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Everything posted by gizmola

  1. It's just an example of utilizing variable interpolation into a string. In general it is easier to read and maintain code that doesn't have a bunch of unnecessary string concatenation, when you can just use interpolation as Barand did.
  2. The SQL statement you had was definitely wrong. LIMIT constrains a result set, and is not a valid part of a WHERE clause. Whatever you might have fixed, you also must have fixed that issue.
  3. As an aside, when I see code like this.... $buntingRefolding = $_POST['bunting-refolding']; $firstName = $_POST['your-first-name']; $surname = $_POST['your-surname']; $emailAddress = $_POST['your-email']; //etc I always wonder why. Did they not understand PHP variables? How to interpolate an array? Well at any rate, before we can even begin to consider the issue, you need to define what "stopped working" means. If it means that you used to get emails and you now don't, and nothing in the code has changed, the most likely culprit is that something in your hosting setup changed so that it no longer allows emails to be sent from your server (or they are being spam filtered because you don't have the things needed for a server and domain to allow. This code uses the mail() function, which is the lowest common denominator for sending mail, and is reliant on other MTA configuration in the OS. There isn't a lot of visibility into what happens once the mail is dropped off to the MTA, which is a big reason that more sophisticated email libraries exist. I don't know how old this code is, but wordpress has its own mailing function wp_mail() which wasn't used, so when you say that the other mail works, I would check that those routines were written the same way. They might be using wp_mail() which wraps the phpmailer library.
  4. It also looks like you want to group the prior fulltext searches, so something like this? SELECT *, l.link_id , l.url , l.title , t.term , l.content_type , d.content , d.link_id , SUM(MATCH(t.term) AGAINST('w00t' IN BOOLEAN MODE) + MATCH(url, title) AGAINST('w00t') + MATCH(d.content) AGAINST('w00t')) as `rank` FROM links l JOIN terms t ON l.link_id = t.link_id JOIN links_description d ON d.link_id = l.link_id WHERE (MATCH(t.term) AGAINST('w00t' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR MATCH(url, title) AGAINST('w00t') OR MATCH(content) AGAINST('w00t')) AND l.content_type = 'docume') GROUP BY title ORDER BY `rank` DESC LIMIT 200;
  5. Is content_type a fulltext indexed field? I'm guessing it isn't. So you would just do .. AND l.content_type = 'docume'
  6. Glad you have taken advice. In fact, what they have been warning you against has a technical name in the world of database design, and that is "de-normalization". When you redundantly store data, you are moving away from the practice of "normalization" which is the correct design.
  7. Sorry to see your valuable time was wasted by Barand providing you free professional consulting, custom built code and hand holding. 😣
  8. There is a popular library for enhancing the basic datetime api, called Carbon. One of the nice things that comes with it is "Human Diff". See the manual: https://carbon.nesbot.com/docs/#api-humandiff
  9. Off the top of my head 2 possibilities that might explain the issue: Event scheduler was not started in server Server is UTC, and event was UTC time, leading to confusion as to when the first event should have occurred. These are just guesses, but looking at the mysql error log, looking at the events table and commands like SHOW CREATE EVENTS and SHOW EVENTS might help you.
  10. Yes exactly. The better known frameworks (symfony & laravel) come with cli libraries, but there are also many standalone libraries out there that take care of a lot of cli details, like providing argument handling. For example: https://splitbrain.github.io/php-cli/ You don't need a cli library, but they can save you a lot of time. At most rudimentary however, you can run a script using the cli, with php -f.
  11. It is always a good idea to enforce your business rules with constraints, whenever you are clear. As for loading in data for a system you've developed for an assignment, just generate a bunch of screening rows. This type of seeding of data is fairly typical, and there are various libraries like faker (https://fakerphp.github.io/) that can be used for generating test data which are often used by developers.
  12. One other comment that might help you here: As far as I know, there isn't a built in extension to woocommerce that handles VAT, so if you are using some module/extension to provide this, that would be important to specify here. There are various different modules available from what I've seen.
  13. Please use the code block for any future posts. Hopefully someone with woo commerce experience will see your post.
  14. The world of php when simple scripts like this were copy and paste jobs is long gone now. The libraries requinix mentioned are certainly the way to go, but also typically require the use of the php dependency management tool composer, and a basic understanding of object oriented programming, in that these libraries are oop. There is also the question of email deliverability. These days, you really need to understand a good deal about how email works, and the various ways email is authenticated, or you can end up with a script that will send emails only to have them rejected or black-holed, or spam filtered, defeating the entire purpose of your endeavor. I'm sorry to say that this is just beyond what a neophyte can handle competently.
