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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. 2 questions 1. how does it not reduce latency, what is latency, and what  does the number in your name stand for. And sorry I called you some number, I was too lazy to look it up.
  2. Ah thanks once I get all the images done, I am going to go through the other critiques I have recieved throughout this entire thread, and change everything when I do the next update, the ask for another, I have that long critique, from the numbered name posted 4410 something, I will be going through all of that too, and changing everything that I can on that list, and seeing if anyone has more advice after that, thanks for all the help so far.
  3. Ok thanks for all the advice, I seemed to have changed a bunch of spelling errors she ran across, and I changed everything you found, put the question on those, rewrote the disclaimer, rules page, homepage, redid the note on the pages to make it more simple, and to the point.  Any more advice?
  4. ah, ok thanks, I will do that on all the images then, and see how htey all turn out in the end, will this be enough to make them load fast enough, or should I put in pre-load too, or is there something else I can do, or will this be enough to make it load fast.
  5. Ok I am confused, I have never had to do compression/optimization, because I never did a graphics heavy site before.  I don't get this, I tried doing them all with photoshop "save for web" and that 1. didn't reduce any file size 2. Made just a copy of every image 3. took forever, to do all of those galleries, just 10 actually. I tried with fireworks 1. It didn't reduce size 2. It took forever 3. It's not changing anything I even tried finding online compression tools, how does everyone else compress there images.
  6. That just tests to see, for instance. This will pull out the contents of the php tags. preg_match_all("/[<\?php]{6}(.*?)[\?>]{3}/i", $StringToSearch, $OutPutArray); if you use this one here, then it looks within the string to search for any occurence of <?php stuff ?> then it extracts whatever is in between <?php ?> and puts it in output array. This will simply test to see if it exists or not. preg_match("/[<\?php]{6}(.*?)[\?>]{3}/i", $StringToSearch); for this down here it simply tests whether those tags exist or not, then you can return a validation error if you choose, or the top one you can just extract the contents, so it runs empty php tags, whichever you choose to do.
  7. This will pull out the contents of the php tags. preg_match_all("/[<\?php]{6}(.*?)[\?>]{3}/i", [b]$StringToSearch[/b], $OutPutArray); This will simply test to see if it exists or not. preg_match("/[<\?php]{6}(.*?)[\?>]{3}/i", [b]$StringToSearch[/b]);
  8. Here The i within the regular expression makes it case ignore, if you want it to be case sensitive, then simply remove it. [code]<?php // This will pull out the contents of the php tags. preg_match_all("/[<\?php]{6}(.*?)[\?>]{3}/i", $StringToSearch, $OutPutArray); // This will simply test to see if it exists or not. preg_match("/[<\?php]{6}(.*?)[\?>]{3}/i", $StringToSearch); ?>[/code]
  9. I you mean some custom programming, here is my idea of a way you could implement something. Think about html entities. if you have the symbols for < and > instead then it doesn't run.  Here is what I would probably attempt to do. 1. Have the information you are getting put into a variable like $value = $_POST['value'] or something, anything to trap whatever they are submitting into a variable so you can work with it. now, use some regular expressions to try and find the existence of the php tags, like <?  and <?php, if they find a match, just prevent the script from running, return a validation error at that point, and say no php scripts allowed.
  10. for one they are retarded, you never need anything other than .php, as for your problem, the blank page, based on your php.ini settings can be caused by your error handling setup, like he said get the info.php file up and running, and then send a link to the page, so we can look at your error handling information.
  11. I would guess html entities, that is what andy told me, and it worked, if you are doing what I think you are trying to do.
  12. It happened to me once, it has to do with a corrupted file where the socket file is suppose to be on your server.  contact your webhost, tell them it seems your sql socket file has been corrupted, this is what I did, they had to replace the file for it to connect again, I don't know if I am right or not, but I know this happened before, and I wasn't very happy about it, ask them to replace the socket file, back into the directory it's suppose to, and tell them if it's already there, to please overright it, with a new version(meaning make sure it works). Another thing is log into your web host control panle, if it's got a double module type setup meaning 1 place to create the database, one place to manage it, then I suggest going to where you create the database, and test it, they should have something there to test the database for bugs, if not the play this connect, and select scripts, see if you can even connect, if you can see if you can select the db, You can't ping if you aren't connected so that won't help, try also echoing mysql_error(); if someone hasn't told you to do that already, just to see if it gives a more specific error message.
  13. http://forums.invisionpower.com/lofiversion/index.php/t183068.html
  14. [quote]well #1 that i could see would be your query.. i highly doubt your table is named fags it's probably faqs[/quote] For some wierd reason, this was the funniest post, I have ever read since I have been here.
  15. After a lot of redoing, I am looking for some advice on my site just want to see what people think.  http://www.freelancebusinessman.com I am still working on some of the more advanced programmnig lately, but I only work on this in my spare time, so more of just trying to get some quick opinions, advice that might make a lot of things change for the better.
  16. I am going through this week and next redoing most of the things on that review, I was looking for advice for the images, I know I can pre-load in javascript, that will help load times, but they load slow as hell, someone mentioned compression, I have never done that before, how do you do it, I will do that on all the images.
