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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. That was what I was attempting to do, those are all the steps needed to do what you said, as far as inserting data, if you need examples, just show table information, and ask me what you need, I can give you some copy and paste code, look at each function, break them down, learn how to use each function and what they do, the sql statements are straightforward, let those come naturall, if you tackle the sql without knowing how the php comes together around that you end up learning 3 things instead of 2, for now focus on the basics, I can provide you with the sql you need to do what you need, play with them and learn how to do the php functions first, get a good feel for the order of how they go, basic entering data, inserting, updating, ex cetera some you will probably never need but there good to know, like creating a database, or table through php, the table you might need, just tell me what you are focusing on, and when and when I check my email again, I will check the post and come and see if I can help you sort it out and slowly catch on.  It will only take you a few days to learn the basics, if you have a helping hand.
  2. [quote]Programming PHP version 1 or 2 Php in a nutshell [/quote] they are books that will ahve everything you need to know, if not here is an online more indepth version. http://www.hudzilla.org/phpbook/read.php/12_0_0 There is nothing you can't find out about the subject there. I can't help with anything specific because I haven't started on that yet, but that should point you in the right direction, the books I listed give all the functions for use with xml in php, and everything about them, how to use them all, and how to combine them together to do different things.
  3. look up update, alter, or insert Quick run over, there are 3 elements to a basic query the php query the mysql query and then getting the data ready to display you create a variable with then line, for instance if you are just inserting a new row table name is userinfo columns are username password and email [code]$instert = "INSERT username, password, email INTO userinfo VALUES $username, $password, $email;"; // then you query the database, this is the basis for all database work $query = mysql_query($insert); // see it runs the query into the database. // doing whatever commands you instructed it to do // if you were just inserting data, on a basic level, that's all you really need.  If you were // trying to select the data, you would do the same thing, but you have to get that first // then youw ould use SELECT at the beginning and specify what to select.  // then you would run that through below. // then you have another command, that doesn't really DO anything, but return as a result the number of row //Mostly just for listing the number of rows that you found, if you wanted to do that. $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($query); //if it found 10 rows, the $num_rows would now contain the number 10 and so forth, if it didn't find any it returns 0 //thereby also returning false. //in php 0=false //which you probably already knew //now if you wanted to get it formatted //you use while, or foreach foreach($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { //statements } //Or while //foreach and while seem mostly the same, but they function a little differently, if it doesn't work right with one try it //on another, I tried running while before, couldn't get it to work, so defaulted to foreach, and vice versa, it has //happened a few times, fi you need any more advice just ask.[/code]
  4. I am thinking he left those off to avoid showing people, but if not then that's the problem, another thing, the @ symbol, I am not sure if I am 100% correct, but during one of my questions wildteen said it was best not to use that for live websites, I have been avoiding it ever since, just some advice, that and die, I was told are good to use during testing phases, and building, but change it when the site goes live, atleast that was the advice I was given. also if you echo mysql_error() like echo mysql_error(); after each call during creation 90% of the time it will give you detailed explanations it might say you did not choose a password or no username was listed or could not select database or something specific giving you a better idea on where to launch your search at.
  5. I know that mod-rewrite is done in htaccess right. I tried running a script awhile back to automatically redirect everyone that goes to the server over to https, it did not work, well it did partially, we have 4 domain names .info, .biz, .us and it was messing up on the biz, with a server error, the guy at my webhost, checked with there tech, and he said that I was using mod-rewrite the wrong way, it's not for that, what exactly is it for, is there a way at all for me to set up an automatic redirect, I need to be able to automatically redirect ANYONE going to www.elostandfound.info www.elostandfound.biz www.elostandfound.us and .com, and .net when we get them there all on the same web host plan, all under the same account, and all in the same place.  I have a link there, but I am wanting to remove the links, and force people to always be on a secure connection. Advice is there a way for me to do it with apache, I know this is an apache section so I have to ask in general, if not apache then what about php, or whatever else, without conflicting or causing search engine issues.  Thanks. 
  6. ah, thanks for the information/advice/grammer correction.  From now on I will say generally speaking.  Thanks for all the advice, and thanks for all the info on those different character types i am going to look up all those you mentioned andy, and see what they all mean, some of those i have never heard before.  Thanks.
  7. Ok, I have seen this before but it's a little new.  As far as generalistically speaking, what would happen, if I started replacing every letter of every sentence with these, like in my text, because there is one for each letter, and number as well, is this good practice, I have never seen it used before, I also see some people just replace '.,;/] or whatever symbols with those, but some people don't I never have what is the best route for me to take with this ascii characters?
  8. [code] [/code] This is something I have known for awhile, it helps me a lot, it does a lot for me.  When there is an element that continues to disappear when I leave nothing in it, for instance a colored block, this fills it with something making it visible, when I need to quickly indent text, this indents it for me, it has a lot of other nifty uses.  What I want to know is, what is it.  This whole time I saw it on some people's pages, I used it ever since, without really ever knowing what it is, what to call it, what it's true purpose is, if it was deprecated or not, or what.  I was wondering about this because it's been my friend for awhile, and it's time I found out who he was. S hould I stop using this or does everyone, is it deprecated, what is it exactly, can it be found on wikipedia somewhere if I figured out the name.