  15. You 100% want to write this as a cli application, and do not want to run it as a web application. Cron used to be the way that people scheduled this type of thing, but with modern linux os's services now run under systemd. Kicken provided a great example of how to write a systemd unit file. With that said, you will probably want to read this thread for more information on the format of the files and various capabilities. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/224992/where-do-i-put-my-systemd-unit-file I would suggest you start with what kicken provided, and read through the thread to answer questions that might come up, in terms of where to put the file. Systemd has a lot of complexity to it, compared to the things it was designed to replace. There are features that take care of issues that used to come up with services like semaphores to prevent race conditions, which used to be left to developers to code around (typically with shell scripts) and systemd now takes care of that problem for you, if you use the correct configuration. As you should note from the example Kicken provided, there is "Restart=on-failure" which takes care of the problem of your chatbot dying and will restart it.
  16. gizmola


    The commonality of most frameworks, is that most of them are built using Object orientated design patterns, typically implementing the "Model View Controller" (MVC) pattern. The model layer, when using a relational database is also an ORM. Symfony (and Laravel) are also frameworks, where the underlying pattern of library design is known as "Dependency Injection" (DI). A big benefit in using Symfony or Laravel, is that they facilitate the use of components as services, and you also can easily write your own classes that can be used as services. A quick example, that is frequently needed would be email services in the application. Typically you add the mailing component library to your project, do a bit of config (and in many cases the basic config gets added for you if you use a symfony recipe package) and at that point actually using the library is trivial. The "Dependency Injection Container" that comes with symfony can make decisions on when to load a library that is required (or not). It is thus important to learn something about DI design for use in your own classes. The originator/project lead of Symfony wrote these articles back in 2009, and I still recommend them to anyone trying to understand Dependency injection as a pattern. Read here -> http://fabien.potencier.org/what-is-dependency-injection.html Once you have more comfort with Oop, and at least a basic appreciation of the existence of OOP design patterns, you will have a lot more comfort using any framework. People who really are just trying to wade through a sophisticated framework without any understanding of how/why, can easily get lost, or have the feeling of not knowing what to do when they encounter an issue. With that said, here's a solid free course in Symfony 6, which if you can follow it, you will give you a good foothold in Symfony: I am a long time Symfony user, going back to symfony 1, and the earliest versions of symfony 2. Symfony 1 was an entirely different framework, and 2 was a very influential ground up rewrite that was intended to be a Dependency Injection framework from the start. Almost every major component from Doctrine to Twig was based upon the existence and design philosophy of some other popular library from the Java world or in the case of Twig, from Python's Jinja and Django projects. In most cases all frameworks start with models (the data persistence in a database) and routing configuration into controllers. Views are "templates". This is where you concentrate your markup code where appropriate. Beyond that, a lot of the really good stuff in Symfony or Laravel is in handling of dependency injection, and in providing for features like "event handling" or "security" or "form building and handling". Really smart people have worked on these frameworks and generally use well known and applicable object oriented design patterns like in the case of Laravel for example, the "Chain of Responsibility" pattern. They don't come right out and say that, but after you study patterns a bit and look at how some of these features work, you may recognize them. You don't need to know any of this to build apps with these frameworks, but you do need to understand basic PHP oop, and interfaces, type hinting, annotations (and now in PHP 8, attributes which have basically replaced the need for annotations) inheritance etc. You MUST get comfortable with Composer. You MUST understand autoloading. You MUST understand how autoloading works with your own classes, and where to put those when you need them. It is possible to do full apps just using the models/controllers/twig templates in the places the symfony manual and tutorials tell you to put them, although this will often lead to lots of "not DRY" code and fat controllers. From a learning standpoint, that's somewhat natural, and nothing to worry about, but eventually you will probably see the problems and seek to remedy them by creating your own classes, which will then be used as services in your controller code. Last but not least, I highly recommend getting a handle on unit tests, and how to write and run them. Test coverage is another area where these frameworks are an amazing value because the developers have worked hard to provide unit tests for their code, so there's a high degree of built in quality. There are lots of frameworks out there, where people did their own take on a framework, and inevitably, they lack unit tests, documentation etc.. One last thing on Symfonycasts. Symfonycasts is a superb resource, started by the long time Symfony documentation lead, Ryan Weaver. The tech built into the tutorial system is fantastic. Full transcription, and code snippets built into everything, so you can alternate between reading or watching as you desire. It costs $25 a month, and if you simply want to learn Symfony in all its sophistication, it's highly worth it, as you can sit down and power through the material in directed fashion. There is a huge amount of material they have covered, but it can also be dense. With the proliferation of javascript UI/UX frameworks like React and Vue, people aren't building apps the same way anymore, and there are a lot more apps where the backend is a REST api, and the frontend is built using a javascript framework, and pulls the data from the backend as a REST client. Ryan has been adding a lot of content in these areas, reflecting the state of the art, and where the professional developer market has been going. I would suggest getting a handle on the traditional first, and then perhaps looking at some of these emerging techs that look to better bridge frontend/backend code. What I wouldn't recommend is buying a year subscription to save some bucks, and then finding out you didn't get enough use out of the subscription. Better to pay the higher monthly and make sure you are getting value out of it. Last but not least, I really like "Programming with GIO"'s youtube channel for foundational state of the art PHP and things like autoloading/composer/core OOP etc. It's free, and as good and probably better than a lot of paid courseware. Symfonycasts and Laracasts both have that material available (sometimes free) but in my opinion you want to spend your time on the stuff that is specific to symfony or laravel rather than the general stuff, should you subscribe to these services in order to advance your education in how to use them.
