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Everything posted by fenway

  1. I assume you're already tried the obvious?
  2. What event, what trigger?
  3. fenway

    Mysql Backup

    I would caution against placing a plaintext password in the command line if you're not the only one with access to the box.
  4. fenway

    cant update

    That's not really good enough... echo $uue... what is the mysql_error(), if any?
  5. fenway

    cant update

    I assume you're not getting mysql errors... so please echo each one of those update queries.
  6. "Show up"? I assume the query doesn't fail? How are you requesting this column?
  7. fenway


    Seriously? Your browser is going to timeout... why not ftp them?
  8. Like so: SELECT pc1.parent FROM parent_child AS pc1 LEFT JOIN parent_child AS pc2 ON ( pc2.child = pc1.parent ) WHERE pc2.child IS NULL GROUP BY pc1.parent
  9. Well, ensuring the user only occurs once can be accomplished with a UNIQUE index... but nothing like that would cause table corruption.
  10. I'm confused as to why you don't just group by both columns.
  11. fenway


    This has to do with max_alllowed_packet in the mysql server config... but no one is going to upload a GB using any type of connection.
  12. This is full-text indexing.
  13. Order of operations... use parens whenever you mix ORs and ANDs: SELECT * FROM matches WHERE ( challengerID = '".$thisclan."' OR opponentID = '".$thisclan."' ) AND reported = 1 AND ladderID = '".$ladderID."'
  14. Agreed... if you have a specific question/issue, feel free to share.
  15. You won't need backticks if you don't use special characters or reserved keywords...
  16. Indeed.
  17. No problem... you might want to consider trying ANSI join syntax, using INNER JOIN and ON clauses to make it more legible and less error-prone, though. SELECT voters.VotersID, ballots.VotersID, voters.EmailAddress, ballots.BallotID, ratings2.ProductID, ratings2.SKU, classes.ClassID, class.Class, comments.Comments, ratings2.Rating FROM voters INNER JOIN ballots ON ( ballots.VotersID=voters.VotersID ) INNER JOIN classes ON ( classes.BallotID=ballots.BallotID ) INNER JOIN comments ON ( comments.BallotID=ballots.BallotID ) INNER JOIN ratings2 ON ( ratings2.BallotID=ballots.BallotID ) INNER JOIN class ON ( classes.ClassID=class.ClassID ) ORDER BY ratings2.SKU, class.Class Also, make sure you use table prefixes -- and table aliases help, too.
  18. Except that it would be much faster as a LEFT JOIN.
  19. Ugh... you can't use * with GROUP BY...still.
  20. fenway


    refman describes 4.1-compatible syntax as: SHOW [FULL] COLUMNS FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name] [LIKE 'pattern'] So you should be able to get it to work.
  21. Then you'll need to move this condition to the HAVING clause.
  22. If that's the case, then at least post the URL of the related post/thread! I've never visited the php section.
  23. Well, what's being inserted into the DB in this case?
  24. You should be using the $_GET hash, AFAIK.
  25. The cron can't check a mysql table before it runs ;-) Run a daily job, have that job run a script that deletes the marked row.
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