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Everything posted by taith

  1. if($val===true){ echo 'show data'; } if you have a varchar(5) or an int(1) you can either store bool as true/false, or 1/0
  2. nah... the cookie just redirects to the login page, just have that cookie set on login :-)
  3. ya... browsers are picky... lol
  4. general comment :-) also... if you make a sitemap.xml, submit it to google... it "can" make their crawlers scan your pages more frequently ;-)
  5. lol... why you keep echoing my name!?!? lol besides... there wouldnt be an error... its just inputing the right data ;-)
  6. always best to do the 301 permenant move... however i personally suggest... finish your webpage, before you submit it to search engines...
  7. perfect sense... but still a similar fix... lol <?php $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `banned` WHERE `ip`='$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']' LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($query)==0){ echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cetrk.com/pages/scripts/0000/XXXX.js"></script>'; echo '<script src="https://ssl.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-XXXXX-2";urchinTracker();</script>'; } ?>
  8. ok... but is the field filling in? does the dropdown have value?
  9. its MUCH easier to let mysql handle blocked ip's... <?php $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `banned` WHERE `ip`='$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']' LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($query)>0) die("you've been banned... GO AWAY! lol"); ?>
  10. $query=mysql_query("SELECT `PLemailAddress` FROM `P_Leader`") or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ echo "<option>".$row['PLemailAddress']."</option>"; }
  11. basically... you set a cookie of a browser specific info... sessid for example... <?php session_start(); if($_COOKIE[sessid]!=session_id()) header('Locaton: login.php'); ?> however... if the person does file, new window, it does hold onto the same sessid, therefore, it wont block it... but it would block any new ie's that were opened
  12. because... str_pad() increases by exact numeric value... so if it needs to crop 4 characters on, it'd add &nbs... not ... if it needs 2... it'd add &n... both of which, wouldnt work...
  13. ken's right... as it pads upto the # of chars... mybad.... so it may pad &ns which wouldnt work... str_replace it in
  14. $detail2="ab"; $descr = str_pad($detail2,125,' '); echo 'descr=' . $descr . 'end';
  15. more then likely no... html shrinks 2 spaces into 1... so you put 125 spaces, and it would only show one... you'd need to use
  16. ... where are you outputing that? storing it in a variable does nothing...
  17. the only thing i can think of, would be to make a javascript function, that onclick of a link, usets all the other links href="" tags... so you click, it disables everything, loads new page...
  18. javascript... window.close() i believe...
  19. only problem is that if your checkboxes are dynamically made... you'd need a loop of sorts... <?php for($i=0; $i<=$_SESSION[highestval]; $i++){ if($_POST['ud_test'.$i]=='on') $ud_test[$i]='on'; else unset($ud_test[$i]); } ?>
  20. yes... but not like that <?php $_one[1][name]="Zach"; $_one[1][age]="18"; $_one[1][location]="Mainesburg"; $_one[2][name]= "Jeff"; $_one[2][age]= "17"; $_one[2][location]="Mainesburg"; foreach($_one as $k=>$v){ echo "$_one[$k][name] is $_one[$k][age] years old, and lives in $_one[$k][location]<br>"; } ?>
  21. echo me!?!??! well... my first guess... would be that the filesize is too big on the mp3, causing the html to not upload it, therefore it wouldnt register it as an uploaded file...
  22. $query=mysql_query("SELECT count(id) as num FROM `users` WHERE `online`='1'"); $row=mysql_fetch_assoc($query); echo $row['count(id)'];
  23. a) your only selecting the id b) your only echoing the id c) you've limited it to one row... you'll only ever get, one row...
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