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Everything posted by .josh

  1. That doesn't make sense. Did you read the topic before replying anyway? Yeah I just wanted to see how halo2freak would respond. LOL suuure.
  2. Of course I'm probably biased, but I don't think I really fit the stereotypical programmer profile.
  3. I reek of marketability. I'm hotter than frank's red hot sauce.
  4. What about me standing there nakie with my laptop and mouse dangling over my happy no-no spots?
  5. Drat. That bastard Google has beaten us again! Pretty soon, everybody is going to use Google, and then we'll all be out of a job!
  6. We're not talking about php, we're talking about basic math you learn in like 1st grade. Seriously, my 8 year old just finished 2nd grade. He brought home homework last year (1st grade) dealing with %'s. So hey OP, if you're like 8 years old, hats off to you bud.
  7. Dude what do they teach you kids in school these days? They obviously aren't teaching even basic math.. should just cut to the chase and teach you how to hold a spatula and flip a burger so you'll be prepared for your future career. What's really sad is that I'm not joking. I used to manage a fastfood joint and you'd be surprised at how many people failed at even doing stuff like that.
  8. Okay so I don't think I'd wear a phpfreak shirt. But I'd use a phpfreak coffee mug or mouspad. Maybe even plaster a sticker on my laptop. Hang a poster in my room of the staff members, drawn chibi-style, for sure. Bauble-heads! Dude, you know you'd dig a bauble-head.
  9. Although, selling phpfreak merchandise (cool stuff, not that ancient crap on that one site) would be cool. But the money from it would not be the primary goal; the goal would be to just provide cool shit for the community (but it would still cost money, because I'm not interested in paying for your coffee mug).
  10. well if you already know so much about this thing then why are you looking for more info?
  11. Well nobody else does. Do you want to be the odd ball out?
  12. so...if the people who made it can't seem to provide enough info, why would it be worth your time looking into it?
  13. well you can start with the documentation and tutorials listed in the link you yourself provided...
  14. It doesn't really matter when she takes it out. That's not really the issue. The issue is that there's a hole there in the first place. If she gets a piercing, the hole will be there. When she starts blowing up like a balloon, it will stretch. If she takes it out before she starts expanding, she might get lucky and the hole might heal itself and therefore not stretch. But then, it might not close at all. It's not uncommon for people's piercings to never really close. I had ear piercings from when I was a teenager. I haven't worn earrings in like 12 years now, and they are still open. And they were regular free-with-purchase-of-studs piercing you get at walmart, not those stick-a-padlock-through-your-ear sized holes.
  15. I do not play guitar, but I always wanted to. I've actually been thinking about getting one for a while now.
  16. Well what did you expect being a part of an open source community meant?
  17. Dude chicks get crazy about shit like that. You're just like "so what honey, it's no big deal," but she'll make out like it's the end of the world and shit. NOT worth it. Especially when you already have to hear it about other things. Scar from c-section if applicable. Stretch marks. Looser happy no-no spot fears.
  18. When you say "play the guitar" do you really mean "play guitar hero"? Apparently there are a lot of people out there who feel those 2 statements are the same.
  19. The only thing he see is you, while you're sleeping. He can definitely touch more than your account though. Hey man, just because you like to hide out in the bushes doesn't mean everybody else does too.
  20. Also, I'm not sure where you got your info from, but there's a slight typo: It's the Get Baked and Eat Beans Contest.
  21. sarchasm ftw.
  22. oh nohs, sensoring the government's website? That's sure to cripple them.
  23. damn man... I did the hard part for you. Can't find a simple syntax error? $search = (in_array(strtolower($_GET['l']),range('a','z')))? $_GET['l'] : 'A';
  24. $alpha = range('A','Z'); function linkify(&$letter) { $letter = "<a href='?l={$letter}'>{$letter}</a>"; } array_walk($alpha,'linkify'); $alpha = implode(' - ',$alpha); echo $alpha; $search = (in_array(strtolower($_GET['l']),range('a','z'))? $_GET['l'] : 'A'; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Bands WHERE bandname LIKE '{$search}%");
  25. array_slice does not overwrite the existing array, unless you assign the results of array_slice to the same array. $gs = array(1,4,7,10,13,16,19,21,23,27,29,32,37,41,43,46,48,50,52); $ks = array_slice($gs,5,6); echo "<pre>"; print_r($gs); print_r($ks); output: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 4 [2] => 7 [3] => 10 [4] => 13 [5] => 16 [6] => 19 [7] => 21 [8] => 23 [9] => 27 [10] => 29 [11] => 32 [12] => 37 [13] => 41 [14] => 43 [15] => 46 [16] => 48 [17] => 50 [18] => 52 ) Array ( [0] => 16 [1] => 19 [2] => 21 [3] => 23 [4] => 27 [5] => 29 )
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