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Everything posted by fenway

  1. Just use a table alias and the ambiguity will disappear.
  2. By all means, no one is forcing you to be an active member. But your posts aren't "yours".
  3. So what you need to issue is this: SELECT id, CONCAT(first_name,' ',last_name) AS name FROM free_listings_dealers WHERE id='33' ORDER BY name
  4. Inded... just SELECT incid ... FROM table1 WHERE ... UNION DISTINC SELECT incid ... FROM table2 WHERE ...
  5. You've been a member of these forums for less than 72 hours and you've already decided that I'm humiliating you by asking a simple question so that I can tailor my response. Ask around... see what the general consensus is before jumping to conclusions. That being said, there's a "precision" variable that you can set in php.ini... and since I assume phpmyadmin uses php, that may be helpful.
  6. You may want to look at mysqludf.org... the preg library has perl-like functionality... may be very easy to extract what you need.
  7. There actually is a maximum... but don't worry about it.
  8. If you're referring to me, then I will stop "helping" you forever. Good luck (and learn how to fish).
  9. That doesn' tlook like a php function at all. And it doesn't "work" because now you've changed the name of the field.
  10. I have no idea what wordpress does with this table.
  11. Let me mull over the easiest way to do this... do you have access to the server directly (root access)? There are some UDFs that would be helpful. Click here to donate.
  12. Your original post didn't join any tables... so it shouldn't miss any counts. With joins, you'll need LEFT JOIN.
  13. Actually, I see no MySQL code at all...
  14. That was the command.
  15. You can easily embed fonts in IE... but Mozilla decided this was a "security risk".
  16. ORA? As in Oracle?
  17. Sounds like an DB upgrade to 5.0... shouldn't have happened without your knowledge.
  18. Sorry... CREATE TABLE LIKE 'theothertable'.
  19. Just copy over the structure of that table....
  20. You didn't mention at any point that you needed to extract multiple strings... mysql does not natively support this type of functionality... a while( yourstring =~ s/<match>/g ) makes this trivial. Otherwise, you'll have to do this multi-pass... it would be quite ugly.
  21. 2.9? Try again.... anything older than 3.23 is ancient... plus, 2.9 wasn't a release, AFAIK... maybe you're confusing it with phpmyadmin version?
  22. This would be much easier to do with a language that supports regular expressions... I suggest you do this in php.
  23. And what does it produce now?
  24. You don't have to select all the columns...
  25. fenway

    Help in query

    Please re-phrase your question.
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