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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Are you saying your host won't set up remote DB access for you?
  2. Sounds like you want to "number" your records, which is up to your application code to handle.
  3. If you're asking what I think you're asking, your script is going to have to determine which kind of query to compose.
  4. That's up to your application code to "collect".
  5. Or you can simply use an IF() in your ORDER BY clause.
  6. It's not a long list to remember.
  7. I don't follow.
  8. Agreed -- if the LIMIT offset is more than a few percent of the total number of records returned, it's a waste. Also, while I agree that's it's great to program for the future -- and I've been programming and working with databases for about 15 years -- if you look too far into the future, nothing ever gets done.
  9. Or with views.
  10. Don't double-post.
  11. What's wrong with a standard LEFT JOIN?
  12. We're talking about *one* record.
  13. See here.
  14. See here.
  15. Yes, what are you trying to do?
  16. There are literally hundreds of differences between platforms, chipsets, filesystems, memory addressing, etc. that could be responsible. There's just no way to answer your question.
  17. You mean the tables that we haven't seen structures for?
  18. I can't read that jumbled code. and besides, building_lvl.building_id can't be more than one thing at a time, so there is in fact NO SUCH region_id... and there never will be. You're mixing up logical and semantic boolean logic.
  19. I don't follow.
  20. Hierarchical data can be stored in a variety of ways... the stickies talk about this too.
  21. I see nothing wrong with having the application code ignore the first one...
  22. It's incompatible. "Incompatible change: Beginning with MySQL 5.0.42, when a DATE value is compared with a DATETIME value, the DATE value is coerced to the DATETIME type by adding the time portion as 00:00:00. Previously, the time portion of the DATETIME value was ignored, or the comparison could be performed as a string comparison. To mimic the old behavior, use the CAST() function to cause the comparison operands to be treated as previously."
  23. That's up to your script to determine.
  24. If you're not sure how tags relate to blogs, maybe you shouldn't be embarking on building a blog database?
  25. How is this different than, say, a WordPress blog?
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