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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. Is there a way to make a navigational system like + category + category + category + category Then when you click on one like - category   +subcategory   +subcategory   +subcategory + category + category Sort of like expanding and contracting, and still allow it to be cross browser compatible, not really relying on javascript unless necessary
  2. I could pass this through get, but I need something more sub-stantial, I think get would cause me problems.  Ok I have a site I am building, I have a problem(I am still in planning phase), so I am working out all my programming plans, and design plans ahead of time, adn trying a totally different approach.  WHen I seem to go over all the programming logic ahead of time, I uncover problems I would have ran into during the process.  I figure out what's worth doing, and what needs to be scraped, and that is going to help me during the development process.  There is one issue I ran across, on the homepage(it's a classified ads site), I have a list of things on the homepage, but there is a case/switch statment, with includes, that decides what is included for the main area. See it's based on schools, so I need to be able to make it, based on which one was selected, that include is shown, but stays shown until they switch schools, and it has to be something that all user's can use.  Should I save it in with whatever sessions they are using, and let it carry around with there specific session, but on the homepage, I am starting the include out as a specific one, so when they change it, I am trying to figure out a good way to save the school, I need to start the school at a specific one of course, but I wanted to get an idea, of that.  I am thinking of carrying it around based on the user, within a session(using the same session they are logged in with, does this sound like a good idea.
  3. I have a big question, I am debating(thinking) about whether to accept a project.  I am unsure about a few things on it, and was looking for a little guidance.  I quoted him at 1600 at first, he said it was a little out of his price range and he needed to keep it below 1k if possible, so the next step is I am charging either 6500, or 9000 I am not sure which.  Here is the thing I am not sure of, so far the entire site is pretty simple.  I am going to work a design up for him from scratch, and the programming behind the system, up until a certain point is very easy,  Until the end, it seems to get hairy, how difficult do you think it'd be to program this near the end.  do you think it's worth accepting, what do you think I should charge for this one. here is a set of specs, (me taking notes) when I was speaking with him over the phone. [quote]Complaints, someone has complaints about a company.  Give them a domain, something like microsoftreallysucks.com or something, like a 1 page website, and send people to the website. Research- Legal concerns, related to using this. Planning phase, research about company copyrights, when using acompanysucks.com 4-5 page website first- introductory page(I provide images, He will provide the text, leave space for text). totally open on design. Keep it simple. Open on everything even background color. go to next page- page 4 pages- 1st page introduction 2nd page capture all information(ask them for the sub-domain they are looking for) give them an option to either have 3rd page- carry all the information from the 2nd page to the 3rd page, give them a couple of options, a basic template, which is we have a template, that has a company name, and has whatever really sucks(whatever there domain is), then were they can enter there own text. and that they can add some html and code.  depending on what they click it goes to the payment page 4th- paypal, or whatever else( until they pay, the sub-domain is not created until payment is accepted.  They need to go to paypal 5 templates automatically create logo 3 things 1. has the name of the sub-domain in text(as a logo) 2.  Has editable text area(s) 3. enter html. ONLY HTML(all) be able to access to the source code from there site, ONLY there own sub-domain. there sub-domain contains 1 PAGE( and 1 ADMIN) area.[/quote] I still have to check if doing that is even legal, if it is, then we the last area get's done, it seems I have to make the templates(There will be like 5 I create, all pretty basic), interact with my script, when they pay via paypal, then it automatically, creates there sub-domain using. See here is the process the first page is an introduction, with 1 link to set everything up the second page they enter all the information, and choose a subdomain name, and a template the next page is the tricky one, sort of afterwards, it takes the sub-domain and makes it as a text logo for the next page(nothing fancy), then that is there template, from there, tehy can customize the xhtml, "no javascript, or php can be allowed in", then they basically go through checkout, it passes information to paypal, they pay, then the information using ipn, goes back to [url=http://www.webdesignhq.com/sitebuilder/manual/sub_readme.html#faq]http://www.webdesignhq.com/sitebuilder/manual/sub_readme.html#faq[/url] that is the script used to automatically create the sub-domain. Then from there, once hte sub-domain is successfully created, I need to go ahead and put that template type page, as a .htm file into the folder for that sub-domain.  It needs to look just like they had chosen it to look, then I need for it to also automatically create an admin page, within that sub-domain folder that was created for them, with this admin area(ONLY), it needs to have some sort of password system, or something.  Then on that admin area, it needs to be able to allow them to change the xhtml of the page, without them being able to change anything as far as php, or javascript. That's it.  But it has to create the .htm page, and the admin page, for each person who signs up, and has to do so dynamically.  can anyone give me advice, on whether this is possible, whether I should take it, how much I should charge, whether it's even worth the prices I listed, or what?  Security has to be taken into account as well as performance, as always.
