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Everything posted by .josh
also, going with a paid solution guarantees a certain level of support that you just can't get from free solutions.
now hold up here, *I* call shenanigans. "sims" games aren't technically what jesi was looking for, "zero player" games ARE, and I pointed that out first. It just so happens that some sim games offer settings that can (sometimes) act/behave like "zero player" games. "But you didn't actually give game examples!" you say? Technically true. HOWEVER, I *was* going to specifically mention the game of life, but since it is listed right there at the beginning of the link I gave, I opted not to post it here, since she would quickly see it soon enough anyways. So I TAKE your cupcake and I EAT it.
are you looking for a specific game you once played, or just more games like that? If you are looking for a specific game, can you provide more details about what you remember about it? If you are looking for more games like that, "zero-player games" is what you are looking for, and alternatively, a lot of simulation games offer various modes/settings to effectively do the same thing.
Nope. I subscribe to the "Fuck you, pay me" school of business. In my experience, people offering equity are those who are too cheap to pay for quality labor while desperately trying to get their ill-conceived and doomed to fail Facebook/Twitter/Kickstarter/Craigslist clone launched ASAP. This more or less mirrors my sentiments exactly. If their site/idea is really all that and a bag of chips, then they should be able to come up with the cash to pay for development from friends or family or from a loan (there are plenty of investors out there willing to throw their money at you for good ideas). But if I were to consider it..it would have to be something I believe in and want to put my own self into. It would have to be an equal partnership, sort of thing.
But...I thought that IS the main purpose of OOP. The major selling point of OOP is being able to reliably abstract code. The point is that people can then add to or remove from it, without worrying about breaking something somewhere else. I would not consider this to be "mere", nor can procedural programming accomplish this in the way OOP can. But the major argument here is whether or not OOP is superior to procedural, and whether or not procedural even has any place in the programming world. And the answer to that is....stop comparing your hammer to your screwedriver. There differences in syntax, but that is not the driving difference. The driving difference is that they are different styles,'ways' of programming. Programming a CMS with the intent of being able to allow random 3rd parties to easily specify which features to add or remove, and easily develop modules/addons/whatever for it...sure, you can do that procedurally, but your life will be much easier if you did it OOP style. Programming a site for a mom and pop business who wants little more than a glorified electronic business card. Sure, you can go OOP style and spend 10 hours deving it...or you can go procedural and spend 2 hours deving it. Which do you think makes more sense, knowing mom and pop have no interest in significantly altering or expanding their site? Knowing that they will more easily swallow a 2 hour bill vs 10 hour bill? Right tool for the right job.
I sponsored your "Philip for Admin" campaign yet that bought me NOTHING! You should not so hastily cry foul for the things you supposedly don't have. Our team of highly skilled ninja assassins have not offed you yet... Nor have we thrown you into our portable black hole. You don't get weekly visits from our "family" asking for "protection money" do you? Didn't think so. Geez, some people can never be happy, no matter how generous we are. Ungrateful bastards.
Jesirose, McJobs require a different skillset than what a ______ degree at ____ college/university offers, so I don't really see how one can accurately claim they are "over qualified" for the job, based on that. But that's just word gaming, not the reality of the situation. I dunno about you, but I've had a lot of experience in the food industry when I was younger, including being the guy that hires people. In my experience, McJobs actually preferred hiring the "over qualified" people. There's short tenure at McJobs regardless. The average lifespan of a McJob minion is anywhere from 1-3 months. That's just the nature of the beast. Given the choice of spending that 1-3 months begging, pleading, bribing and/or threatening some teenager to come in to work (and be sober), instead of going out and being a teenager, vs. some "over qualified" college graduate desperate to pay their bills and put food on the table, who is likely to be much better at learning the job and behaving responsibly on the job...the latter wins every time. So it is not a matter of being "over qualifed" at all... it's a matter of there being too many people trying to bang down the door for a job, because as you pointed out, the economy sucks right now. Also, for clarification, I do in my head include community college in my definition of "traditional." What I do not include are a lot of these "get your degree online" colleges institutions universities businesses claiming to be "educational facilities" that are basically out there trying to sucker people out of what little money they have. They take advantage of people in bad financial situations who are trying to make an effort to get out of their rut. They are predators who IMO are a large part of the problem of why there are so many people out there in debt and "over qualified" to begin with. I agree. If you are looking for a full time job in the white collar industries, I believe trade schools and community colleges are the way to go. They are cheap, established, and accredited.
