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Everything posted by cmgmyr

  1. try this: <?php function multimax( $array ) { // use foreach to iterate over our input array. foreach( $array as $value ) { // check if $value is an array... if( is_array($value) ) { // ... $value is an array so recursively pass it into multimax() to // determine it's highest value. $subvalue = multimax($value); // if the returned $subvalue is greater than our current highest value, // set it as our $return value. if( $subvalue > $return ) { $return = $subvalue; } } elseif($value > $return) { // ... $value is not an array so set the return variable if it's greater // than our highest value so far. $return = $value; } } // return (what should be) the highest value from any dimension. return $return; } ?> *found it on php.net : http://us2.php.net/max
  2. o... $your_array; $max = max($your_array);
  3. so you want : [acontent] => articles/20070311_Kosmider_Arsenal_why.html right?
  4. can you post the code after it is rendered too?
  5. um...I would guess that you have to look around line 183 to find the error... we can't really help you if you don't post any code... is this something that you programmed? or is it just a page you are going to on the internet?
  6. - So is it not sending an e-mail? - Did it give you an error? - What would you like it to do that it's not? You might want to check in your "Junk" folder in your e-mail...it might be there.
  7. I've been doing about 8+ hours a day since I started doing this full time (2+ weeks)...the past few days have been 13-16hrs...
  8. try: mysql_query("INSERT INTO vbb_members (username,password,email,reg_date,mem_no,perm) values (\"$username\", \"$password\", \"$email\", \"$reg_date\", \"$mem_no\", \"$perm\")") or die("Error: ".mysql_error());
  9. o, try this: \"$email\" instead of '$email'
  10. put a space after vbb_members and values ... it shouldn't really matter but try anyways, is it giving you an error, or just not inserting?
  11. config.php: $offline_variable = 1; any other page: global $offline_variable; if ($offline_variable == 1) { require( 'http://www.mydomain/offline.php' ); } something like that?
  12. What is the type of "timestamp" in your database?
  13. your best bet is to use javascript...or flash
  14. it looks like your news section is in the middle, do you not want it there? can you give some more details and maybe some code?
  15. no you can't do that. the only way to "change" a database name is to export all of your data, drop that database, name a new one with the name you want, and import the data. Why can't you just use the one that they gave you? If you want to make your own names you would have to find a company that gives you full control over your MySQL.
  16. can you please post how you solved this incase others need it?
  17. ok great, thats actually what I meant/wanted. thanks!
  18. Well it does...think of it like putting the [ code ] blocks in your posts
  19. ***you also have to put in the <?php ?> tags
  20. can i use 1 rule for the whole site? or would I have to make a new rule for each page?
  21. i just went to your try online and the page was not available
  22. cmgmyr

    CSS search box

    This is what I think you are looking for: http://www.dynamicajax.com/fr/AJAX_Suggest_Tutorial-271_290_312.html "Search Suggest"
  23. You wouldn't need a loop, if-elseif-else are statements, you would need that. Try something like this: <?php $group = $_POST['group']; $num_people = $_POST['num_people']; if($group == "one-way"){ $final_price = $num_people * 100; //your price here }elseif($group == "one-way-first"){ $final_price = $num_people * (300 * 125); }else{ echo "Group unknown..."; } ?> hope that helps
  24. SIM cards rule! I have a treo 650 for business stuff but when I go out for "fun" i swap the SIM into a Razr V3i and away I go!
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