pass a specific # to the popup function and have it change the innerHTML to the text in that element #.
  21. you're allowed to ask for help, but are you allowed to ask someone to do your work for you? Because those are two different things... you're more likely to get a response if you make a better effort. Telling people they have to go download some 3rd party script, and then dumping your full script on top of that... and then saying here, make it work... yeah nobody is going to do that.
  22. except that enum takes up more space by storing the possible values.
  23. personally i'd go for tinyint
  24. I'll send it to the email in your profile
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