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Everything posted by .josh

  1. Your pagination goes by what is listed in your database. Your test.php reads from the directory. The first thing I would check is to make sure your database entries match your files in your directory.
  2. dude, even as I'm smashed I can't understand a damn thing you are saying redarrow. I was sure that was the key...fuck man.. don't take that the wrong way, not makin' fun of you... but seriously, I want to try an experiment. Can you post your question in your native tongue and let me run it through google translator? Seriously. Really am curious. I want to compare results. Maybe I'll understand the google translator so I can help you out. Yeah. That's it.
  3. that doesn't answer any of the questions I asked. Dude, all I'm getting out of you is that you have this random variable being passed through the url. you have no idea what the value will be. you have no idea what you are wanting to do with it. Why do you want to find out what the options are? If you cannot answer this question (or the ones I asked before), then why did you even make a thread? you have to tell us these things if you want help. We are not psychic.
  4. how is the link generated? Is it hardcoded that way?
  5. but what are you expecting it to be? You can't just randomly take whatever comes in the door. Well I guess you could, but that's begging to get exploited. Are you expecting it to be a certain exact value in a predefined list? Are you expecting it to be something of a specific format? What are you wanting to do with this?
  6. echo $_GET['option'];
  7. yeah I noticed that after I posted. figured it wasn't worth going back to edit, that he should probably be able to figure that out on his own. I hate going back to edit. aside potentially causing confusion, I feel it somehow cheapens my post on some level. This, coming from a guy who shamelessly spams like a 13 year old script kiddie with mommy issues.
  8. bit more flexible.. ~\{include\s(?[^}]+)\s)?([^}]+)~i
  9. unlink
  10. yeah sorry..dunno why I said x; meant e.
  11. why not just strtolower it in the first place, before the preg_replace? But anyways, if you insist, you need to use the x modifier and wrap the strtolower in quotes.
  12. maybe try trimming it before the regex? Also, all your posts have shown it in capital letters. Is it supposed to be a case-sensitive match? If not, then you need to use the 'i' modifier
  13. I notice you're still calling Avant a browser
  14. -Post the code in which you tried the pattern in -Post example content you're trying to match -Post what the actual error is For real, it continues to boggle my mind how many people lack the basic common sense to post more than "it doesn't work"
  15. okay for real, 150 columns in a table...something is very wrong with that picture.
  16. I think the better thing for you to do would probably be to look into breaking that 50 column table down into several tables...
  17. ah good call
  18. $string = array_filter(preg_split('~([a-z](?:[0-9]+)?)~i',$string,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE));
  19. <?php $img = ($totalRows_rst == 0)? "<img src='../images/view.png' title='VIEW INVOICE' width='32' height='32' />" : "<a href='qry_open_detail.php?recordID={$row_rstcue['inv_num']}'><img src='../images/view.png' title='VIEW INVOICE' width='32' height='32' /></a>"; echo $img; ?> oops. Still needed the echo, just needed to move it.
  20. <?php $img = ($totalRows_rst == 0)? "<img src='../images/view.png' title='VIEW INVOICE' width='32' height='32' />" : "<a href='qry_open_detail.php?recordID={$row_rstcue['inv_num']}'><img src='../images/view.png' title='VIEW INVOICE' width='32' height='32' /></a>";?>
  21. you'd probably have better luck asking on the SMF boards...
  22. $resultset = 0; // assumed value from db query $img = ($resultset == 0)? "<img src='..' ... />" : "<a href='..'><img src='..' ... /></a>";
  23. it doesn't. Either your register_globals are on, or else you are assigning something to it somewhere before hand.
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