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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Welcome to the forum. Keep in mind, PHP can echo HTML directly, or you can close PHP and simply write the HTML.
  2. You might also read these pages in the manual: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.string.php http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php
  3. If the math problem is "What is one plus three" Is that still effective as a captcha? What's the one PHP Freaks uses? Isn't it a text based one? I haven't had to do it in a while
  4. The 19 errors and 11 warnings you get are HTML errors you need to fix if you want to be able to get help.
  5. The HTML validator does not check your PHP code, there is no way for that to happen. It validates your HTML. *headdesk*
  6. Edit: I guess that's a different company. However, on the correct company's site, there's this example: http://jpgraph.net/features/src/show-example.php?target=new_line1.php Which shows 3 lines, with different syntax than yours.
  7. $_REQUEST holds the $_GET and $_POST array, so changing it to $_GET won't "fix" any problem.
  8. You should probably ask the makers of jGraph. I read their docs and it looks fine to me, based on what I read in a few minutes. Did you pay for the version? Either way they should offer some support. This thread should be moved to Third Party software.
  9. Do you want to allow 0s? Use strlen()
  10. Add an index?
  11. So, download a fresh copy and check. Jeez/
  12. I always forget that it can't accept that format.
  13. $date = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($date));
  14. Did you try doing a hard refresh, CTRL+F5? Sometimes the sheets get cached. Otherwise, post the code.
  15. "Shouldn't $image be empty?" Not if it's in a loop. Once you set it, it stays that value.
  16. Well I can only assume you don't have any products with an ID of 0 right? When you added the products to your cart in the session, you set the ID incorrectly, or not at all. Go back there. And start trying to debug it yourself. Whenever you set a variable, echo it to see if it's what you expected.
  17. $sql = sprintf("SELECT Name, Description, Price FROM products WHERE Id = %d;", $product_id); echo "SQL: $sql"; What's it output?
  18. Turn on error reporting set to E_ALL. Also show us the output of the generated page. I'm going to guess $row=0, so it's not getting into the cells part.
  19. Good point, but the files on the server get cleaned up periodically, correct?
  20. Sessions are in fact what you want to use. You don't need to do anything with timeouts, the session expires when the user closes the browser.
  21. You could use the ternary operator, or set the values in variables before trying to echo them. http://us3.php.net/ternary Scroll down.
  22. Winner! :-P
  23. Well followers_count is one of the things you want. following should be the other. Mutuals is a lot harder to figure out. Unless you meant you don't want just the count but all the names? Is this a third party script that connects to Twitter to get the info? If so, you'll need to check with their docs and/or ask in third party apps.
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