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Everything posted by fenway

  1. I'm not too familiar with "custom" drivers... it's hard to believe that standard OBDC doesn't work, though.
  2. I assume this isn't a one-off type thing.
  3. No you didn't... you ran the query... please echo the query string that you're passing to mysql_query().
  4. A separate input page -- you mean like with htaccess? That must be PITA to maintain. I was simply assuming you had some php code checking credentials.
  5. Well, a column list for the TMP table would help....
  6. Yeah, that's almost impossible to do... usually, I have a sortorder within each level of category... so a simple order by clauses suffices.
  7. Please echo that query.
  8. Well, you don't need distinct in this case, since there will only be one manufacturer/date pair in any case. But yes, maybe it's not correctly converting all of them?
  9. Then only make you page available during these dates.. .this isn't a mysql issue.
  10. First, your live would be SO much easier if your DB was like this: Table 1 = users: user_id username password Table 2 = profiles: profile_id user_id firstName lastName Table 3 = friends: friend_id user_id other_friend_id Then the JOIN itself should be easily constructed.
  11. You're looking to make a pivot table... data stored in this way isn't not really easily coerced into other formats.
  12. You're missing a comma between PRIMARY KEY ... and FOREIGN KEY.
  13. Where's the authentication code?
  14. Try this: SELECT FIELD( Clarity, 'Flawless', 'VVS-1', 'VVS-2', 'VS-1', 'VS-2', 'SI-1', 'SI-2', 'SI-3', 'I-1', 'I-2', 'I-3' )
  15. With a few JOINs, that shouldn't be too hard... but what are you going to order by? Don't say UID...
  16. Never heard of that!
  17. yeah, that one...
  18. There's a great book called high availability mysql, 2nd ed.
  19. fenway

    Complex Join

    It's complex because it's all on one line... could you format that nicely?
  20. It's a bad idea to run this regularly, since it locks the table... every few weeks would be fine.
  21. I'm sorry, I don't really understand.
  22. Now I understand... you'll need to collect the LAST_INSERT_ID() as you go along.
  23. Help with what?
  24. I'm still lost.
  25. I don't understand.
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