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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. At the top of the page, before you use the array. add print '<pre>'; print_r($_POST); What does it show? All of them?
  2. You're saying change the HTML to fit the style. Do you actually mean that, or do you mean change the style sheet it refers to?
  3. You'll need to use AJAX. If you google for AJAX form validation you can find examples.
  4. User loads page. User selects new style, using javascript. User clicks on link. User sees old style sheet. Do you see the problem with using only javascript now?
  5. But they do it without javascript. You don't need to and probably shouldn't use JS for this.
  6. Red - the color of RAGE. JK. I dunno why Red popped into my head.
  7. You still use separate stylesheets, just like CSS Zen Garden does.
  8. You can repeat it all you want, but you're missing the point. 1. I'll go ahead and let you know - I am calm. You are adding a tone to my posts that simply doesn't exist. Telling me to calm down multiple times makes it look like you are kind of freaking out however. 2. Yes, you found your solution. What you're missing out on is how to ask for help. You seem to think that saying "google the error number" is an appropriate way to ask for help. It's not. As I pointed out, the error number does not contain any actual information about your specific problem. Before you say it again - yes, I *know* that you solved this problem. When you run into another MySQL error, you should try to remember that the actual error message contains that specific information which will help people debug your problem. It would have been easy to let you know that the syntax was wrong - but the error message already does that. Part of what people do on this board is help people learn how to debug their own code, so they can learn and grow. PS: calm down.
  9. When it comes to desktop vs mobile, you do that by having two separate stylesheets and using the media parameter
  10. OP decided to PM me this: "mysql error numbers are always followed by the same message. Just google it." Look, you come here asking for us to help you. The error messages contain things like LINE NUMBERS which will depend on your actual code. It also tells you what part of the code is failing. The error number is USELESS, the actual error contains specific information. Furthermore, you want ME to google something in order to help YOU? That's not how it works. If you want help, you give all the info you can. Like I said. " If you refuse to let people help you don't be surprised when you don't get help." This time you figured it out. Good for you. Next time, don't be surprised when no one wants to help you.
  11. Are the form elements checkboxes? A table cell is not a form element that would have a name, it's going to be an input with a type. If the type is checkbox, the value isn't sent in the post array when it's not checked.
  12. That's an error number, not an error. If you refuse to let people help you don't be surprised when you don't get help. The errors usually contain all you need to figure out the problem.
  13. what was the error?
  14. So, exactly what I said.
  15. echo do_shortcode('[author][author_image timthumb='on']'.http://www.blahblahblah.com/wp-content/themes/trim-child/images/mnr-headshot-300.jpg.'[/author_image] [author_info]'.<h4>Blah Blah - Attorney At Law</h4><p>Attorney Blah is an accomplished criminal defense lawyer with over two decades of trial experience in a variety of criminal offenses. Attorney Blah serves clients in the Palm Springs, San Bernardino and Riverside areas.</p><p>For Legal Representation <strong>Call 760-333-3333</strong></p> '[/author_info][/author]'); Might make it easier to find the problem. You need to escape your single quotes inside the string. You then need to quote the other strings. I fixed one pair, but there are others. echo do_shortcode('[author][author_image timthumb=\'on\']'.'http://www.blahblahblah.com/wp-content/themes/trim-child/images/mnr-headshot-300.jpg'.'[/author_image] [author_info]'.<h4>Blah Blah - Attorney At Law</h4><p>Attorney Blah is an accomplished criminal defense lawyer with over two decades of trial experience in a variety of criminal offenses. Attorney Blah serves clients in the Palm Springs, San Bernardino and Riverside areas.</p><p>For Legal Representation <strong>Call 760-333-3333</strong></p> '[/author_info][/author]');
  16. Your example is irrelevant. We're not dealing with a number 1.2, we're dealing with numbers returned by a function. Run this. <?php echo time() . time(); echo '<br>'; echo time().time(); ?> My output was: 13456577201345657720 13456577201345657720 Furthermore, if you do this: <?php echo rand() . time(); echo '<br>'; echo rand().time(); ?> You should get something LIKE this: 164691345657793 313381345657793 rand() . time() IS THE SAME as rand().time(); 1 . 2 vs. 1.2 is different. PHP assumes you MEAN 1.2. When you have two functions concatenated, you can ONLY mean concatenation.
  17. He's already doing that. Int 11 does not mean an 11 digit long int. The range of an int (11) depends on if it is signed or unsigned, but either way the upper limit is only 10 digits and if you try to add a 9 to the front of a 10 digit number, that's too big for int (11). http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/integer-types.html if you don't believe me, you need to learn what binary means.
  18. You went from $passcode to $paswoord. What happens between those lines?
  19. ManiacDan explained to you why that's not the only problem. It will happen elsewhere. He also explained how to fix it.
  20. Use code tags on the forum. Wherever you have or die ("Couldn't execute query."); replace it with or die (mysql_error().' SQL: '.$query); So you can see the error and query.
  21. Your explanation was kind of the opposite of what I asked for. Christian is right, you need to start over and figure out what you're trying to do. Write an outline for it. What are the steps you're trying to accomplish. No arrays, no dropdowns, just the ideas.
  22. You should not be storing comma delimited data in a field, each of those needs it's own row.
  23. Not to mention, many things can happen one after another in one second, and time() only goes to the second.
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