  4. I never had to use php with javascript, I also never messed with arrays much, I always did basic stuff. The thing is, I have tried creating 2 dimensional arrays, associative arrays, and nothing is working, I think I need a stepping stone if someone can help, after creating about 3-4 different scripts(I am trying to get a grounding point for the rest of the program), here is what I have at the moment. I am trying to figure out [code]<?php // send header so browser knows how to treat the page Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); mysql_connect("localhost", "elostand_west", "apex"); mysql_select_db("elostand_general"); // run query's $select = "SELECT * FROM businesses;"; $query = mysql_query($select); // check for number of rows for later use $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($numrows) { // creates array's dynamically using php ?> var name = new Array(<?php echo $numrows; ?>); var url = new Array(<?php echo $numrows; ?>); <?php } // set some parameters to help control my script further down ?> var inc = 0; var x <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { ?> name[inc++] = '<?php echo $row['name']; ?>'; url[inc++] = '<?php echo $row['url']; ?>'; <?php }// end while ?> for (var i in name){ document.getElementById('scrollboxtime').innerHTML = name[x] + "<br />" + url[x]; }[/code] Also I have a div on the homepage, like [code]<div id="scrollboxtime"></div>[/code] Here are the things I have been trying to accomplish with this script, that I have encountered problems with 1. I want it to pull data from a database, somehow trap information on 2 different values.  I need the name and associated url of each entry. 2. Once i have successfully recorded the information so I can work with the data I need to get them to display on the div like so [move]name       name          name         name   url           url               url             url[/move] Something similar to that but enough space in between them, to not look messed up when a longer url, is put into the banner. 3. I need to get this div, to be populated automatically, as I said, the database pulls information, creates a js array, and uses that array as the information. I need this div, to take the text, as it looks formatted above, and scroll it from the right wall of the div, all the way to the left wall of the div, and disappear off the page(at the end of the div), but it needs to keep scrolling across, when the final database entry(which there all recorded into an array when someone opens the homepage), comes, then it resets back at the first, and keeps going forever.  As for the scrolling, I was using scrollTo, scrollBy, scroll, and then I finally realized these aren't used to get the scroll affect I wanted, they are used to set up scroll bars on the page, or on elements, now I have to figure out how to get it to scroll as well. Any advice, any guidance, any stepping stones will be greatly appreciated.
  5. It's with www.qqhosting.com It didn't come with an ini file, and the info file is http://www.theadsnow.com/info.php this is the problem I need the register_globals off to be set, but it's not reading my php.ini file, it doesn't allow ini files I guess, and without changing the settings I can't install it, I normally try to build my own, but this is somebody who is doing something for somebody, and they just want one installed so they can take it from there.  I tried a .php one they had paid for it had horrible security, and didn't run right, then she found a .asp one, I told her it won't run, it had windows iis requirement.  THen I found deltascripts.com that one was free, and matched everything they need.  But I can't get the php settings to change.
  6. http://www.theadsnow.com/info.php That is the info, I need to change those settings, to register globals off, I see where it tells me the location of the php.ini file but there is no urs folder, or whatever it says, when I create a php.ini file and put register_globals off and upload it, it doesn't do anything, it doesn't change those settings, any advice, I have cpanel access for hte server, I hate register globals being on, and she "requested" a third party script be installed, it requires register globals being off.  I need to figure out how to do this.