  9. Actually this is what I was wondering, what should i use for height, width, resolution, in pixels of a photoshop work area.  I need something I can use as a beginner, eventually when I learn how to do what I am wanting to do, i can start playing with it more, and learning more, and even trying out new things, I want to learn 4 essential abilities right now, doing layouts in photoshop, buttons, logos, banners, and "light" photo manipulation for now, until I have time to take on larger tasks, and learning higher, I still need to start studying ajax, and flash, so I want to get photoshop down first, atleast the software portion, and start learning what I can about other stuff.
  10. [quote]stay fixed width, or scale to the screen size.[/quote] What do you mean exactly, I know fluid, 100% fluid is pretty hard to do, I know it has to do with the website formatting to whatever the browser size is, so a bar at the bottom never appears, a scrollbar, it is setup so a scrollbar at hte bottom never needs to appear.  So what do you mean, what are the differences between those 2, I am still a beginner at photoshop, and layout, I realized that now, and I am studying starting with doing photoshop layouts, first cuts of the site, but I need to learn how, so I can do the coding, as well.  Any side advice would be helpful as well.,
  11. I had a few general questions If I was doing website layout plans in photoshop, how big should my screen be, for instance, how many pixels wide and tall, or atleast width should I formulate to plan for my website. As far as layout is concerned this could help me get started quite a bit.
  12. exact same thing just change all the my's to po's or pg I think it is
  13. 2 options convert all that html information into databased information or use php scripts, as bots.  Create a bunch of bots to data harvest, and index your site everytime someone searches, to try and find an occurence of whatever they search for, but getting this advanced, return url's stuff has to be in a database, unless the url's are on your site, and I can't help you with bots, I have 1 bot expert that works for me, but he costs quite a bit.,
  14. You have no choice but to have the affiliates put that in the database.  You just have a database full of all the accepted codes, have your affiliates feed you the code, or whoever, when they get it enter it into a database, then only the codes in the database, will allow access.
  15. actually that was what I was looking for, how to cycle through them all and see what they contain, I am wanting to play with the Enviroment Request Session and server variables and I was looking for that up there, I tried var_dump and print_r thanks for the advice
  16. Alright then I will go with the standard way for now, after I do a few sites using that, and get a little more well rounded, then I will start working on dealing with things afterwards.  And trying to do what I can about starting setting up my own Session Handling, this project isn't paying enough, and I need the basics, before I can jump to intermediate and advanced sessions.
  17. Alright 1. If I just go with straight original sessions. I use session_start() at the top of every page, I set my sessions with the stuff I want. At the top of each name below that I put if whatever and password protect the page, does session_start() set an id automatically.  basically is there anything at all I need to do to set an id, or to retrieve an id from a cookie, if I am just using standard cookies for the id's and files for hte session save locations. 2. Now if I decided to use databases, is it like an alternative to cookies, do they like save the session id's in the database, and the session information in the files, I was wanting sessions to save normally but maybe save session id's in a database, so people don't have to have cookies enabled, because unfortunately a large part of our population doesn't use cookies. 3. If I store all session information in the database, and session id then is there anything special I need to keep in mind, or anything extra I have to do to retrieve session information 4.  if I can and do store teh sessions in a file, and hte id's in a database, do I need to do anything more to retrieve the session id from teh database than I would need to do to retrieve it from a cookie 5.  Which is better/easier/more secure.
  18. Ok I know everything I need to know about basic sections, I already found out about having to use session_start(); and it having to be the first line, I found out about session_register() being deprecated, and that you should instead use $_SESSION['variablename'] = "whatever here"; permanently instead of session register. I know how to check to see if a session is registered.  I have a few quick questions now, what about session id's do I need to do anything with them, if so what.  Should I go ahead and just do it with cookies, or do you think I should use a database, can I still use a database, and have the same affect, I just basically need a few pointed fingers.
  19. Ok that was what I don't understand then, how do I overcome the issue, do I use the exact same salt for every single password, like salt it with $salt = brcca for instance, just something random, or a big word, or sentence or something, then when I hash the other password for comparison, then I wuold just use the exact same salt, and if used with the same salt for all the passwords, it will work them all correctly right. I just need hash, get inputted password, hash, then match them up, which is all fine and good, I just want to make sure the salt, using the same oen over and over again, will always have a 100% compared affect.  Unlike the stupid crypt() function, that is totally off.
  20. alright perfect thanks, do you ever use sha1 or other types, and what about salt, I have seen a lot about using salt, is there a purpose?
  21. I am a little confused on how to hash, and there's not tutorials on it, if I pick salts and I forget what the salt is for each one, I will lose them, the same way with key handling.  Sha1, Hash, mdhash, how do I hash them then compare the passwords up against the hash after I get the input from the form?
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