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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Yes... switch to LEFT JOIN.
  2. Could you echo $query_foodlist?
  3. The first one reads so much better.
  4. Don't post your entire code -- just the lines with the relevant query.
  5. That's back to a LEFT JOIN.
  6. I'm sorry, I don't follow... I attempted to follow the manual, and this is what I came up with: DELETE forum_categories, forum_threads, forum_replies FROM forum_categories fc, forum_threads ft, forum_replies fr WHERE ft.categoryID = fc.categoryID AND fr.threadID = ft.threadID AND fc.categoryID = 1 I get the error (the table "forum_categories" DOES exist): #1109 - Unknown table 'forum_categories' in MULTI DELETE Am I not supposed to put the table names I want to delete rows from after the DELETE part? If you use the aliases, I'm assuming you need to refer to them as aliases.
  7. NOT IN() isn't great... a LEFT JOIN would be letter.
  8. Why go through all the hassle?
  9. Why store the average at all? All I'm suggesting is that you leave out the average and get your inserts working.
  10. They can do whatever they please with the money in your account.... it's not really "yours".
  11. I still don't see why you need to do this in a single step.
  12. You you need list who tables you want to delete.
  13. Oops... missed the whole php thing.
  14. Depends on the nature & size of your datasets... you may want to check the refman for relevant info. %LIKE% will be MUCH slower.
  15. PayPal is terrible.
  16. You're right -- if you have a legitimate question about php -- rather than "solve my homework problem" -- then no one will lock your thread.
  17. No problem... it's just that we can't do anything about it.
  18. There's nothing wrong with calling multiple functions in an event handler -- as long as none of them return.
  19. Is start time a true TIMESTAMP column? Do you mean an hour ago or an hour from now?
  20. You can eval() whatever you want.
  21. fenway

    sql on a mac

    This is a double-post -- thread locked.
  22. Once you join the two tables, a simple group by, sum(), and order by should make this quite easy.
  23. That seems fine to me... I prefer NOW() + INTERVAL <?php echo $number of days to expiry ; ?> DAY, saves a function.
  24. FULLTEXT indexes act funny... if they match too many rows, or not enough rows, they don't always return resulst.
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