  7. I appreciate all the help, what he said up there was helpful, it was just in his own way, it was the way he brought it across that helped me grasp what I need to do.  I need to start working on learning design, I need to stop using templates, it's just so many sites (web designers who have done it for years(www.killersites.net or something for example))  They say there, that he knows how to build designs, but he uses templates because it saves time, I do all my own custom programming, maybe I should use my own designs too, but everytime I build a "design" from scratch it ends up sucking, no matter what, bottom line, it sucks.  I cna take a template and do whatever with it, but the site itself, ends up sucking.  I am willing to learn, so now, on the side, I am going to create a plan, start with a photoshop layout, until I get better at making photoshop layouts, then get the coding/css done on it, then the programming, and start learning how to build the actual designs from scratch.  Thanks for all the advice.
  8. Good, good, I really appreciate it, I am going to have a very large amount of fun now, this opened up thousands of new doors.
  9. I just have discovered something (might sound wierd) but "I" didn't know about these things yet.  I always used php in my Xhtml pages, I didn't know you could use them as CSS, JavaScript files.  This opens up new worlds to me, I never thought possible, but before I get all happy, and start doing all my CSS, Javascript as php pages, and start adding new functionality to my css/javascript pages, I would like to know, are there any negative sides to using .php instead of external js, or css files.  I am worried that some browsers may only accept the .css for stylesheet and .js for javascript, I really like this idea, and I am really ready to start utilizing it, and would love too, but I have to make sure it's not a bad thing first, or a bad programming/coding proactice or something, I have to make sure it's a good thing, and something that won't start causing me a whole bunch of problems later on down the road.
  10. Are you talking about your own variation of pagination, if you are then I really like the idea. I don't know pagination yet, I like creating my own stuff.  so I haven't came up with something yet, but I have to admit, if that's what you mean the idea is amazing, if you get something started, I will be happy to help you work it out, if I can remember htis post, I really like that idea, and would like to help you make it happen, you  mean instead of display 4 pages of search results, show like 25% for each page, and adjust that basedon the search results, I love the idea, I know it's possible too.
  11. I will thanks for the function names.
  12. So should I stop using templates for the most part, or create just my own site from scratch, and use templates with the rest, it does save a lot of development time?
  13. I noticed that, I felt pretty stupid so I didn't say anything else in the post, I had it set to integer, instead of varchar
  14. All that work, all that programming, to get cut down by someone who had just one function to name.  That function held more power thatn 10 lines of code you had up there, that was hillarious.
  15. I normally do when I do database entries, I didn't think it was necessary for the ip, but I think your right, better safe than sorry.
  16. add slashes didn't work, I will just need to write up something that will get rid of those .'s what I wanted to ask, was, is that what is causing htis, is it the dots or something else.
  17. This is something I have been fighting with for a few months, data harvest, I have a friend who creates bots for a living, and he got me into it, I am trying to figure out how to get certain tags, that have specific id's or attributes.  Or standard tags, the only way he said, is to learn regular expressions, once you learn how to find and retrieve data from regular expressions, all of that will come natural, you have ot learn how to find data, and how to replace data with regular expressions, and you could right up something to check for that on a page.
  18. Ok, just making sure, only one thing, it's killing the ip address. it cut's it off at the first . I guess in mysql, the . tells the database to stop.  I need to cut the .'s out of it, why is hte database like that, I mean is it the . that is cutting it off, it records the first 2 letters, then cut's off the rest.
  19. easy, an array of course(as you said.) if you have the name-value together like new array('name'=>'value', 'name'=>'value) and so on, then they will sort either by name, or by value, and they will all stay connected properly.
  20. [code] <?php $insert = "INSERT INTO stats (ip, visitingurl, browser) VALUES('$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]', '$_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER]', '$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]');"; @mysql_query($insert); ?> [/code]
  21. thanks, I will do something about those, I appreciate the advice, thanks.
  22. I don't think I will be actually redoing my own site for quite a number of years, and I have had considerable more comments about it, people contact me about projects off of it, but I was wanting advice on  a few things, the color scheme is it good, if not what colors, do you suggest, and where.  I want to go ahead and get things straightened up, I want to get better at graphic design even more before I try creating layouts, I am almost there, but with graphic design I still have a ways to go.
  23. I actually believed you at first.  That was wierd, but thanks for the help.
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