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Everything posted by .josh

  1. Ah I guess I never noticed it got moved.
  2. $db->insert_row( 'Destination_tbl', array( 'Destination' => quote($_GET['inpAddDestination']), 'Address1' => quote($_GET['inpAddAddress']) ) ); so if you have your form as method='post' did you change those two $_GET's to $_POST[...] ?
  3. \s is shorthand character class for spaces, tabs and some other whitespace character. What you want is the s modifier, which goes after the closing delimiter: /\[box](.+?)\[\/box\]/s
  4. There used to be a "have you been helped?" type of thread stickied in the php help forum that asked for donations and you could also post donations you made. If memory serves correct, I believe we removed it when we implemented the subscription based phpfreak supporter member group.
  5. I like it I tried to add it but for some reason smf is giving me an error, saying that the directory isn't writable (trying to upload it). Maybe I don't have permissions as a mod to upload it...
  6. right...dunno why you had to go searching for that, considering that's what I said to do... I don't think you'll really find something like that, per se... formatting is pretty much a unique thing, based on your own tastes. here is an example of putting each one on an individual line: $embody = <<<MBODY $category1 \n $description1 \n $amount1 \n $firm1 \n $category2 \n $description2 \n $amount2 \n $firm2 \n $category3 \n $description3 \n $amount3 \n $firm3 \n $category4 \n $description4 \n $amount4 \n $firm4 \n $category5 \n $description5 \n $amount5 \n $firm5 \n $category6 \n $description6 \n $amount6 \n $firm6 \n $category7 \n $description7 \n $amount7 \n $firm7 \n MBODY;
  7. .josh


    Well, yeah, but that's not really relevant. Those are not physical, biological differences. Things like that will always weigh in (heaviest of all, usually) when deciding who is "superior." Well it really depends on what level of granularity you go for. I mean, if you are just looking at one metric, there's really no room for varying interpretations. Either it's bigger/smaller or it's not. But if you are comparing many things across the board, of course people are going to have different ideas of what makes for a "superior" race, overall. I mean shit, look at rpg's. Some people choose to be a wizard and cast spells because they put more stock into intelligence, etc.. . Some people choose to swing a double sided axe as a towering barbarian, because they put more stock into things like strength. If you compare just one thing between the two, like wizard's strength vs. a barbarian's strength, there's not really any room to say a barbarian is not superior. Same concept for real life attributes, really. It would have to be a pretty damn big discovery to really out-weigh difference of opinion, though. Like for instance (just an example, for argument sake), they discover that by changing xyz in our dna, "superpowers" like telepathy, telekinesis, super ant-like strength, etc.. can be unlocked in people of one race, but not another.
  8. "Let's 'fix' the problem by trying to revert back to how it was before the upgrade! There can't possibly be a reason they've disabled it by default now, and are removing it altogether later!"
  9. .josh


    Hey I'm just saying...if scientists were to suddenly discover that one race is in fact "superior" to another, can anyone even begin to fathom what kind of repercussions that would have on the world? I mean, the entire history of our existence revolves around people thinking they are better than others, and look what all has happened. You can write it off as a conspiracy theory; that's fine. I'm just saying, it would make sense that the powers that be would keep something like that secret. Just like keeping aliens a secret. Can call that a conspiracy theory all you want but it still makes sense that if they were real, it would best be kept secret as long as possible, because of what would happen if it became common knowledge. Mass hysteria, complete upheaval of things.
  10. phpfreak = eric = owner. Daniel0 = Daniel (big surprise there) = admin.
  11. .josh


