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Everything posted by cmgmyr

  1. what have you changed since your last critique? I remember your site becuase the time didn't work with that one either.
  2. my first impression of "cool" would be some kind of light blue...not green.
  3. it doesn't seem like there is any actual "design" it's just a header image, some text and a green floating box thing.
  4. I like it, graphics need a little work, but you are in the right direction -Chris
  5. This is the one that I use, it's easy and you don't have to change much to test it. http://www.belahost.com/pp/ click download paypal.php and you are all set -Chris
  6. No problem it should have been a tab up at the top. You can also go into the operations tab and there is a spot where you can change the auto inc number. -Chris
  7. If you are using phpMyAdmin all you have to do is "Empty" each table and it will reset it. -Chris
  8. Loading was also a little slow for me. I like it though. -Chris
  9. Here is a screen shot of mine [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. **SOLVED** What I did was change that bottom line to: RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ profile.php?moduser=$1 [L] Thank you, -Chris
  11. Right...That was just an example. The actual link is: http://www.syracusebands.net/new/cmgmyr Should go to: http://syracusebands.net/new/profile.php?userid=169 -Chris
  12. I want to do a "MySpace" url rewrite. My .htaccess is:[code]RewriteEngine  on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$ /profile.php?moduser=$1 [L][/code] And the beginning of my profile.php is: [code]global $moduser; if(isset($moduser)){ $query = "SELECT userid FROM users WHERE mod='$moduser'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); $userid = mysql_result($result, 0, 'userid'); }[/code] when I go to mysite.com/username it doesn't do anything. It just hangs up, no error message or anything. Let me know if you need any more information Thanks, -Chris
  13. All I see is an image on a black background, there aren't any links to anything. Is this right? -Chris
  14. It's a good start. Your objects are all broken apart the header is to the left, the content below the header is centered, the middle banner is all split apart, and everything else is kind of centered. Your links on the top: Home is fine, find freelancers is too much to the left, find jobs looks like its a little to the left, job center is too much to the right. There are a lot more alignment and spacing problems throughout the site. If you fix those it looks like there is some potential. -Chris
  15. Wow I love you pixy, I owe you one. ;) -Chris
  16. It shouldn't really matter if you keep it open or close it and open a new connection. Can you post some code and let us know where you think the problem is? -Chris
  17. Try this <div id="wrapper" style="margin:0px auto;"> <div style="width:643; height:74;" ><img src="#" width='643' height='74' alt="img0" /></div> <div style="width:643; height:30;padding:0px;" ><img src="#" width="171" height="30" alt="img1" /><img src="#" width="85" height="30" alt="img2" /><img src="#" width="79" height="30" alt="img3" /><img src="#" width="121" height="30" alt="img4" /><img src="#" width="188" height="30" alt="img5" /></div> </div> ** make sure all of your link images are on one line. IE has problems with new lines when doing something like this. -Chris
  18. Oh yeah, Duh! I will have one of each thanks! I'll buy some for you Colleen ;)
  19. You can also look around the internet and find some well written and documented tutorials. Once you know what you want and what you are looking for it should be pretty easy. Just remember that Ebay, Amazon, and whoever else...wasn't built in a few days...be patient and focused and everything will come. -Chris
  20. Yager!, JD, Vodka...Pretty much anything Are we getting off topic? well anyways...Welcome again and CHEERS! to whatever you want to drink with! -Chris
  21. [quote author=ober link=topic=102480.msg406735#msg406735 date=1154376660] $myvar1 = 1; $myvar2 = 2; $myvar3 = 3; With an array, you can do this: $myvar = array(1,2,3); or <?php for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)   $myvar[] = $i; print_r($myvar); // prints out the array values ?> [/quote] The For Loop: In this case you are starting the loop off by setting i=0, you are looping until i reaches 10, after each loop add 1 to i (You can also use $i = $i + 1, or if you are taking one away you can use $i-- or $i = $i - 1) Anything in the body of the loop is the stuff that is getting processed. Programming can be very dry or very creative and a lot of fun. if($php == "dry"){   $outcome = "You aren't having enough fun."; }elseif($php == "interesting" && $php == "inspiring"){   $outcome = "You are having fun!"; }else{   $outcome = "You might be having fun, you might not...read the manual!"; } just a little example for the hell of it  8) -Chris
  22. I like it. Maybe just narrow that block on the left of "Home" One more idea is when they go to a different page change the color of the site. Home - blue, about - green, portfolio - red. Or something like that...you get the idea. -Chris
  23. I'll take yours :) I'm not one to say no -Chris
  24. I will validate it. But someone else made it for the client, so it's not my work. What about an OS X emulator running Safari? Any ideas? -Chris
  25. Well the only reason why I would need it is that I have a possible client that has a website that works in IE, FF, Opera, but not in Safari. But if he makes a few changes it works in Safari but not in the other 3. I just need it to test the site so I don't need to keep on e-mailing him all the time going "OK check it now" and having him send screen shots back. -Chris
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