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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. thanks I appreciate it,
  2. thank you that makes a little more since now.
  3. What does this paragraph mean exactly in relation to php, why is this so, and what do I need to look out for, this was quoted from www.hudzilla.org. "You should be aware that floating-point numbers are complicated beasts, and are unpredictable. The classic example is the sum "(0.1+0.7)*10" converted to an integer. You might think, "that's easy - it's 8", but PHP will report 7. The reason for this is because inherent inconsistencies in floating-point numbers mean that the value will actually be 7.9999999999999991. Usually this is not a problem, because rounding that value even to 10 decimal places gives you 8, however it does mean that you should avoid comparing floating-point numbers wherever possible" Thanks/
  4. Why can integers only hold a certain number, it's max number is 2147483647 from this point it is converted to a float. What is the point of this, does it have somethign to do with float being used also for fractions, or is there another reason, why the developers of php choose to make it's max number, that specific number And excuse me for saying htis but what is jan 1 whatever year i Have heard this everywhere with every program language, the "magical year" is january first, of some old long lost date, what does that have to do with.
  5. so what would the purpose of taking strings out of a specific file without pulling the whole file.
  6. I have learnt include "" , I have some questions about this. What is this for, to keep people from being able to see the source code, and if so why. I also noticed if you put in a url like <?php include "http://www.w3schools.com"; ?> For instance it loads the webpage, but not the graphic files and pictures for it, are there situations where one might need to pull an outer website into there website for some reason like this,I also noted if you try and do something like this <?php include "http://www.w3schools.com"; include "http://www.gamefaqs.com"; include "http://www.phpfreaks.com"; include "http://www.php.net"; ?> for instance, then it loads each webpage onto the php page, but one after another and they always stack, like the w3 schools would be on top, below that the gamefaqs would start, after that and it keeps going, is there ever a point for anything like this.
  7. thank you for the answer, that helped.
  8. I am meaning what are the uses of the while loop, and for loop, I know in major programs they can be of great helped, under heavily controlled situations. For instance, in a major forum program, would you ever need an infinite loop to do something specific, if so what, or are infinite loops completely uses on all levels when speaking about php, I know with javascript they are very helpful for instance, if you want scrolling text then you set an infinite loop to allow the text to scroll forever at a timed interval setting, also pictures, you want a gallery that cycles through all pictures in the file, you set an infinite loop, just under a specific guided speed, and with people having the ability to break the loop, by selecting buttons to go on there own pace, so I know it has good uses in javascript, but now what about php, what major purposes are they for.
  9. I have been playing with these, I can get the browser to create something over and over again and never stop, like have it say something for eternity, in what possible situations could an infinite while loop end up being effective, i can think of some small samples, but is there a few major samples anyone can give me to understand the effectiveness of these, I heard these also have there purposes in certain situations.
  10. That explained everything thank you
  11. it probably has something to do with browser in compatibility go to www.w3schools.com and the validator in the bottom left, check it for errors, and fix them. That helps a lot of times.
  12. try adding _blank in the coding where the link resides. This will allow a link to open in a new window if that's what you mean.
  13. I have seen a lot of tutorials, and people in general use the word $foo, and $bar, with there being any variable information attached to them, is this something preset in php, if not what do they use this for what's teh purpose.
  14. what does it mean in dreamweaver when setting up a test server for dynamic content, and will this help me at all with my php working or anything like that.
  15. I think I will do that, but I want to wait a little while because it sounds like I have to learn 2 syntax, one for web development and one for command line, and I don't have a server here, I don't understand anythign about setting up a test server, even with coldfusion, I don't understand any of that, but I am still presisng foward gathering bit by bit of information until i make it through the learning curve, you will see a lot of posts on here from me for awhile. I don't understand lamp, or wamp, because I thought I had to have a server running from my home to install apache, and even if I did wouldn't I have to go through all my scripts and replace /n with <br />
  16. ??completely lost??
  17. Thanks I appreciate the link.
  18. I am studying here [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/2_6_2\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/2_6_2[/a] on that specific page, it speaks of various letters that do various things. What is a command line I think it's were you are using a server on your own computer, I will be working for people off there internet server. so I won't have a command line I don't think, it told me about /n would cause a line space. I tried that forever it didn't work, I had to start adding in <br /> to get it, so I know /n doesn't work, which of those others should I use a replacement for instead, and if so, what command would replace each of those like /n is replaced with <br /> when you are doing it on an internet hosting server.
