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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. echo the query. My guess is $subject_id is empty.
  2. I've never seen someone so stubborn set against actually getting help. Impressive.
  3. Post the entire error, the relevant code (ie, what is $proxy) and use code tags next time.
  4. I'd never even seen the syntax, I was just responding to the person who said they needed an endif.
  5. He does have endif; it's the last line.
  6. In the future, post the whole error and the specific lines it refers to. You did not enclose the query in quotes, it needs to be a string. This is an example of when a syntax highlighting editor comes in handy.
  7. So, the most important part is you're not telling us what does happen. Reading your code, You're not using mysql_query correctly. I'd recommend starting there. http://php.net/mysql_query Look at ALL the examples.
  8. Actually you can, it's just a bad bad idea.
  9. Alternatively, you could use a regex on the entire form. That would work in PHP and may be the solution.
  10. Man I need coffee.
  11. in jQuery it would be $(".labelelementvalue").innerHTML(); Look up the jQuery docs if you need help getting started using jQuery.
  12. So when they label it, you are saving that label somewhere. You would just retrieve it from your storage. If you're saving their custom form as one big element, you should be breaking it up into each individual element and saving it in your database in a relational manner.
  13. This is the same problem you were on before, right? How does the information get into the <span> in the first place?
  14. I have the same question as smerny. I know how you would do this but only using jQuery, so unless you want to use that I can't help, just curious why?
  15. If the child needs to be in several parent categories, you can separate it out into another relational table.
  16. Well, don't do that...why do they have hash marks around them?
  17. It's strtotime not str_to_time //edit Unless that's an alias I am not aware of Yep, I don't test the code before I post it I don't think str_to_time is valid, you're right.
  18. Sorry, you can't do $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); every time. Check first to see if $_SESSION['cart'] isset. If not, then make it an array - if it's already set and you do that line, you make it a new empty array.
  19. Your session should contain an array like $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); Then you can put each new item in that array. $item = array(); foreach($_POST as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) { $item[$fieldname] = $fieldvalue; } $_SESSION['cart'][] = $item; not tested. You may want to use the item's ID number as the key for that array to make it easy to update/delete items. Your items should all have unique IDs then you could even just do $_SESSION['cart'][$item_id'] = $quantity;
  20. We had to hide in the breakroom at work. Out of the 13 tornadoes that touched down, the worst were about 1.5 hours away. Which just illustrates how freaking huge DFW is. Where I am only got rain and some small hail.
  21. That's quite the mangling of my name. If you tried my suggestion, SOMETHING would have changed.
  22. first of all, I don't think you understand what $_GET is. Google. Secondly, the SAME way you print the message. Where are you printing the message? I see it in your code, I want you to find it so you understand what you're doing, because you've gotten this far apparently without understanding some basic parts of PHP/MySQL.
  23. When you display the message you have to select it out of the DB, that's where you get your id from. When you loop through to print them, you print the message, right? The ID is in that same set.
  24. date() accepts a unix timestamp. $ts = str_to_time($row['dob']); $month = date('M', $ts); etc for year and day. edit: The way you originally had it was fine, what's the problem?
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