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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. I liked the article.
  2. WTF is the question then if you're going to come back and say oh this tool is better even though you clearly can't use it? BTW, Cold Fusion? I almost fell out of my chair laughing, thanks.
  3. I see your point, I'm just saying I think at this time, people are used to those restrictions. I can't recall the last time I saw someone's username with anything exotic like punctuation If you want to allow other stuff, you can, I just can't imagine many people taking advantage of it unless you put a big disclaimer saying "YOU CAN USE AWESOME SYMBOLS HERE" Oh I forgot . I have seen several sites allow periods. I wish more would. Another thing I'd add for the OP when you get to validating email address, don't exclude + or . in the part before @, those are allowed. I hate when a website tells me my email isn't valid when it is. But that takes me back to my rant about maiden names being longer than 3 characters.
  4. What are the permissions on the folder?
  5. or var_dump or print_r to see what it contains as well as the type.
  6. To make a change stick upon refresh you'd need to use sessions or cookies. For login you need a database.
  7. http://api.prototypejs.org/dom/Form/request/
  8. You shouldn't need the {} for this. You'd use it for an array value but a regular variable, no need.
  9. If I do $string = 'Hello World'; echo $mystring; What do you think would happen? That's essentially what you've done. PFM gave you the explanation of where the problem is. This is simple debugging you'll have to learn if you want to be a developer.
  10. Seconded. There is no reason for each person to have their own .php file, there should be one file which displays their info.
  11. I think most sites limit to this, and not even allowing - and spaces. I think when it comes to usernames most people are accustomed to letters, numbers and underscore.
  12. GoDaddy allows you to easily install Wordpress from their control panel. If he's used to using Wordpress why not stick with that?
  13. If this is your class assignment you should be learning to do it yourself, any decent teacher is not going to give you an assignment without giving you the tools to do it. There are a ton of ways to do both of the things you've asked about, using several languages.
  14. Then the code you provided in your OP is not your actual code. Neither of those snippets contains listing. You also called it page2 but your code says test2.
  15. print_r($_GET); on page two and you will see the problem.
  16. 1. We don't do homework here. 2. Your question isn't even clear. You need to make it more simple, but really just go to your professor/TA and ask for help.
  17. Do you use adblock? A div named #adBar would definitely be blocked.
  18. That is a great point, I guess I didn't read the initial question well enough, because you're right as it's written you don't need regex.
  19. I can't because I am horrible at regex. Hopefully a mod will come and move this thread to the regex board. If you already tried, you should post what you did try so people can help you fix it.
  20. Apparently you have every confidence in the developer you hired! What's wrong with getting a second opinion? Do you blindly trust people you hire without doing your own research? If so, I have some ocean front property for sale.
  21. You'll need to use regular expressions.
  22. In the future, use php.net as your resource. http://php.net/date
  23. This is really bugging me, there is absolutely no reason for the quoted strings, it's just plain wrong.
  24. Seriously. I am bookmarking that site, I'd heard of it but never used it before. You guys rock. So let's see in PHP this would be... <?php $y = 60; $x = .1*((sqrt(5)*sqrt((4*$y)+5))+5); echo $x; ?> And it echoed 4. Perfect!!
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