Businesses still like seeing people who graduate from a traditional/accredited college. "Bachelors in Computer Science" means something to them. Failing that, a lot of businesses are willing to look at portfolios and projects you've done, previous clients you've had (job history). Something to show what you've done, that they can evaluate, means something to them. "Zend Certified" means little to nothing to the average HR person or client looking to hire someone (full time or freelance). But you probably stand to learn the most from it, as far as web development is concerned. Though as jesirose mentioned...one downside is that they do like to stick it to you as far as forcing you to learn the more arcane things, in order to pass. They do have a variety of "courses" and "certifications" you can take but...yeah...they can really stand to tone it down a bit. Working knowledge on how to find and learn the things that obscure, once in a life time situations might call for, is a lot more practical than forcing people to actually learn that shit. Anyways, point is, Zend Certification certainly won't hurt your situations, and it may certainly help you, you never know. If you insist on going the "certification" route, I can't think of a better one to go for. They are, after all, directly connected to the core php development team. But if you are looking to maximize chances and minimize investment in finding a job...my advice is to skip it. Especially if you are looking to be a freelancer (vs. full time). In fact, if you are looking to be a freelancer/independent consultant...you should probably focus on a business degree instead, because it's more about marketing and selling yourself than anything. A lot of freelancers fail because they fail to realize that.
I just assumed that his "example" was an example of what he's wanting the regex to act on, which didn't seem to have any practical or apparent purpose, despite it *technically* being what he asked for. In my experience, when someone is asking for help trying to do something, they often end up asking for something other than what they *really* want, due to being unclear about the situation in the first place! But I guess you know what they say about assuming... dadamssg87, in the future, if you want avoid having your time wasted by rebels like me who refuse to follow the "Just gimme what I asked for, don't question why" philosophy, I suggest giving more relevant examples.
sally is just looking for a thinly-veiled excuse to flirt with me; see how he blushes.
fema is not there to pay for your computer loss. they are there to make sure you are fed and clothed. and also execute you with their guillotines in their camps. But that comes later.
yeah...explain what you actually want here, what your goal is... because I can't imagine you really wanting this: "httpfeedsfeedburnercomtechcrunchstartups?formatxml"
You like a little blood in your coffee, too?
In general, laws are meant to protect us. Now, whether all laws out there have been made to do so, or whether they really serve the $$ interests of select people or organizations...is another story. I think given that English is not his first language, it's probably a safe bet to assume that's what he meant. There really aren't that many true anarchists in this world; most so called "anarchists" will happily live by some rule/law, just not the current ones imposed on them.
soo...if it is really that bad, chaos and start of (civil) war, then law is kind of thrown out the window, I don't really think anybody is being arrested for drugs...that's not really the sort of thing one gets 'arrested' over in war....just sayin'... and on that note...if it's at that point, is it still right to call it being arrested? wouldn't it be more accurately described as being captured by the enemy and becoming a prisoner of war?
It doesn't make sense that it would be something wrong with the site, because it seems to only happen with you, and at "random" times. What makes more sense is some specific action you are doing, or some specific setting in a browser or other program on your computer. Maybe you have a certain antivirus/spam/malware program, addon or some browser setting in your browsers, that you have set to clean up browser files/cookies/cache/ ?
i woulda gone with brown or else cream, cuz java...coffee...
when i was a kid my brother and i made up symbols for each letter of the alphabet. It doesn't take that long to memorize.
can just append a timestamp based hash as part of the filename
$dbh is not within scope of your function. You need to pass it to your function or declare it as a global variable (assuming it is globally scoped)
I've never seen 'beer', 'cool' and 'catheter' used in the same sentence before . . . Maybe it's a redneck thing?
1) you are calling mysql_fetch_array before your do...while loop, which is pulling the first row from the result source. then you have it in your do...while loop 2) you are using a do..while loop, which will iterate once before the mysql_fetch_array is actually called. 3) In your do..while loop, you are assigning the mysql_fetch_array returned value to $result, but use $row in your loop 4) $result is your result source. You then overwrite it in your while condition. This is what it should look like: /* Get Transactions For Current User */ $select = "SELECT * FROM `transactions` WHERE `m_id` = '59' "; $result = mysql_query($select) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result)== "0") { echo "<p align=\"center\">No Transactions Available.</p>"; } else { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $txn_time = $row['time']; $format = "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>"; $date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($txn_time)); printf($format, $date, $row['transaction_id'], $row['method'], $row['amount'], $row['status']); } ?> </table> <? } ?> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <? /* Include Footer */ include("../includes/footer.php"); ?>
your post probably hasn't been approved by anyone because it doesn't conform to the rules of the forum. Near as I can tell, it's some kind of mix between you wanting to use us as a venue for publishing your script (not allowed), and asking for help with a bug in it (wrong forum).