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Everything posted by fenway

  1. This is another closure issue -- see if this helps.
  2. Nor do I.
  3. There's no difference... you still have to issue one query at a time to the server, if a function does the magic for you. Your method is fine.
  4. As opposed to?
  5. Too general a question....
  6. OK... so what's the problem?
  7. Check the grant table first... that's more likely to be the issue, and it's easier to fix -- your user probably doesn't have remote access.
  8. It can handle a relatively large number of threads in principle from the server side... it's the type of statements that you're running that will be the rate-limiting step.
  9. I'm confused about your first example... what's the second column? And you can't use || like that... you need to say : where DAYNAME(out_date)='Saturday' || DAYNAME(out_date) = 'Sunday'; or use an IN clause (preferably): where DAYNAME(out_date) IN ( 'Saturday', 'Sunday' );
  10. Not a problem per se, but it's likely that it's been ste up to only allow localhost connections, either in the IP tables and/or in the mysql grant tables.
  11. Echo $sql.
  12. Why "undo"? Why not just correct it?
  13. First, let's make sure that the queries are correct -- echo them to the screen after variable interpolation. Second, what do you expect them to return? Third, you're effectively using inner joins (which you should explicitly use), so maybe there's a failing join condition -- switching to left join will clarify this.
  14. What do you think it's going to do... because with that many group by fields, it's not going to do it.
  15. What do you think Embedperl is doing with that fancy syntax? Having never used PHP ever, I can't really say.
  16. Sounds like a glorified include.
  17. Why would you want to undo it? And if you do, and you "know" about it, you have the uid, right?
  18. What does "latest command" mean? You can't undo things like that... if you want, use transactions and roll them back.
  19. Forget about sales right now... if you join the products table to itself using the parent_id as the join condition, you'll get all parents and children...
  20. I would have to agree -- there are hundreds of general interest post in the miscellaneous board.
  21. It just goes against the grain of DB design. What if you wanted to produce a report from this column? Then that report woul;d have HTML code in it too! The idea is to store atomic information in each field, because while it's easy to go one way (add code), it's not simple to remove it in the general case. So adding a simple if() would keep your database pristine; the fact that it doesn't change often doesn't mean that you should corrupt the value.
  22. Then you'd have to join in the products table again.
  23. And what does DATEDIFF( eve_start_date, CURDATE( ) ) return for each row?
  24. Unlikely... is still has to "know" about which db to use.
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