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Everything posted by .josh

  1. uh...calm down buddy. Lay off the prozac. I was refering to ober. On a sidenote: I can't say I really agree with people who change their names to not be "recognized." I think it's lame, and is an indication of them not wanting to take responsibility for their posts. I don't think there's anything wrong whatsoever having your "noob" posts linked to you. That way people can see how far you've come from where you started out, to where you are now. Maybe that's just me.
  2. is it coincidence that the ad for this thread is avg? or is ober trying to promote them to get a click out of you???
  3. hey i'll code it for you. not for free though..lol.
  4. I recommend unplugging your cable/dsl/phone line and stop getting on the internet. The best form of protection is abstinence.
  5. .josh

    Joost Token

    Right now you can signup to be on a list. Eventually they might send you an email actually inviting you to be a beta tester.
  6. yes, that's the correct place. Did you !try it before you asked? is it !"working?"
  7. .josh

    Joost Token

    http://www.joost.com/ Joost token is kind of like how when gmail was in beta and the only way you could get a gmail account was when a current member invited you. Google originally gave each beta person like 5 invites. Joost is doing the same thing. Although, I don't know how many "tokens" each beta tester gets.
  8. based on the code you provided, it executes the first time because initially, $a is set to 0 and $fsize is set to 800. Then at the end of your loop, you set $a to the filesize of your file. Your filesize must be > than 800, therefore, the loop ends. as far as this: $total = "100 beer"; $incoming = 5; $total = $incoming + $total;// $total= 105 I don't see how that relates to your original code, seeing as how it's not included in your original code, but at face value, when you add a string and an integer together like that, it will indeed produce your 105, but you will lose the "beer" part of your string. Is that what you want?
  9. I don't think that was the point Little Guy was trying to make, but fyi, the code tags only do syntax highlighting if you encapsulate your code in <?php ... ?> tags.
  10. .josh

    Joost Token

    I'll send you one for $50USD. just kidding. $100USD.
  11. <li><a href="<?php echo {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}; ?>?section=enrollment">Enrollment</a></li> . . . $section = $_GET['section'];
  12. I don't have any problem with it either...FF, IE or Opera.
  13. I'm impressed. He's almost as good as me
  14. well, i don't know what your structure looks like, but at face value, does it work, except for listing in ascending order? Just throw a DESC on the end.
  15. Well, I'm just sayin'..cuz I know a lot of places that simply don't accept AOL email addresses because of the hassle.
  16. so is this: include 'greatmovies_categorycount.php'; where $animations is being set? if not, then where are you assigning something to $animations? also, can you be more specific than "it doesn't work"? Are you getting some kind of error, or just a blank page?
  17. require something other than an AOL email address?
  18. ic. I re-read your post and I suppose it could have indeed been just as easily taken in that context. cheers!
  19. umm...are you saying that you don't know how to assign a value to a variable? No offense, but maybe you should go start on a hello world tutorial. Ever heard of the expression "don't put the cart before the horse?"
  20. so...just assign it to a variable.
  21. you mean you can't think of a single reason that that wouldn't be useful?
  22. it's because you are using single quotes instead of double quotes in your header function call. Single quotes interprets the variable names literally. If you want php to look at the variables as variables, use double quotes
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