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Everything posted by AV1611

  1. I do it without JS... not cause I'm smart, but cause I don't know JS LOL I simply use a clause in my CSS if() {color: #333;} else {color: #999;}
  2. you can't do it with php unless you also use tck (tcl? something like that). PHP by itself is server side. You could run a web session or a dos box application, but you ain't gonna do a desktop app by itself. You need something else that provides the client side widgets, etc.
  3. AV1611


    header() doesn't bring and _POST data that was on it's referer, right?
  4. AV1611


    I've had problems before. is it header('Location: index.php?whatever=whatever') ?
  5. it's salary <= '20000' if you do salary == '20000' it won't work unless you have a dropdown rather than a text entry. You prolly are using a dropdown, but I just thought I'd mention that cause you said: // find stuff under 20k which is won't, it will only find exact match. Sorry for splitting hairs
  6. <form method='post'> ... <input type='password' name='password' /> ... etc... tizag.com has a nice tutorial
  7. AV1611


    I need to do a header after a successful query. normally, it's header('Location: domain.com') Can I do it so it just goes to index.php?sql=good ??? I don't want to use the domain, cause the script is not going to stay on this server...
  8. The IMAP extensions seem to work off of an IMAP stream. I at least intend to move the files to a new location first. The files will no longer be IMAP accessible at that point.
  9. I have a Linux server with Postfix. I use IMAP in maildir format. Each email message is a separate email file. What I want to know is there an already existing set of functions in PHP will allow me to extract the data from the file, determine if it's text mode or html mixed mode, etc.? Or, do I have to write my own functions to parse out the file. I am going to write a program to archive old emails and store the file in an alternate location and parse the to, from, & subject into a database along with the location of the original file. That much I can handle. What I need to do is be able to display the file as a webpage. That's the part I've not figure out yet. You know, your basic mail archival system Can anyone point me in the right direction/
  10. I found one: http://tranquilpenguin.com/~osprey/states.html
  11. I have a pulldown menu list of states I use all the time. Can someone direct me to one that has a list of provinces for canada? I've been googling and can't seam to find one. Thanks.
  12. I think I am going to convert to use div with overflow scrollbars instead of iframe. Thanks anyways. (Google says that others have the issue of "missing" content after iframe in div so ccs2 to the rescue.)
  13. Sorry, here is the correct URL: http://trinasworld.com/photoalbum/index.php
  14. I'm baffled. I have a site that uses an iframe as a menu to feed the main page. Sounds wierd but works kinda cool. Anyways, here's the link: http://trinasworld.com/photoalbum.php/index.php Here's the problem: Everything after the div containing the iframe does't display. Huh? The "view source" shows the info there and w3c validates. Why can't I display any content to screen after the iframe. I tried moving the iframe div to before the pic div and the pic stops displaying. FF and IE same issue. HELP! I inserted ******** into the code to show the point It stops working. (This is the html output as viewed with view source)
  15. I really need to find a solution for php/pdf. I just haven't spent the time to research it. I settled on RTF. It seems to behave in M$ and Linux ok and give some formatting that .txt doesn't. (It doesn't do pictures at all does it?) Does anyone see any issues with using RTF? It's not gonna deprecate any time soon I don't think. This is a good link of how to format RFT http://www.biblioscape.com/rtf15_spec.htm
  16. You can... maybe. If you have control over the other server, no problem. I suspect you are wanting to validate a link instead? That's harder. Which one?
  17. Sigh... I've wasted too much time. I admit it. I can't figure this out. I have a simple project. I want to fill out a webform and when you click submit, it pushes a dynamic file to the user for download. I almost have it working... but... If I use content-type: application/msword doc then if you use OO.O (as I do) it works great, but in M$ Word, it asks user to convert format. NO GOOD. If you use content-type: plain/txt then it is a mime type and the browser just displays the file. How can I make the submit either a txt or doc file ( I really don't wanna make a pdf but that's really what it should be ) that simply downloads? Is there a way to make the headers download rather than display as a mime type file?
  18. What would the header content-type be for a .txt file? i.e. for an ms word its: content-type: application/vnd.ms-word or whatever. I just wanna push out a plain txt file
  19. Sorry, What I meant was: If I have to take the form, write the variables to the file, then download the file and forward to another page, and two folks do that at the same time, how do I make sure that the file was not changed with the other persons variables? or am I being too careful?
  20. I wasn't actually creating a file. Do I have to create the file for the header to work? How does that impact 2 folks using the form at the same time?
  21. I have a form that when submitted goes to a processor that does this: <?php header('Content-type: application/vnd.ms-word'); header('Content-Disposition: filename=file.doc'); echo "This is a variable: ".$_POST['blah']."\n"; //etc... ?> The form submits and the file is downloaded no problem. How can I make it so the page also forwards to a new page. If I add header('Location: newfile.php'); It forwards but no file is downloaded. Help.
  22. Thanks for the quick replay. So it's only headers sent to a browser window that matter?
  23. Not sure if I can do this with javascript. I like to work with PHP only... Here's what I need to do: I have an online form. When you click submit, I want it to do two things: 1. Open a "printable" page that they can sign and mail in via snail mail (or fax) 2. Send an email with the form information. I can do each on separately as php scripts, but can they both happen with a single submit button click? (does the email headers count as output preventing the header from going to the new page or whatever?) I think I want it to capture the data, send the email, then build the form as a printable webpage or as a .doc or .txt file with download headers. I just need concept help, not actual code help. Thanks.
  24. So, there is no way to tell when a given record was last edited, only when the table with show status command. The question is larger. Basically, I'm trying to "retrofit" an application that tracks jobs. Once the job is closed, it can bet edited again if there is a change (sorry, not my design) and I need to write a cron that emails a list of what jobs have been changed since they were status as closed so everyone knows it's open again. Hmmm... I got an idea... The job is status closed when the "status" field is populated with a date. (It's blank until then) Maybe I can write a clause that says any time a record is edited, if the field is not blank, then blank it and send the email at that time. Makes more sense to me that you
  25. Is there some variable that I can query from MySQL directly that will tell me the last time a record was edited? Thanks.
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