  19. I am studying a book over at [a href=\"http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/2_6_3\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/2_6_3[/a] On this specific page of the studying material I ran across a php command called heredoc. Allowing you to put whatever words you want to, I test it out using all forms of words, and it still worked, also his exampled worked as well, I tried searching the heredoc statement on php.net and it didn't come up, I also searched delimiter and couldn't find anything. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction to find that heredoc I like cross referencing everything I go through with the manual. thanks.
  20. I had one more question. Is ajax worth learning, and if a website is built with ajax does it make it automatically load. thanks for the answers, I didn't expect anyone to answer them all, but all the answers helped, thanks.
  21. I know someone won't be able to answer all of these, but maybe multiple people together can give me all the answers over a few days. I started studying web design, I got really involved and passionate about web design in general, I studied and mastered Xhtml, css. I went on a craze at w3schools, and started getting the kind of "coding morals" to keep the code clean, free from errors, doctypes, and all that stuff. I then mastered css, or learnt css, I am still getting better with it everyday, I use all those standards like I read it's best not to use shorthand so I don't(all this is just some background info before I ask my quesitons so you know why I am asking" I then studied javascript for 2 weeks, and got most of the basics. I built my website, www.freelancebusinessman.com I have built it 3 times, I know I did it too fast, that is one thing I did wrong, I built it each time in less than a day with css and xhtml. I know that is too fast, it takes longer to take a decent website, I also learnt the importance of pre design planning. Now I am at a point I really my difeciencies and want to build on them, so I am studying php, javascript more, more css, and got photoshop, will learn how to chop, manipulate, and play around with images to create banners, logos, and more. But I still don't understand how to bring it all together, I am lost in web design, with lots and lots of questions, taht I decided to take the time to ask here in hopes of just getting a helping hand here and there helping me understand how to bring all of this together. I have basic computer skills, I type 90-120 words per minute, with next to perfect accuracy, I now know xhtml, and css, I also use tableless layout, and try to be as correct as possible, I learnt how to create robots.txt file and validate them, and all that other good stuff, but javascript was a challenge, and I still can't create something myself, and I am still fighting with some of the basics, so as a favor I am asking anyone who happens upon a question or 2 here they can answer, just leave a response, it will help me a lot. I will number them, so I am hoping if someone answers, whichever question you are able to answer just throw in a quick number in front of it so I can know which question was answered, I thank everyone here for the help. So I appreciate it and thanks. so basically here is what I want to be the ultimate source for webdesign, I want to know web design, coding, programming, I want to have extensive knowledge in web hosting, and alot of knowledge in web promotion, seo, and submission, and working with link exchange. I just want to master web design everything. Here is where I Have gotten I have studio 8 on the way, I hand code everything, I try to follow all the standards as best as I can. That is where I stand, I am getting photoshop< I know xhtml, css, I am learning javascript php, then sql(and it's variations that I need) and I want to also learn how to chop images, and work with images, and do more with graphic design, and that is my game plan for now. I am working on that at the moment, that is what I am working on. 1. When working with php what is the quickest way to learn, I don't know if I will master all the tags, hopefully I will, but I understand the concept of if, while, and, looping, and other related statements, but not how to use those and principles to write out my own programs, I can't even validate forms myself, actually haven't even yet, I want to master these things, what are the best steps for me to do that, I have went through every tutorial online that could be found and www.php.net manuals. And this site. and the php and the faqs website as well, and no luck, I am learning slowly week by week, but I want to start a full fledged career soon, I will always study new things, but I need the basics. 2. I think I am learning sql first, how hard is it to catch onto the other variations as well after I master sql, if so how long will each variation take. 3. What is all this about databasing, I saw that it is taking Xhtml pages, and storing them in a database, and having php draw them out from the server. What is the difference between doing this and create html pages .php with php embedded in them. 4. When should I use database driven websites and when should they not be database driven should every website I do, have every single page database driven, or should I do the special tasks database driven, like login names, and log in related stuff, or stuff like big search functions, and guestbooks, and forums and things of that nature,. 