No problem... you might want to consider trying ANSI join syntax, using INNER JOIN and ON clauses to make it more legible and less error-prone, though.
SELECT voters.VotersID, ballots.VotersID, voters.EmailAddress, ballots.BallotID, ratings2.ProductID, ratings2.SKU, classes.ClassID, class.Class, comments.Comments, ratings2.Rating
FROM voters
INNER JOIN ballots ON ( ballots.VotersID=voters.VotersID )
INNER JOIN classes ON ( classes.BallotID=ballots.BallotID )
INNER JOIN comments ON ( comments.BallotID=ballots.BallotID )
INNER JOIN ratings2 ON ( ratings2.BallotID=ballots.BallotID )
INNER JOIN class ON ( classes.ClassID=class.ClassID )
ORDER BY ratings2.SKU, class.Class
Also, make sure you use table prefixes -- and table aliases help, too.