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Everything posted by taith

  1. $RED --> $_POST[RED]; any form directed variables, need to go through $_POST
  2. its saving by the title of the page... you prolly have a static one, therefore, overwriting...
  3. i believe its in php.ini.........?
  4. md5/sha1 encrypt... as in if i md5(1), it may not have the number 1 in it... just as if i md5(a)... it may not have the letter a in it... encrypters are not word scramblers... they take a string/int and flip it inside out, backwards and forwards, and everything else they can do to make it that much harder to decrypt...
  5. agreed... just on the table that holds that profile, put a lastviewer column, which updates to the last person(id/username, or whatallelse you want) who's seen it :-)
  6. yes... to an extent... many of the things are the same... a few are different...
  7. what if you tried to copy it? copy($oldname,'c:\asljdf.cvs')
  8. echo '<table><tr><td>'.$yourvarshere.'</td></tr></table>';
  9. you'd need to put a password request table into the database, prolly with the columns of id, key(put a random key there), email... then on submit, it grabs that key, takes the email address, updates the profile for that email address, then removes that entery... somin to that effect
  10. because on your query, your not renaming the columns to chcpc... you need to either use $row['SUM(chcpc)']; or add to your query sum() "as chcpc"
  11. oh... then no... no way of changing that... that i know of
  12. $time=time(); then whenever you need a static time... use $time, instead of time()/now()
  13. them should be $_POST variables...
  14. nah... just create a div, with your loading image, then on your window.onload=init; in the init, just loading.style.display='none';
  15. well as far as your code goes... where do these get set? $mail_to=$txtEmailto2; $mail_from=$txtEmailfrm2; $mail_sub=$txtSub2; $mail_mesg=$txtMsg; ?
  16. just on your loop... have $grandtotal+=$total;
  17. can also do it this way... $price*=$quantity; or the likes :-)
  18. htmlentities just changes troublesome characters, into their html counterparts... ' -->&#039; " -->" @ -->& and the likes :-) just put that into where you enter stuff into the database, then, everyone's happy...
  19. you'd want to use ajax, for the onclick prolly... it'd be fastest and easiest way of doin that...
  20. if you want... just htmlentities($string,ENT_QUOTES); then all them issues go byebye...
  21. nope... sessions are accessable from any file from that server... something else would be going on there... did you session_start();?
  22. aah... math functions are usually pretty quick... its loops that take up time... lol
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