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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Sounds like a JOIN.
  3. Nope -- but depending on what you need, you can always store the unix timestamp in microseconds as a BIGINT UNSIGNED.
  4. Sorry, I don't follow -- why can't you just update a status field?
  5. SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS() is much, much slower than COUNT(*) -- don't return the actual result set if all you need in a count.
  6. Well, you haven't posted ANY mysql statements.
  7. Show the CREATE TABLE output.
  8. Yes, you should be able to hit 2K with 4 users.
  9. Just add some ORs to the where clause -- not that this is particularly efficient.
  10. Well, start debugging -- figure out which part isn't working.
  11. Sorry, I don't follow.
  12. There are many ways to handle this... if it's a limited number, you might just want to CROSS JOIN in multiple times.
  13. Check that the recordset is what you expect.
  14. That's PHP, not mysql.
  15. fenway

    SQL help

    What makes you that it's not working?
  16. That issue has nothing to do with mysql... that's your web server's problem.
  17. fenway


    Oh, it's there... look where mysql was installed.
  18. DECIMAL -- try (10,3).
  19. Then check the actual value.
  20. No, you don't -- don't even try. Trust me.
  21. Find which query is causing the problem, and check mysql_error().
  22. If it's broken, debugging = simplying. This is why no one can solve problems anymore.
  23. What error message??????
  24. Simplify your IF -- and check the syntax.
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