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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Huh? That makes no sense -- are you actually executing all of them separately? And why have separate queries anyway?
  2. Actually, you're getting a hash collision on the names... use column aliases and your problem will be solved. Try: SELECT CONCAT_WS( ' ', u1.first, u1.last ) as own1Name, CONCAT_WS( ' ', u2.first, u2.last ) as own2Name ...
  3. What do you mean "resulting table"?
  4. ok... then try: SELECT userid from myTable as t1 inner join myTable as t2 using ( userid ) WHERE t1.qid = 8 AND t1.answer = 'Female' AND t2.qid = 29 AND t2.answer = 'California'
  5. That was the varchar limit until v5.
  6. Nope, not on the list. Right, it's a function, that's it.
  7. UID = unique ID -- I mean, a unique identifier for each row. And you're missing my point -- how do you know to look for 8 specifically?
  8. Well, if you're actually importing that first row, mysql will barf.
  9. Those are table aliases... try u1.first, u1.last, u2.first, u2.last... you'll see.
  10. Is there a UID in this table? Where is the "8" coming from?
  11. password is a reserved keyword, isn't it?
  12. I have no idea... there's nothing "wrong" with the sql syntactically... if you can run it with navicat, then php is to blame.
  13. that's a dependent subquery... no surprise.
  14. You can use a REGEXP to match... but you shouldn't be storing data this way.
  15. That doesn't answer my question... what do you want the output to look like?
  16. That's single quotes... drop the quotes entirely. And don't use a CHAR() for your PK!
  17. No problem.. everyone has to learn sometime.
  18. That's still in double-quotes.
  19. Most URIs are shorter than 255...
  20. It seems to me that you have a 1-to-many relationship with that other table, so obviously you're getting back multiple rows... Switch to inner join and try sq/sqa/sm -- without ss -- and we'll take it from there.
  21. Which fields do you need from the 30-column table?
  22. You should really join in the users table twice... ORs are bad. SELECT * FROM pages as p inner join users as u1 on (p.own=u1.id ) inner join users as u2 on (p.own2=u2.id )
  23. Or use the CSV engine type.
  24. Really? No kidding... well, then it's a php parsing issue -- try single quotes.
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