  17. gizmola


    Symfony is typically used with the Doctrine Object Relational Mapper (ORM) library. The projects have long had a close collaboration. Having done projects with many different frameworks over the years, my preference would be to use Doctrine as an ORM vs. alternatives like Laravel's Eloquent. One reason for this, is that Eloquent is an implementation of the "Active Record" pattern, whereas, Doctrine is an implementation of the "Data Mapper" pattern. These are differing approaches to how ORMS are designed to work. You can find many active record ORM's in the PHP world, going back to frameworks like CakePHP. ORM's aren't quite as useful when using NoSQL databases like MongoDB. I did a project where there was a mix of data persistence between MySQL and MongoDB, and there was some utility in using Doctrine to interface with both, but many of the features of an ORM are specific to relational databases, and document databases are just an entirely different way of looking at things with different strengths and weaknesses. However, to conclude, Doctrine is a really great ORM to use with MySQL, and it is well integrated into Symfony, should you want to use it.
  18. HTTP based API's typically have a design. One popular way of creating an API is to utilize REST. I would encourage you to search for "REST API" and read some articles on it. It is not a cut and dry thing, but there are some important concepts to understand, and the best practice for applying HTTP methods GET/POST/PUT/DELETE as well as understanding the idea of idempotency in relation to resource location. Generally speaking, most api's are REST api's. It's also been a common best practice in most cases to utilize json as the format of data transfer (which is not dictated by REST or RESTfulness). Where OOP comes in, is that you want to think about and abstract the "entities" your application works with. As OOP is great for organizing data, I would highly recommend its use, and to think about the entities present in whatever application you are trying to create. There is a lot of overlap in these areas, with relational database design.
  19. To understand the code, you should debug what the $words array looks like. The reason the code currently works to sort by occurrence, is because the array looks like this: array ( 'red' => 7, 'mailbox' => 2, ) Barand gave you the answer, but you need to understand what the difference is between the two functions and when to use one vs the other.
  20. Your question is lacking in clarity. From what you've written, you have some sort of sale, and you want to offer a "button" that does "something" related to some other person potentially purchasing something on "the site". Who is this other person, and how are they to be identified? It sounds to me like what you are describing is like an affiliate or customer referral code. I'm not sure why they would need to click on a button, or what that button would do, unless it is just taking you to another page that includes a url parameter back to your site. Certainly, you can do something like this, but there isn't any magical code(z) floating around that make this work, unless this is functionality that is part of whatever e-comerce module you are using with your current system.
  21. I suggest using the model that Barand supplied. For the booking table, you create a unique index on screening_id, seat_id, and at that point you are protected from double booking for a screening. You can easily query for tickets sold for a screening, and can also determine what seats are available with a query like this: (Note, you constrain this query, knowing in advance the screen_id (I used 1 here) and the screening_id (used 35). In php these values would be fed into the query as parameters, but this is just an example: SELECT s.id, s.row, s.seat_no FROM seat s LEFT JOIN booking b ON b.seat_id = s.id AND b.screening_id = 35 WHERE s.screen_id = 1 AND b.id IS NULL
  22. I guess you don't understand that phpfreaks is a free site, with expert help provided by volunteers. Given the fact that everyone is donating their time and expertise to try and help people like yourself, the argument that you host a free site with source code you got from somewhere else for free, means you shouldn't ever have to learn anything (which can be learned in a few hours) will not get you much sympathy here.
  23. Make sure that none of your scripts have an end php tag in them. It is not needed and can often result in output being started accidentally. <?php // stuff ?> // <--- remove these from the end of all .php scripts.
  24. I have a note that the reverse engineered underlying code that will work with 8.x is this: SELECT CONCAT('*', UPPER(SHA1(UNHEX(SHA1('password')))));
  25. That is interesting to note. The main reason people used to use MyISAM tables intermixed in a database with InnoDB was to support fulltext indexing. Innodb didn't support fulltext search until version 5.6.4 which was released late in 2011.
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