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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You still have $path and $root, they're not the same.
  2. There's a lot of code to look through for a vague problem. On your second page, do print_r($_SESSION) and you will see all the session vars. In your first script you do $first_name = $_SESSION['first_name']; But I never see you assign it INTO the session.
  3. that doesn't make sense - the javascript won't have a style...it's not html.
  4. You could also use Constants if they're non-changing values, as long as you include that file in every other.
  5. Javascript - check out mootools.net
  6. Maybe the image is broken - is it in the same folder as the file? Don't use dreamweaver, you're making it harder for yourself to learn in the long run.
  7. Your title makes it sound like you want to extract emails in the me at domain dot com format, but your post sounds like you want to make [email protected] into that. That could be done with a simple functions like strpos, substr, and str_replace, and I guess you could use an email regex to validate it. Here's the email regex I use if(!preg_match("/^.+@[^\.].*\.[a-z]{2,}$/", $this->email)){ $msg = "Please enter a valid email."; }
  8. Ah, I gotcha. Thanks so much
  9. Thanks a ton How come it worked before, when there was a + though?
  10. SELECT * FROM table WHERE flash = '$flash'; You should read some of the db tutorials on here.
  11. If I use: RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/([A-Za-z0-9_/\-]+)$ /$1/base.php [NC] None of them work. So I added RewriteRule ^CMS([A-Za-z0-9_/\-]+)$ /CMS/base.php [NC] If you go to http://www.grady.us/CMS/ that works. But if you go to http://www.grady.us/quadoo/, you'll just see the almost-empty index file, not base.php
  12. I still don't get it...it looks to me like the second one should work, but it doesn't...
  13. require it where? I don't see any difference?
  14. give each checkbox a name like id_1, id_2 <- those are their id numbers. Then loop through them on the processing.
  15. Can you post your code please. I suspect it looks like this: mysql_query(query); and not mysql_query($query);
  16. $query = 'INSERT INTO shout (shouttext, user) VALUES ('.$post.', '.$user.')'; They're still not in the quote marks. $query = "INSERT INTO shout (shouttext, user) VALUES ('$post', '$user')";
  17. Strings must be surrounded in ''. Also, you don't need the id and NULL parts.
  18. I have the following rules in my htaccess: RewriteRule ^journals([A-Za-z0-9_/]+)$ /journals/base.php [NC] RewriteRule ^quadoo([A-Za-z0-9_/]+)$ /quadoo/base.php [NC] RewriteRule ^scrapbook([A-Za-z0-9_/]+)$ /scrapbook/base.php [NC] RewriteRule ^CMS([A-Za-z0-9_/\-]+)$ /CMS/base.php [NC] I wanted to simplify it, but what I tried didn't work: RewriteRule ^[A-Za-z0-9_]+/([A-Za-z0-9_/\-]+)$ /$1/base.php [NC] Help?
  19. Before...you...use...the...variable
  20. It helps to know which line is six. The mysql keyword is rand, not rnd. $Music_Result=mysql_query($Music) or die(mysql_error()); would give you a better error.
  21. You need to add that in before you can use the $title variable.
  22. Look at the examples here: http://us2.php.net/mysql_query You're saying you want to loop through the results and print them - the code in "Example 1356. Valid Query" shows you how to do that.
  23. $title = $_GET['title']; Register Globals = off Your host may have made a change.
  24. You could try doing an explode on "/", filtering out empty values, and then have a list of accepted file extensions and loop through the array until you find the entry that ends with one of the file extensions, (.php)
  25. This belongs in the third part forum, or on the phpnuke's support forum. Also, phpnuke is a security bomb, waiting to explode and ruin your site with its gooey mess of SQL injection and XSS hacks.
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