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Everything posted by .josh

  1. You mean a search feature? Yeah we have that. Most people just can't be bothered to use it. Or are you talking about how when the user is in the middle of posting, it suggests threads before it lets him post, or after he posts? If it's before..meh, it might reduce some, but I doubt it. People have a funny way of thinking that they are the first person to ever ask a question. I doubt they will bother with being diverted pre-post. Maybe if we had it suggest threads after the user posts, it might help them, but it won't help us, as the post will have already been made.
  2. Whatever happened to you promising to talk like a normal human being?
  3. I had a cup just like that, once.
  4. SS or it didn't happen.
  5. I do not make northbound entries on southbound exits, if that is what you are implying
  6. A pirate ninja. Does it get any better than that??
  7. What do you mean by precise? I've only poked at WMM a couple times but do you mean like, it only lets you edit by the second instead of 1/x second?
  8. All I'm saying is that relying on clientside code for anything is a security risk. Therefore to overcome that, you will have to do serverside validation anyways. So there is absolutely nothing you can do clientside that won't involve you doing double work in the end. That's why I feel that it is pointless to do this. With other clientside things like AJAX, at least the *bling* involved in doing it makes it worth the extra effort. But this thing here; something working behind the scenes, provides no better experience or functionality for the user. There's nothing to make up for this double work.
  9. We need a sarcasm smiley. Badly.
  10. Umm..no...that's not what spaghetti code means. Spaghetti code is where you fashion your code in such a way where the program flow jumps all over the place, most highly popularized by the use of a "goto" type function.
  11. I'll record them for you for a modest fee. People say I sound like James Earl Jones...if he were to get hardily kicked in the nuts...
  12. preg_match_all('~https?://[^"\'\s]+~i',$string,$links); echo "<pre>"; print_r($links);
  13. ah man wtf I was gonna ask you for school info because I too wanted to join the ranks of phd in html, css and js.
  14. I'm not calling you a liar. I'm just kind of surprised, that's all. I didn't know people actually offered phd's for those things.
  15. so you really did get a phd in css, html and js?
  16. If I understand correctly you have for instance <input type = 'checkbox' name='someArray[]' value='1' /> <input type = 'checkbox' name='someArray[]' value='1' /> <input type = 'checkbox' name='someArray[]' value='1' /> etc... and do not want to lose the value of 0 or the array position for it if the user does not check one, right? The easier thing to do would be to specify the array position in the form. <input type = 'checkbox' name='someArray[0]' value='1' /> <input type = 'checkbox' name='someArray[1]' value='1' /> <input type = 'checkbox' name='someArray[2]' value='1' /> etc... Assuming you are displaying the checkboxes from a loop, you can just use a simple $x++ to inc it. Or if purpose is to simply keep track of id's being checked, and assuming all ids are unique, you can just use the id as the array key and then the value won't even matter.
  17. hmm... or can't decide which
  18. okay maybe I'm missing something but it looks like those two youtube links are just a song dubbed over a bunch of randomly pasted together movie clips. WMM can do that...
  19. Well I mean, it's not some badass program or anything...It's like comparing windows paint to adobe photoshop...sure, if you look at it like that, then of course it doesn't compare. But WMM has basic editing and a few effects here and there. Just kind of depends on what TLG's goal is.
  20. doesn't windows movie maker come with windows?
  21. Right. And the point was to tell nadeem that his fly is open, need to XYZ cuz the barnyard door is open and the cow is hanging out sort of thing. I don't think he got the hint though.
  22. You can either escape the ones you are using to delimit the echo, example: echo '<a onclick = "someFunction(\'blah\')" ... '; or you can use HEREDOC echo TEXTBLOCK <a onclick = "someFunction('blah')" .... some 'blah' "blahblah" TEXTBLOCK; ?>
  23. You have to call mysql_select_db every time you want to switch dbs $link_web = mysql_connect($domain_web,$username_web,$password_web); $link_web2 = mysql_connect($domain_web2,$username_web2,$password_web2); mysql_select_db($database_web,$link_web) or die("Unable Select ".$database_web." Database"); mysql_query('query1',$link_web); // query from first db mysql_query('query2',$link_web); // query from first db (don't need to call select_db again since it's same db mysql_select_db($database_web2,$link_web2) or die("Unable Select ".$database_web2." Database"); mysql_query('query3',$link_web2); // query from 2nd db mysql_select_db($database_web,$link_web) or die("Unable Select ".$database_web." Database"); mysql_query('query4',$link_web); // query from 1st db
  24. ah, well you edited in what you tried after I posted. No, you cannot do something like assign mysql_select_db to a variable and use that. You can only have 1 active database selected at a time, so you can assign the connections to 2 different vars but you still need to first call mysql_select_db to specify the db each time you want to switch making a query to whichever db.
  25. php does not have multi-thread capabilities. You can sort of kind of simulate it with forking but it's not really the same thing.
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