  17. [quote]I'm sure you worked hard on the programming backend. However, the layout looks just like a pre-made blog template you get from downloading wordpress or other blogging scripts. Did you design the layout from scratch?[/quote] The layout was from a template.  I can do designs from scratch, my creativity is somewhat good now, but it's delayed, with creativity it takes awhile for it to kick in on something, so I use templates whenever possible, I don't really see anything wrong with the general design structure itself, yes the backend was a little strenious doing some of the calculations, but over all the programming was rather simple, some gateway pages, and login system, messaging system, are all pretty basic, because of the budget the lady was on. [quote]About the site, let's say I found a wallet with just $500 in it. Would I go to a real lost and found place? Or, would I go on a website and post about it, and then later receving 50 emails from people claiming it's their? How would that work? [/quote] That is something I wouldn't expect people to post about, but they could put a wallet up if they found a wallet or something, again this is for a client, so as far as this is concerned, it was her idea, her vision, I just put it down on the web, and update it, when she asks for something to be added, and when she get's money off of the site, I am going to start overhauling massive "basic" sections of it, and making the programming a lot more advanced, right now everything from there was created from scratch, except the forum, which I will be building in my spare time, because her forum needs for this site are going to be pretty basic. [quote]I'll just choose one page - http://www.elostandfound.info/therules.php Register here for ... certainly implies I should click something (like the word here, for example) except that it's not clickable. That's followed by tons of poorly worded and vaguely threatening prose and then Yes and No buttons. Yes or No what?  I guess it's asking if I agree to the 'Rules' but maybe it's not.[/quote] Do you have any suggestions on how I can change this, to make it better. [quote]The worst part is the prose itself.  It's awful: spelling errors, grammatical errors, syntax errors, and errors in sense.  And it's not organized in a particularly rational manner. It screams amateur.  If you're serious about this site, then invest some cash with a copywriter to rewrite it for you.  [/quote] I am not the best copywriter for other people, I was a writer for a little while, I like writing stories, but I don't feel the same drive when I do it for someone else, unless they have a bigger budget, I told her this, and she found a english student major, who was going to go over the entire gramatical aspect of the site and proofread it, so all the grammer, sentence structure and everything will eventually be under-going an entire rewrite. Any more advice/opinions would be greatly appreciated. [quote]It looks sort or bland, I'd kinda like to see some pictures of jewelry or pets on the front page and a cool looking logo would be nice. @the language thing: I'm not sure if English is your first language but there are definitely grammar issues.[/quote] as far as images/pictures, I might be able to do something about this now, that I have more photoshop experience, I haven't been doing graphic design itself for long, but I can probably start doing that, the next time I go through, I use these critiques boards because they are very helpful, on these kind of projects, that I do for free/next to nothing, or a portfolio builder, I only work on them in my absolute spare time, so everything that was mentioned will be worked on, changed the next time I work on the site.  [quote]I don't know if its a good idea to tell the user about the site needing to make money, that seems to tell me that "we're not really interested in the actual service, just the money we make off of it." I'm reading through some of your information and I'm getting REALLY bored. I'd like to see some of the sections cut down to 1 sentance if applicable. Like the Blue box on every page.[/quote] The next time I have free time and go over more of the site, I will definitely take that into consideration, luckily I have that blue box as an include, I will be changing that to what you suggested later.
  18. Can you re-critique this website, I did quite a few new things to it, I moved almost all the whitespace from the top by re-working the system, I put the programmatical stuff in with the layout, like the pages that return feedback from forms and everything.  I am looking for a whole nother critique, if someone(people) have the time, I would appreciate any advice, positive/negative, or criticism or anything of that nature.  I had a pretty good criticism about it earlier, and when I redid a lot of what was brought it, so I am hoping someone can un-cover some other things now, thank you. mod edit: a little more user-friendly -> http://www.elostandfound.info/
  19. Yes crop was something I noticed, I appreciate the help, thanks.
  20. I have an image, with a white background and text in the middle, it's set up to the point where the whole thing is an image.  I  need to cut some off the top and bottom of the image to make it smaller, without touching the text itself, is there a way I can chop off just sections of an image, or no, if so how?
  21. It's basically one of the easiest languages to learn.  However it runs slow, for instance, as just one example if you look at the pricing engine on amerisave.com and look at one of the ones on another mortgage website done in asp.  Then when we are done, with the one in php, the only one I have seen in php, once our pricing engine is done, take a look at the speed, when they do practically the same thing.  it is like a 45 second difference atleast, it is nothing compared to the 2 primary programming languages but it's fun.
  22. I think it looks a lot better than it did. I think that you might want to consider ober's advice too, I mean it is very basic, it is very unprofessional.  I don't know if you intended to make it look professional originally or not.  So far compared to what you had, it looks very good. if you wanted basic, and you didn't care whether it looked professional or not, then it's a good site. If however you wanted it to be professional, maybe you can make some other changes, like fixing up the colors, again as ober said, those colors don't match. But I don't see a big problem with it, do the best you can with it, see wha telse you can come up with on it, almost anything could improve on it, you already have considerably from the first time I saw it.
  23. I hate that website. 1.  Everything is moving, all at the same time, all over hte screen. 2.  Flash is good but what you have done is just borderline annoying. 3.  It is the slowest loading site, I have ever encountered in my entire life.
  24. You can make the header sections, and top of elements a darker color(of the same type), That would kill most of the boring little.
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