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Everything posted by .josh

  1. Well seeing as how everybody's day to day activities are different, I don't think you are really going to find any solid one-size-fits-all "model." Time management is the same as working toward any other goal: write it down, allot a timeframe for it, and do it. Make a list of all of the things you need to do during the day, decide which order it should all go in based on any number of things, allot x amount of time for each thing, and follow the schedule. Don't keep doing the activity if you run out of the alloted time; move on to the next thing. Period. If that's not possible, then learn to do it faster, or adjust your schedule to a more reasonable time next time. Because if you don't, then there's not point to the whole time management schedule thing. Making it is not the hard part. Sticking to it is.
  2. Sit down and write everything down as a want vs. need, and prioritize accordingly.
  3. I don't ever go to digg.com unless someone happens to point a link to something on it.
  4. well, other than you missing ; at the end of your expressions, it looks fine to me..
  5. Well in my own experience, I've had an easier time getting the time of day from smaller companies. It's been my experience that the smaller the company, the more likely someone is in a position to make an exception to some rule on a whim. But as you pointed out, maybe that's just me.
  6. Sorry redbull, but I don't really count those guys you listed. Time and time again I see people use those guys as examples of how "anybody" can be successful, regardless of education. But the reality of it is that those guys were rich to begin with. They grew up in rich homes. Pursuing your dreams without a degree is pretty easy when you have lots of money laying around at your disposal.
  7. My 2 cents: As far as whether you should finish: I say do it. I wholeheartedly agree that getting the paper is pointless -- after you've gotten your foot in the door. Look at your own circumstance right now as an example. The problem is that, as ober already pointed out, most companies won't even give you the time of day unless you have it though. To me, the paper is like a key that unlocks the door. After you're inside, it no longer serves any purpose. But you still need it to get inside. I can tell you from my own experience of not having any formal education that the wisest thing for you to do is to get those papers. As far as companies expecting degrees/certs: the bottom line is that it gives the hiring managers more job security. If you walk in and say you can do something, and he hires you, and it turns out that you can't, not only will you get canned, but there's a good possibility that he'll get canned, too. But if you walk in and say you can do something, and you have a piece of paper from somewhere that says you went to school and passed a test on that something, so he hires you, and it turns out that you can't do the job, well, he can point the finger at your paper and your school. Also, your papers serve as proof that you committed to a goal and you completed it. So in that respect, getting an education does compare to experience. The boss can know to an extent that you will do something, because you have a piece of paper that shows you have done something. So unless you plan on staying with your current company for the rest of your life, finish your education and get the paper. That's your key to get in the door at other places. Also, I hate to point this out, but there is a very real possibility that your boss is trying to convince you to drop out of school in order to force you to stay, because even a boss with half a brain knows the whole paper==key concept. I think when your boss tells you that pursuing/finishing your schooling is pointless, what he really means, is that it's pointless as far as your future with his company. To him, you've already proven yourself, so to him, it's pointless for you to keep going. I don't know what your schedule demands are, but it may even be a thorn in his side for you to be going. If I were in your shoes, I'd be honest with him. Your company has just as much responsibility to you as you do to them, as far as your whole job arrangement is concerned. Work is a two way street. You perform a service and they compensate you for it. Since you aren't forced to work there, it is their responsibility to keep you interested in performing their required services. That includes offering competitive pay and benefits. So if I were you, when you get your papers, start job hunting. Go to an interview or 2, get some offers. Then go back to your boss and be honest and tell him that if he wants you to continue to be an employee at his company, that he's going to have to convince you to stay. That is, if you really like your company and would rather stay than go with one of those offers. Word of caution: judging by his "quit school" attitude, you should be prepared for the possibility that he's probably not going to make an effort to match those other offers, should you go that route. I'm just sayin'... if I were your boss, and I wasn't willing to pay you a ton of extra money, but I also didn't want to lose you, the best thing I could think of to do is try and convince you to quit school, so that I wouldn't have to give you more money, but still get to keep you. Also, as long as you don't have keys, you can't get into other places... Now I'm not saying that's what's going through his mind..but it's possible.
  8. it was a joke; ron took it as a joke. it was my way of throwing some funny into the situation so as to make things more relaxed, ease some tension, etc.. blahblahblah. come on now, I'm not that big of an ass, hard as it may be to believe. p.s.- He has not helped countless people countless times. I mean, the most people he could have possibly helped was 1,644 (his post count). I can count that high, can't you? burn!
  9. LoL from the long list of things I find funny from all of this, what I find the most funny is that you think we care. aHAHahAHAHaHaHAHA!
  10. Well maybe if you had behaved, your boyfriend wouldn't have left you. But you did, so it's the sock for you.
  11. Meh. Not really impressed. All of the songs I listened to (5 or 6) sounded like they all coulda been more or less the same song. It sounds like they almost made it to something creative and funky. Almost, but not quite. I think they have potential, but need to try a little harder. On a side note, for some reason, this music doesn't seem to fit in with my mental image of you, neylitalo.
  12. Sounds like yet another karma system incarnation to me.  As in, looks good on paper, but in reality, it just doesn't seem to work out.
  14. PET, please do not post in old threads.  Redarrow, you know better.
  15. I wish it would hurry up and be virtual reality internet already, where I can jack a wire into my brain and woosh!
  16. Coincidentally, so did I. It's called Stupid 2.0.
  17. You mentioned web 2.0. You must now die. Well, not really. But seriously...
  18. umm...it might be similar. I just typed it out on the spot.
  19. very simple example: form.php <?php session_start(); if($_SESSION['errorMsg']) { echo $_SESSION['errorMsg']; unset ($_SESSION['errorMsg']); } ?> <form method = 'post' action='process.php'> Enter something <input type = 'text' name = 'something'> <input type = 'submit' value = 'send'> </form> process.php <?php session_start(); if (!isset($_POST['something']) || trim($_POST['something']) == "") { $_SESSION['errorMsg'] = "please fill out field"; } elseif (strlen($_POST['something']) > 10)) { $_SESSION['errorMsg'] = "something is too long. Please make it 10 or less chars"; } if ($_SESSION['errorMsg']) { header('Location: form.php'); exit(); } else { // no errors, do whatever. } ?>
  20. good job. knew you could do it.
  21. also you can do this: [quote=redbullmarky] blahblahblah [/quote]
  22. well, at the end of the line where you can click "quote" there is a checkbox. You can check the checkbox and click the reply button, and it will automatically be added to the reply box on the reply screen. You can even do it for multiple posts, just like clicking the quote button for several posts, and it appears in the quick reply box. edit: okay, actually, for some reason that doesn't seem to work. Though I don't know why..it works that way on other boards... however, if you click the reply button, there are "Insert Quote" links on every post, under the reply box, where you can click it and it auto-inserts the quotes in the reply box.
  23. I don't necessarily disagree with you, wildteen, but next thing you know, people are going to want other things added to it, like a little box to the side with some smilies, or some quick bbcode links, etc.. and next thing you know, the quick reply box will end up looking exactly like the full reply box, and at that point in time (and even long before that point in time), we start running into superfluous codes/features.
  24. omfg...that was about the dumbest thing I have ever seen.
  25. Well I'm not saying it was faked. I'm just saying that it's fairly easy to create that illusion.
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