5. Should forms be database driven themselves 6. I know that I want to learn how to process forms with php, and how to validate them, but I have heard it's better to use javascript to validate, and php to process. Or asp whichever server side you are using, I heard it's best to use javascript to do the validating. is this true or should I do both with php. 7.After I master php, will it be very easy for me to do tasks when given, or build websites then using jsp, asp, cf, or am I going to have to learn all those languages as well, or is it the exact same thing just different sintax and once I get the right idea down, then the rest falls into place. 8. IF that's the case then why do people who know for instance asp, why don't they say they know jsp, php as well because they might as well know all if they know one if this is the proper case. 9. When should javascript be used, and when should server side be used, for instance php can do a lot, so can javascript, I don't know of anything javascript can do that php can't so when should I choose javascript and when should I choose doing something with the server side language instead, is tehre a difference. I see php, asp, jsp, driven websites completely riddled with javascript for various functions, why don't they use only php and drop all the javascript. Especially when it isnt' able to be seen when the browsers have it disabled. 10. I theorize tableless layout is better, that's all I have been using, am I right to choose this, even though I see so many websites using tables, because I started tableless, I am not that good with table layouts, should I use tableless layout but still master how to do table layouts, for clients who need something done on a site that has tables involved. I use tables for things lie sometimes navigation I guess, helps it look better I don't know. 11. I have been fighting with choosing navigational structures for various websites, I am well informed of the different types just not, when and were to use them, I have been told to never use javascript drop down, but honestly I like the idea, I know about the breadcrumbs, top, left, bottom, sometimes right navigation. Using css, or text, having sub menu's and coldfusion create navigational structures. Also about flash navigation, I know there are a lot of types, what are some general rules I should following when choosing type and place for navigation when working with different sites, I believe with web design everything has it's purpose, if my belief holds true, what are teh purposes of ever doing javascript dropdown, and when should they be utilized. How many basic navigational structures should I have per website, some say 1 on left, some say left and top, some say have atleast 3 left top and bottom, some have 4, just some rules to help me keep up with this. 12.Can I create a php file, and save it with a .htm, or .html extension and it still be good or the same effect if so what would be the point, is the .htm or html, or the .php better. 13. What is the difference between .html, and .htm, I always use .htm as default is that the best choice, or should I use .html. As a permanent complete resolution for all things. 14. What is shtml. 15. IS it true that anything dynamic on a website is defined as dhtml, meaning if I create a page in php, it's a dynamic webpage, when it hits the browser is it called dhtml. Either way is dhtml it's own language, or somethign specific I can learn for specific purposes. 16. Should I stay away from php 5 for awhile longer, I was told it has a lot of bugs, and isn't good to use it's functions right now until in the future, should I not use it. 17. Are there any cross browser issues when relating to server side scripting like php, jsp, or asp, or does all php work in all browsers, and all jsp, and all asp, work in all browsers, if this is not true, then what do I have to do with php to make sure I follow all guidelines to make sure it's as close to browser compatible as possible. IF someone is using internet explorer or firefox version 1( I know it's a 1 in a million) would they be able to see all php and asp as well as someone using a new browser, or do certain browsers not use certain server side languages. I have never heard anything about browser compatibility when relating to something like server side scripting. 18. What is cold fusion, what is it for, what's it purpose, it's power what can it do, I have looked online and it didn't make sense, I heard it was another server side language just like php, asp, and jsp, is this true, and if it's true would I be able to easily handle coldfusion as well once I master another language, like php. 19. If I learn really good graphic arts, where I can create logo's banners, and everything else, plus finish mastering xhtml, css, javascript, php, asp, jsp, coldfusion, sql, it's variations. Where do I go from there, is there anything else I can learn that will help, is there anywhere else I can go to learn more, are there any other languages I should start on after that. 20. I have heard of ajax, what are it's purposes and reasons for being, are there any reasons for it, and if so, why have I never heard about it from a client, or other web designer, I have only seen it in one place and that is w3schools.com 21. Ado, is another that I have only seen at w3schools.com, what are ado and ajax for, and what are there purposes. 22. What is the height of php knowledge, how will I know when I can say I have mastered php. 23. How long will it take for me to be able to do my own stuff in php without a lot of checking back with the references. 24. Are there multiple ways to do each thing with server side languages, for instance, with php I see there are like 100 differnet people that create 100 different sets of coding to validate and process forms, does that mean there are different ways to do different things, again meaning there are not just 1 specific way to process forms, but actually many, and if so is this the same for asp, and all the others. 