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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. I like the site except for 1. On the homepage that image looks wierd. 2. http://www.iforgotagain.com/contactus.htm That is redulious, you need to have a contact form, this is a new century, nobody likes having to wait for there client to open, or there third party system.  It's best to have a contact form, plus show your email if you want, but this is outdated. 3. I think your navigation is very messy, over on the left hand side you have all your external links, normally the left hand is suppose to be navigation but it gets annoying getting taken to another page for every click, you might want to put something about that, saying external links, or links to favorite sites, something to tell people they are going to another page or something, or something in the title tag, just something to prevent that. 4. I love the color scheme 5.  Some of the content itself is laid out a little sloppily. 6. https://www.ezies.com/secure/index.html I think the navigation on the left side of that page is clunky, and is not formed right, huge spaces where there shouldn't be, real hard to work your way around the site. 7. The site is farthest from user friendly I have ever seen. 8. The random style changes, and navigation changes throughout your own pages of your site, are too sporadic, too annoying, and too hard to tell where your going and where you have been.
  2. I fixed the images, and resized them again, now I did some more changes, I will still work on some of that huge list later on, when I get more time for another update. All ideas would help, that big review will help a lot
  3. Actually that would probably be quite easy.  Set up a simple ajax application, it'll take the xml data, and display it on the screen in a div, then copy and paste that data, as a formatted data manually into the database.  As far as feeding the database xml data automatically, yes that's possible too. http://rpbouman.blogspot.com/2006/03/importing-xml-data-into-mysql-using.html http://www.devshed.com/c/a/MySQL/Using-Navicat-to-Import-Data-into-MySQL/ So if you know xml, mysql, php, and how to run some simple third party scripts(assuming your xml is formatted right, and is validateable, then yes it would be quite easy to convert the information over into mysql.
  4. The only default I messed with is the one allowing the cookie to stay planted after the browser is closed.  It does but it's destroying my session file before the cookie does. Also if you still have that rant you were typing, I would like to see it, it might be more helpful than you thought if you have it somewhere.
  5. I did I told them to go ahead, and they send me that and charlotte_sans.tff or something, I went font haywire after finding this out.  But there copy of charlotte.tff or something was invalid, or a corrupt installation, I saw somewhere how to do it, instead of drag and drop I went there and tried to install it, one of the did, the other was corrupt, so she is getting the original file from her client and sending it to me, I love photoshop and graphic design more than I thought, It'll still take me awhile to become good at it, but I am getting a lot better.
  6. I was going to put this in php, but I think it belongs here I am wanting to start writing php programs and scripts.  Not like anything really advanced yet, just small things that end up taking awhile. For instance I am going to go ahead and build a database, of all the states, cities, and zipcode, and refernece them so it's infallible.  I know it'll take some monitering over time as assume cities, states, zipcode probably occassionally change around when areas expand.  But I am creating a pretty advanced one.  I was thinking, I would have on my site, a special place where I sell programs, I say what it does, what it's for and how it's used, and provide some sort of documentation.  I have someone pay me through paypal, then they can get to the page to download the database, and scripts, and instruction manual after that.  I was wondering what is the price most programs or scripts are sold for.  For instance like 29.99 per download, or 5 bucks, or 10 bucks, or do they sell them for a couple of hundred, I am just looking for general direction.
