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Everything posted by .josh

  1. so what happens when the user changes or spoofs his IP address and just spends all day clicking away?
  2. Sure, I'll get right on that.
  3. Are you asking if there's an alternative to making a request to the server, as far as finding out if there are updates from something on your server? I suppose you could try using a crystal ball.
  4. right. So if I do: $string = "blah\n"; $string = trim($string); that \n will be removed.
  5. from the manual: I will concede that that doesn't remove new lines from in the middle of the string...OP is somewhat ambiguous on that count though...
  6. I hope that function is being used with something like array_walk because if not, I don't really see why you can't just use trim() directly...
  7. Really? So I guess the manual entry that I coincidentally supplied a link to must be lying.
  8. Don't remember anything specific off the top of my head about any particular question...only thing about you that really stands out in my mind about you is that for a while there you were going through a "I'm going to talk like a script kiddie and hot dammit you'd better respect me nonetheless" phase. You've (mostly) gotten a lot better about that, though. Just go to your profile, click on your view posts link. Start on the last page.
  9. Well the original point of the thread was to shame you into removing your computers' stats from your sig, but it kind of got OT.
  10. Well you know, someone has to do it. Not really your standard 9-5 job, but..meh. Get to travel to new places. Meet new people..er..things..whatever. Almost hooked up with this chick in the alpha quadrant, until I found out her race's mating ritual involved her eating me. Kinda on the fence about being the lab rat for new super soldier serums they keep coming up with though. I mean sometimes it's like "free drugs, woot!" But then other times it's like gd UGH wtf did they do to me this rash is killing me and having a 3rd arm is NOT as cool as I thought it would be
  11. Not at all but thanks for the heads up. I am struggling to figure out how to set up the disclaimer and ToS. Be like everyone else. Just randomly c/p someone else's.
  12. hmm...have you looked into urlencode or htmlentities?
  13. Haha well I didn't say I'm not a game lover. I mean, I used to really get into them. Hell, I spent most of my life poking at code for the sole reason of wanting to make a game, even since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. But then I grew up, got married, had kids. Hung up those spurs like 10 years ago. I'll go out and buy my kids a wii and some games or whatever, maybe even sit down and play a few rounds with them, but...meh. To me, games are starting to get too complicated and lifelike. Getting to the point where I spend so much time and energy trying to learn some system, master all these challenges and straining my brain to problem solve...I'm just like dude..I do this same shit in real life, only I get paid to do it. So...I'm looking at games these days and it's like I'm paying someone out there so I can work. And I'm just like ..er..wait a minute.. not only have games turned into being just like work, but now I'm paying you instead of you paying me? You know, if anything, I'd say phpfreaks is my "game". Rules to follow. Get more superpowers the higher level you get. Increase your level by doing things like answering questions, building things, figuring out systems, etc.. Come here when I'm bored or when I get off work and want to relieve stress, and midget pr0n just isn't cutting it.
  14. I've never played this game. Never even heard of it before now. I'm not really much of a gamer anymore. 99% of my involvement in games these days is from buying it for my kids.
  15. Everything you are wanting to do is what ajax is for. So it sounds like you should be doing it now, instead of "eventually." Your alternative would be to do it in flash.
  16. Hey if you wanna be speedy gonzalez 30 second man, by all means, go for it.
  17. I have a quad core 3.6Ghz 64 bit 6gb ram blahblah more blah point is, mine is bigger than yours, so quite bragging. Also, it's not the size of the hard drive that matters. It's how you ram it. And by ram it, I mean put it in the cache.
  18. I have no Idea what you just said...but...<sniff> I feel you man. I wish you the best of luck on this epic quest of yours. Hey, I just noticed, your post looks like a giant gun. Like Megatron's gun. Or the joker in the first batman movie where Jack Nickleson was the joker, and he shot down batman's plane with that long ass gun. BLAMBLAMBLAM! pow.
  19. try putting "http://" in the front of your link. Also, escape your inner quotes or use single quotes.
  20. <?php //rest of code here There you go. Enjoy. Good luck!
  21. well considering his dates do not seem to cover anything more granular than 24 hour spans...
  22. $sStartDate = "2009-06-22"; $sEndDate = "2009-07-04"; $sStart = strtotime($sStartDate); $sEnd = strtotime($sEndDate); $step = 60 * 60 * 24; // sec * min * hour for ($day = $sStart; $day <= $sEnd; $day += $step) { echo date("Y-m-d",$day) . "<br/>"; }
  23. is your $_POST array multi-dim? Like for instance, using someVar[] in your form?
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