    Do you really think they would say something if they did find anything?
  12. assign all of the variables to $subject
  13. first code you posted: <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $to = "[email protected]"; $subject = "Authorization Form"; $category1 = $_POST['category1']; $description1 = $_POST['description1']; $amount1 = $_POST['amount1']; $category2 = $_POST['category2']; $description2 = $_POST['description2']; $amount2 = $_POST['amount2']; $category3 = $_POST['category3']; $description3 = $_POST['description3']; $amount3 = $_POST['amount3']; $category4 = $_POST['category4']; $description4 = $_POST['description4']; $amount4 = $_POST['amount4']; $category5 = $_POST['category5']; $description5 = $_POST['description5']; $amount5 = $_POST['amount5']; $category6 = $_POST['category6']; $description6 = $_POST['description6']; $amount3 = $_POST['amount6']; $category7 = $_POST['category7']; $description7 = $_POST['description7']; $amount7 = $_POST['amount7']; echo "Data has been submitted to $to!"; // pre-populate these vars with whatever you want. Hopefully names of vars are self-explanatory. mail($to,$subject,$content); } else { echo "Error: Contact Network Administrator for assistance."; } ?>
  14. did you try changing your path/to/file in your script?
  15. Are you asking how you would email the submitted form info to somewhere? You already have a condition setup to check if form info was posted. You also have posted vars assigned to more readable vars. All you need to do is put the mail function in there and you're set.
  16. use file_get_contents to retrieve the file. Might possibly need to use nl2br on it (I don't remember if textareas render the \n's or not), create a form and just echo it out between the textarea tags. Name the text area, wrap form tags around it. When it is posted, grab it from post and save it to file with file_put_contents
  17. Son, I told you it's time for bed. Now go back to your room, turn off the light and go nite-nite.
  18. Or taken as-is, it could be an implied threat. As in, "The fact that I'm not caring should be doing some damage to you, otherwise I would not be doing it. Keep it up and I will do more damage by not caring enough to " edit: Aww, I was hoping to have a bit more fun with him I guess it's his bedtime. "Don't forget to brush your teeth! Daddy will be in in a minute to tuck you in and give you a nite-nite kiss!"
  19. Depending on the situation, there's no harm in doing that. The only thing that really does though is anchor js to a specific space in a script though. Can't easily move that around, sort of thing (moreso from script to script vs. within script, but even then). Using ajax is a bit more flexible. You can have a script dedicated to handing out values for variables and that frees you up to do whatever on the rest of your page, without having to work around the javascript. It also allows for multiple pages to draw from that single value controller script.
  20. FYI "unexpected end" errors 99% of the time mean you forgot a closing bracket, parenthesis or semicolon somewhere (usually bracket). So next time you get it, that's what to look for.
  21. Yes I know. You've been taught to only be able to process up to 130 characters. It's not your fault you were raised by a TV inst
  22. You need to step back and take the time to learn proper code syntax. Really, it's not that hard. Once you learn it, you will be able to understand what the error messages are telling you and fix them yourself easy enough. There is no reason for something like this to be a constant crutch for you.
  23. u just failed again to answer my question.. will it make it go sloweR? i can't apply your code bcz mine has EOF and while function doesnt work like that.. i use {$Profile['varable']} to get my code not simple php.. wow You can apply the principle to any loop. In fact, the only way to apply the principle is with a loop. I assure you, the principle will apply just fine to your while loop looking for an EOF. You are just failing to understand what is going on with the code or how to apply it to your own. But instead of saying "Hey, I think that's what I need, but I'm not sure how to make it work with my specific situation (as opposed to the example I gave you..you do know what an example is, right?), here's what I'm trying, what am I doing wrong?" you decide to blow it off and mock people. You were the one who came here looking for help, remember? Apparently this is another principle you fail to grasp: don't bite the hand that feeds you. Attitudes like this are not what convince people they should even give you the time of day, much less actually help you. And as far as thinking that us "older" people have no lives because we code: You do know that there are plenty of careers out there and real money to be made doing it, right? Decent money. And a lot more respectable than the McJob you're hoping to some day work at.
  24. $getnews = mysql_query ($query) or die(mysql_query ()) ; You are passing mysql_query in the die. I believe you meant to do mysql_error().
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