  7. I actually have a few questions and one problem on sessions, I am getting a lot more advanced with sessions, it won't be long before I start playing with custom session handling but not yet. First I will ask a few questions, then bring up my problems. [b]Questions[/b] 1.  I know there are multiple choices for saving state, sessions, cookies, and other things.  I have my website over at freelancebusinessman.com and I am trying to set up some ideas.  So far right now I have a administration page wired throughout the whole site, allowing me to do various things on it, and access various areas other people can't like: personal files, code I reuse that I created, tutorials that I am building, ex cetera. I use sessions for that, what happens if I wanted to add another system into the site, like wanted to start selling something, or allowing a members only section, I don't want them intermingled do I.  Or should I use cookies for my admin sections, and sessions for user logins, or just use different session areas.  Or if I create member sections can I create the member login wherever, but have it take them to another folder.  Like if I had a folders called members, and that was where I kept all my member information, then I had a php.ini file put int here with session information woudl it be different.  Would the sessions be saved in 2 different file locations, one for the rest of my site, and one for that one folder.  I might have multiple login areas eventually.  See I will always have the admin area, I will just increase it and make it bigger and bigger, throughout the entire site, even the other member areas.  BUt I might eventually have 6-9 different member related pages, but all of those pages might require different signup's with different logins, and completely different systems.  For instance(JUST EXAMPLES), say I first start off having a link leading to a login for selling templates, it's an entire system, they have to sign up to gain access, then they get into the area, where I sell or give away templates or somethign similar.  This link to the sectionw ould be on my homepage or something.  Then I might have aother link going to another members section that has a form I create as a test, but they have to register, and login seperately.  Then I have another link on my homepage going to another page, called playground.  Like I create an open source playground area for people to play with various languages while theya re learning.  But you have to register and sign in seperately, from the other sections.  THen I might have over here on the homepage another link that takes you to a test thing I am creating to sell auctions things like on ebay, if I wanted to create a test program to see how it goes, but thato ne required another registration and login.  And on and on, and so forth, but kept buildigng other member sections( I am not sure what all I amgoign to do with my site), but throughout all of the site, including all of these area's I still have my administration system, I login once and get administration access through the entire site, so far using sessions.  How would I set up each of these sections of the site differently, I know I can create a different databsae for each section, because some might have messaging systems, then I know all of that, but how will I handle login, with each of these member areas, all on the same domain, essentially all the same website, just different sections of the website. [b]Problem[/b] This was just something I was having a problem with, on my administration login, I have session_start(); on every page, everything runs smoothly, but the session keeps dying very quickly and i have the number of seconds to a very, very high number, I think it's killing my session file itself prematurely, because I know the cookie is still there, I see it trying to string the thing onto the url automatically, but for some reason after awhile it doesn't stay logged in, does it have something to do with my garbage collection, here's my php.ini file that show's this. [quote][Session] session.save_handler      = files  ; handler used to store/retrieve data session.save_path        = /tmp    ; argument passed to save_handler                                     ; in the case of files, this is the                                     ; path where data files are stored session.use_cookies      = 1      ; whether to use cookies session.name              = PHPSESSID                                      ; name of the session                                     ; is used as cookie name session.auto_start        = 0      ; initialize session on request startup session.cookie_lifetime  = 31536000      ; lifetime in seconds of cookie                                     ; or if 0, until browser is restarted session.cookie_path      = /      ; the path the cookie is valid for session.cookie_domain    =        ; the domain the cookie is valid for session.serialize_handler = php    ; handler used to serialize data                                     ; php is the standard serializer of PHP session.gc_probability    = 1      ; percentual probability that the                                     ; 'garbage collection' process is started                                     ; on every session initialization session.gc_maxlifetime    = 6000    ; after this number of seconds, stored                                     ; data will be seen as 'garbage' and                                     ; cleaned up by the gc process session.referer_check    =        ; check HTTP Referer to invalidate                                     ; externally stored URLs containing ids session.entropy_length    = 0      ; how many bytes to read from the file session.entropy_file      =        ; specified here to create the session id ; session.entropy_length    = 16 ; session.entropy_file      = /dev/urandom session.cache_limiter    = nocache ; set to {nocache,private,public} to                                     ; determine HTTP caching aspects session.cache_expire      = 180    ; document expires after n minutes session.use_trans_sid    = 1      ; use transient sid support if enabled                                     ; by compiling with --enable-trans-sid [MSSQL] ;extension=php_mssql.dll mssql.allow_persistent = On ; allow or prevent persistent link mssql.max_persistent = -1 ; maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit mssql.max_links = -1 ; maximum number of links (persistent+non persistent).  -1 means no limit mssql.min_error_severity =[/quote]
  8. Ah so charlotte itself isn't going to be a free font at all?
  9. for 20 hours that price is good.
