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Everything posted by taith

  1. ya... mine grabs everything after the first . as in... http://www.google.ca --> google.ca and https://wwwl.google.com --> google.com
  2. it is after i made it... not a default one, but you can make your own...
  3. yup! prolly want to inset it into mysql mysql_query("UPDATE `counters` SET `page`='page+1'"); not tested... but i think it'd work... lol
  4. oh pishposh... lol... no need for a like statement :-) just use this :-) <?php function get_ending($filepath){ return substr($filepath, strpos($filepath, strchr($filepath, "."))); } $file = 'http://us10.stupid.com/Myfile.jpg'; $file = 'http://www' . get_ending($file); echo $file; ?> not tested... but it should work
  5. not necessarily... it seems its echo $row['player']."<br>"; but without the code tags, it looks broke ;-)
  6. $sqltogether = g_$sql1; theres your problem... g_?
  7. your missing a ; at the end of the first line there also you can simplify your code like this $search=addslashes($_REQUEST['search']);
  8. prolly need to call your webhost... (btw... this is php help forum, you want to pay people... post in freelancing)
  9. taith

    alert ?!

    then you need to put the javascript on the originating page... php exists only after the page has been submit
  10. if(!empty($array)) $array=array();
  11. to load part of a page without reloading the whole page, you got 3(?) options... 1) frameset 2) iframe 3) ajax
  12. a) javasript issue b) you'd need to use document.location.href (buttons have to be told to act like links )
  13. prolly want to use iframes :-)
  14. not tested... but it should work :-) function average($arr){ if(!is_array($arr)) return false; return array_sum($arr)/count($arr); } function cleanup($array){ $out=array(); foreach($array as $k=>$v){ if(!empty($array[$k])) $out[$k]=$v; } return $out; } $array=cleanup(array('134.32', '', '123.12')); echo average($array);
  15. agreed... where do you want it split? are the splits always going to be in the same place.........................?
  16. lol it doesnt disable the whole mouse... it only disables the highlighting of the text... so when you put your mouse over a span/div/table or wherelse i put it, it gives access...
  17. ontop of every page, put session_start();... and you never need to use session_destroy();... then you can access them session variables, when/wherever you see fit.
  18. what you do... is print_r($_SESSION); include(); print_r($_SESSION); if it does empty... you know its something in that file, go in there, start at the bottom and print_r($_SESSION); if its empty, move it a line up, till you find where its unseting...
  19. scratch that... still doesnt work... doesnt enable anything ever... <sc ript> var saveonselect=document.body.onselectstart; var saveonmousedown=document.body.onmousedown; function disablemouse(){ document.body.onselectstart=function(){return false;} document.body.onmousedown=function(){return false;} } function enablemouse(){ document.body.onselectstart=saveonselect; document.body.onmousedown=saveonmousedown; } </sc ript> <body onload="javascript:disablemouse();"> <span onfocus="javascript:enablemouse();" onmouseout="javascript:disablemouse();">text</span>test
  20. instead of if ($pw == "1234"){ echo "You are Successfully Logged in!"; } else { echo "You are not an authorized user."; } change them echo's to a $_SESSION variable, and redirect right away... that way nobody ever see's that page :-)
  21. personally... as i do it, member information, always goes in lower case into my database... username, login, fullname, everything... save the encrypted password... the formatting i do, is when it comes out of the database :-)
  22. YAY! it works! sorta.... now... i'm no js expert... but this only works once... ??? ??? ??? <s cript> var saveonselect = document.body.onselectstart; var saveonmousedown = document.body.onmousedown; function disablemouse(){ var target=document.body; target.onselectstart=function(){return false} target.onmousedown=function(){return false} } function enablemouse(){ this.onselectstart = saveonselect; this.onmousedown = saveonmousedown; } window.onload=disablemouse; </s cript> <span onmouseover="javascript:enablemouse();" onmouseout="javascript:disablemouse();">text</span> test i mouseover the span, it allows me to highlight, mouseout, i cant highlight, i mouseover, i still cant highlight... ???
  23. LOL! i work at a call center presently... 99% of our calls are windows, and my customers prove me right every call... you make a program stupid proof, the world makes a stupider person...
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