25. What is asp.net, what is it for, and what is it in relation to original asp. Is asp.net something I need to learn or by what I have stated so far, is it somethign I really don't have any particular need for. Now for the final few questions, that are related to everything as a whole. 26. How do I bring all this together, I know xhtml, I know css, just learning more, I am learning javascript, php, sql(it's variations), and working with photo's as much as I can learn. When I learn these basic core skills, how do I learn to put it all together and make something with it, how do I then learn how to successfully incorporate, xhtml, css, php, javascript, photo's and everything else together within a website successfully where it looks good, works well together. 27. When do I choose one programming language over another once I learn them 28. What is xml, I looked at tutorials and I am lost 29. How do I use xml with xhtml, should I make it a habit of incorporating xml, into all Xhtml, along with my css, and javascript, is it something that would make me a better designer in some way. What's its purpose, what's it for, and how do I learn how to use it, is there any real significance for it's use, or is it just there. 30. IF I took the time to learn xml, how long would it take roughly. 31. If I learnt xml, how long would it take to master all it's variations, if you go to www.w3schools.com and look under xml there are a lot of xml variations, could I master all of those fairly easy once I know xml, or would there be no point in a lot of those. 32. Where can I find a website to help me better understand how to plan a website ahead, and get me situated. INstead of doin geverything all at once, off the top of my head. 33. I want to learn content writing better, I get locked up when I am writing my own content, and do pretty well when I client wants content written, is there somethign I can do to become better at content writing. 34. What is a good way to submit to all search engines without having to pay. 35. What are the best ways to advertise websites, I have a background in marketing, but I don't like it, I just wnat to do, search engine optimization and working with link exchange related things, is tehre anything else that is related directly or indirectly to web design, that I could do relating to marketing, or are those really the only 2 things. 36. What all factors are taken into consideration when it comes time for the search engine to index your website. I don't want to keep going right now, I want to see which answers I get here, and see if I can sort osme of the information out, I know a lot of people out there answer questions very well, I have been helped by wild teen a couple of times better than I would have though, alsow hen I posted my first post awhile back asking about my website, I had a lot of honest, people tell me what they though allowing me to reevaluate my knowledge, and allow me to decide where to go with my career from here, thanks for all the help, I will check later tonight for any posts here.
  22. If I learn sql, i was told that would basically totally teach me postgresql and mysql, and all the others, I was told sql will allow me to easily understand all of these, and I need mysql to run with php they work best together the manual said, what do you suggest, and thanks.
  23. Perfect I will redo the entire website, I will study some and get better with pictures, I did that with fireworks, I have gotten better with graphic design since then, a lot better than that picture shows, I will redo the picture, I will keep the same content(wording, pages names, excetera, just check for spelling and grammer better, and positition it better, I will recreate it, I forgot the javascript I was still new at it hten, once I Finish mastering php I Will redo the website, and use .php filenames, and create them with php, I will add in the javascript, adn create a better menu using css. THanks for the advice, It will be a few weeks, and I will repost here agian to hopefully get more advice on the new website. in a new topic.
  24. I am asking a question here that is major, I want to be a professional web design, coder, programmer, I am at the critical stage in my career where I am learning php and sql. I have standards 1.100% hand coded, and programmed with anythign I do. 2.100% standards compliant and all possible "good practices" that can be followed are followed. I am running into some questions about php, there is nothing online that explains this in a way that can help, me in order for me to advance, a lot of people say I don't need to know this, or it's useless but if it was useless It wouldn't be there. If you can't answer this please don't respond, because I need a specific answer or it won't help, I have a url of my website here, to a page, that uses the phpinfo function, it extracts all the info from my server, I want someone who can look at this, and create an answer in return, that has the name of each one of those, and an explanation of what that option does, what it's for, or both, I know this is a lot but it's a critical step in my learning. [a href=\"http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/info.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/info.php[/a] I really need this if you can't help that's fine, but if you can it would be greatly appreciated, I just need like each title listed like system-comments from you about it to help me understand it's use and purpose better build date-comments again configure command- same so on and so forth I know this is alot but this is important, before I dig too much deeper.
  25. [a href=\"http://www.freelancebusinessman.com\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.freelancebusinessman.com[/a] I will overhaul it with php, in a few weeks.
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