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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. When the session starts, store the time. When you're ready to finish, store that time. Subtract.
  2. Yeah what you're asking for doesn't make sense, it's not in order.
  3. I would take the old name and explode on "." and choose the last value in that array. You don't need basename anymore.
  4. $target_path = $target_path. basename($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']); Change this to have the name you desire.
  5. Did you try it?
  6. Ah yes, thank you! I guess I am breaking my own rule of consistency but oh well
  7. Again it's a personal preference. I prefer my queries to use single quotes. *shrug*
  8. Jailbreak it. A JB app called SBSettings (I haven't used an iPhone since 3G, so there might be a newer app) allows you to slide your finger across the top infobar (with the battery life, singal etc on it). It then shows a popup that let's you change a bunch of configurations. One touch toggles for wifi/edge/3g etc, and a slider for brightness. Tons of other crap too. Thanks, I'll check that out!
  9. Agree with you on the sad part. I have no idea why sometimes seemingly otherwise smart people grind to a halt when a computer is put in front of them. Like people who are afraid to try things in software - read the text, click the right buttons. My grandma is one of the smartest people I know, but she still searches for the name of my blog in her AOL browser every time she wants to read it. She also thinks I personally email her every post (I don't know HOW she figured out how to subscribe to the emails!!!). She also keeps telling me she doesn't know how to leave a comment even though she's done it a dozen times. *shrug* She can easily read a recipe and cook a complicated dish, I don't see why learning to use a computer is different...
  10. For a radio, you need to check the VALUE of $_POST[$lbl], not just if it's set. You are essentially setting every radio to checked, but the browser renders that as the last one checked, I'm going to guess. Check if $_POST[$lbl] == $i
  11. That's of course true regarding the efficiency Mostly I was pointing out it's a personal preference. You can't say definitively one is better than the other. It's like comparing if(true){ } to if(true) { } People will have preferences on them and what you think looks better may look ugly to someone else. Just do what works for you and be consistent. I use single quotes for everything except SQL queries or other things I know have to have a ' in them. I have no problem going and changing a ' to a " so I don't worry about it too much ahead of time.
  12. I had a GPS a few years ago but it got stolen. I've never needed turn-by-turn, I just look at the map and know which way to turn... I've always found speaking GPS systems to be annoying. My husband and I used one for a few days on a road trip and both hated it, we both prefer to look at the map and know the route ahead of time rather than have someone tell us constantly which way to go. I personally think those things are over rated, but that's just me. and him lol. Actually I think my car comes with a GPS...I just never use it. I've tried using my parent's andriods as well as ones my husband's work gives him and I don't like them. I don't want to do more with my iPhone than what it currently can do. I don't even use a lot of the features it has. Actually I take that back - I want to be able to adjust the brightness quickly. But everything else is perfect
  13. Just put the search form at the top so you don't have to refresh. When a user hits refresh the browser will resubmit (or ask to) the previously submitted values. You can't control that.
  14. Well I don't want those things on my phone, no. I've had 3 iPhones and will get the next one that comes out. I'm a creature of habit. My phone before the iPhone was a Razr. When it broke my at-the-time SO had an iPhone and I hated it. I tried like 5 other smart phones from AT&T (what they had at the time sucked of course) and eventually used his iPhone and gave in and got one. It's perfect for what I want to do on my phone. Just like a Windows PC is perfect for me for what I want to do on my laptop or desktop. The TouchPad is close enough for what I want in a tablet.
  15. Are you sure that $word is actually being populated? If you echo it do you see a value? Does that value actually exist in the DB? Do you have error reporting turned on?
  16. Well that's useful. We're not psychics....
  17. It's funny, I was expecting a bit more of a punchline tho, was there more?
  18. for one thing, it's commented out... secondly, you need to do: if($condition){ //code }else{ //code } Don't mix using brackets with not using them. Even if you do syntax with no brackets, the code has to be on the next line under the if and else.
  19. Did you bother looking it up before asking these questions? We are not google. http://us.php.net/mysql_insert_id http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/example-auto-increment.html Did you even TRY it before telling us we're wrong??
  20. Which looks even worse IMO
  21. The mysql_insert_id() needs to be after your insert statement, not a select.
  22. what is the value of $word?
  23. Hold on a minute! Are you trying to say that Apple, of all companies, would actually implement some type of limiting ability and would think it was prudent or even preferred? Heck they might even refer to some such implementation as a "feature". I mean, c'mon, Apple and particularly it's user base are the epitome of humbleness. It's as if you might be implying that Apple would, in some way, be a little arrogant in thinking it is superior. I love my iPhone, hate all other Apple products. (Well I guess the iPad isn't bad, I got a TouchPad instead). My husband has a Mac and I refuse to use it.
  24. You need to define a clear logic. Sending emails to three people is the same regardless of what order you send them in. Figure out your logic, because what you've said doesn't make much sense.
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