  10. charlotte.ttf what does the ttf stand for.  Can I just allways search somefont.tff and always get to see if it's a free downloadable font or not??
  11. So for that one I am probably going to have to buy them somewhere, where do you buy your font's at.
  12. I finally found the font style but I don't even have it for photoshop, why doesn't photoshop come with charlotte, is there a way to get it from somewhere.
  13. http://www.clickoninteriors.com/index_test.php I got everything finished and uploaded, I did it the same, but the pic onthe left looks great, but on the right, those red lines there, they look funny, and broken, is there a way I can fix this using photoshop.
  14. Ah thanks I will look at that, and use that as an example, thanks again.
  15. Ok, thanks I appreciate it.  Thanks
  16. Nothing is seeming to work, I ever tried copying and pasting the section from the other layer.  Then I paste it, and instead of putting it int he layer with the text like I want it creates an entire new layer.  then if I try to merge them it's grayed out,w hy the hell is everything keep getting grayed out.  I have learnt a lot but I am stuck, does anyone know how to create a circle, give it a border of a specific width and color.  I can create a selection for the circle, then do that modify border to 1 thing, then that's as far as I can get, I just need to learn the process, I am learning my way around new software, plus general graphic design, I have learnt a lot but I am stuck on this part, anybody, have any advice, if you do thanks
  17. Now I noticed that during the selection when I modify- border- 1px, it's selecting the border, then I realized fill should fill the border, but why is everything that I need grayed out, first stroke, now the fill is greyed out I can't even fill it, what's going on?
  18. Any more advice, the only 2 things I need help with are 1. It won't let me color the border 2. I think stroke has to do with coloring the border, but stroke is grayed out for some reason? Thanks for all the help so far.
  19. somehow I found out where I need to be, it's called stroke, but no matter what I seem to do, the option is always grayed out, when it's selected or using either tool.
  20. I was using the eclipse tool, but I started using the eliptical marquee tool and it gives me more freedom I think I am on the right track, but it still won't let me create the border, and it won't plant the creation onto the screen.
  21. yes it's not letting me 1. Creating the border 2. It seems it's still selected, doesn't it have to go from selected state, over to placed state or something, because if I do everything you siad so far, and click deselect, it completely dissappears, it seems all it was, after all was just a selection, I am getting there but any guidance would be appreciated, I got a crash course in graphic design by doing this project, and I am getting a lot better at it than I was.
  22. I got everything to work, and I learnt a lot about this as I went, so it's appreciated.  I set the border sized, picked a color, and I learnt the whole process.  The only thing I can't get to work is the color to fill in for the border, I select 1 px, then select a color, but alt backspace doesn't work, what is the direct command that get's it to do that, thanks a lot for all the help so far, I have learnt a lot.
  23. Ah, I saw a bunch of options I didn't know about, I got to where I can actually create the circle, as a selection, but for some reason it's 1. Not putting it on my layer 2. Now allowing me to modify it 3. When I go out of viewing that specific layer, it's still there, the circular selection, it's like it didn't place it on a layer
  24. It's not letting me modify, I use one of the tools it automatically creates a huge circle, if I use the other it creates one, and colors it, but doesn't let me modify, and when I select it, it won't let me modify
  25. I found 2 things Eclipse Tool- it let's me define the size of the circle, but it only fills the inside of it with the specified colors and not the border instead, then there's the elliptical marquee tool- It would let me select a circle then I could just make the border the specified color, the thing is, it's got a predefined size I can't seem to change, when I click the mouse, or try to drag the mouse it automatically creates a circle everytime of the same size, that size ends up being quite large.  It's  larger circle I need a smaller circle, any advice?
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